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American Fire Service: A Case Study

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The fire service has a long-standing history and tradition of providing on the job training in an informal setting whether it is at the firehouse, training ground, or fire ground. While this SPM process may have been good enough a decade or two ago, the American fire service is being redefined and are amid of a leadership vacuum as baby boomers retire, and an influx of new generation firefighters attempt to fill some enormous shoes in a dynamic service. FEMA (2000) wrote that “succession planning is an organized and systematic way to ensure that employees in a particular organization are capable, competent, and willing to replace and succeed to strategic roles within the organization” (p. SM 6-3).
It is crucial for agencies to have a system in place to ensure that new managers succeed and therefore strategically move the organization to succeed. FEMA (2015) wrote there are keys to successful succession planning and includes:
1) Focused training and development of identified individuals.
2) Stay realistic about expectations and future roles.
3) Measure outcomes, not processes.
4) Keep it simple (p. SM 9-18). The keystones of an SPM plan should include the following five components:
1. Replacement Pool
The SPM process begins by identifying a group of individuals as potential prospects for promotions. To discover …show more content…
d.). The process needs to be made transparent to all staff, so all employees understand how they are performing and what will be required for them to reach the next step (Page Up People, n. d.). The SPM is a process which is dynamic and therefore needs constant monitoring and evaluation to ensure employees remain on task as well as the process remains relevant to meet the needs of the organization (Page Up People, n. d.; Seniwoliba,

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