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Pros And Cons Of Obamacare

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On October 12, 2017, President Trump would sign an executive order in regards to Obamacare that would halt payments to insurance companies in addition to severely hampering the functionality of the Affordable Care Act. The reason for this is to provide cheaper health care plans for the American people by having plans that will have very specific coverage under association health plans. However, association health plans present the risk of possible legal disputes in addition to providing inferior coverage compared to the ones offered under the Affordable Care Act. Although this is a highly controversial decision made by President Trump, only time will tell if this health care plan will work better than the one created by his predecessor; Barack Obama.

Connection to AP Government/ Constitution: This is connected to United States Constitutions because it highlights an exclusive power of the president, executive orders. Although subject to contention, the basis of executive orders is widely agreed to be found in Article 2, Section 1 and 3 of the Constitution, where it would vest the president “executive power” so that they can “take care that the laws be faithfully executed.”. This would give President Trump the authority to pass legal …show more content…
However, with both houses of Congress being controlled by the Republican president, with Donald Trump being their presidential candidate, the actual possibility that the article will advance in the House are highly unlikely. As a result, the only real possibility that president trump will be impeached will depend on the results of the presidential investigation that is currently underway. The primary reason that such articles were introduced in the first placer were due to Trump’s response in regards to NFL players kneeling during the national anthem to raise awareness of racial

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