...English 1301 07/09/10 The debate of whether college athletes receive special treatment has been an ongoing issue for decades now. College is a very difficult task to complete, especially when trying to balance both sports and academics. With that being said, education should be their main priority. College athletes should have all of the same responsibilities as non-athletes as far as academics are concerned. So should college athletes be exempt from normal class? The athletics department is considered to be one of the most revenue making departments in many colleges. Therefore student athletes are many times allowed special treatment with regard to minimum school requirements. While I do understand that athletics are a very important part of the college experience, it should not be the main priority. The priority of a college is to provide students the opportunity to earn not just a degree but a skill that will help them to succeed in the real world. The cost of living is very high and just keeps getting higher, for a person to be competitive in todays job market it is almost necessary to have a college degree. The number of athletes that actually turn professional are few. Most athletes don’t go pro after college so they should make academics their number one priority in order to get the full educational experience. Those that do make it to pro are at high risk career ending injuries on a daily basis. That is why it is really important that student athletes be encouraged...
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...2016 College: Is It Really Worth It? The American Collegiate System has various pros and cons that many young adults in America have come to either admire or despise. One of the main controversial focus points within this system is the cost and quality of education within American systems. America has been known to have the most expensive collegiate system when compared to any other system around the world. Although many individuals believe that a college education is a prerequisite for being able to receive financial stability and health, is it really worth the thousands of dollars worth of debt an years worth of time? In America, there are countless job possibilities that are available to accommodate every individual’s interests. Although there may be numerous jobs available for everyone, there are costly consequences. In today’s modern workforce, the majority of jobs require individuals to obtain a degree, that relates to the job, to ensure they are educated and aware of the specific requirements that the job entails. According to an article written by Alicia C. Shepard, “College is no longer a prestigious milestone, but a consumer product”. Shepard stated that many college students are not attending college to learn, but are there in hopes to receive “their money’s worth” of high GPAs and test scores to help them achieve their desired degree (“College Education”). The Huffington Post states that the majority of young adults are taught to believe that a college education...
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...and inform people of our location. These are all excellent things if they are used in the positive light of social networking, but how often are they not? Teenagers are now using these sites to harass and bully peers online. They also leave doors open for adult predators and identity theft. There has been research on the effects of social networking in teens that closely link them to low grades, psychological and social problems, and not being as active which leads them to being overweight. Statistics show that about 75% of teenagers have cell phones, which raises the question “Are we aware of what our teens are posting online”? There are many pros to our children using social media but we as parents have a duty to protect them. We must be good role models and be aware of privacy issues and concerns. There are advancement’s in today’s technology that make it easy for our children to network and stay in touch with their peers. Children who are not likely to socialize the traditional way because of shyness and social anxiety can use their PC’s to communicate with others. Children that have disabilities that prevent them from going out are still able to keep in contact with the outside world. Kids join groups with kids that have similar lifestyles and interest. They can converse with others that share the same religious beliefs, culture, hobbies, and many other things that they may have in common. Social networking also keeps...
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...Affirmative Action is the encouragement of increased representation of women and minority group members, in employment. It has been commonly referred to as a positive discrimination policy or program designed to counter discrimination against minority groups and women in areas such as employment and education (dictionary.com). “Pro” position There are several reasons to justify Affirmative Action. It was developed to assist society’s less-advantaged members by promoting affirmative action policies is to remedy the effects of past discrimination. Along with the use of the Affirmative Action policy there is the recognition that wrongs have been committed in the past and acknowledgment that there is a moral obligation to set things right (pros and cons). African Americans are not the only, or even the main beneficiaries of affirmative action. There are a wide range of groups that have benefited from Affirmative Action. Some of the groups include women, Native Americans, Arab Americans, Latino/as, Asian Americans, and African Americans. According to the United States Department of Labor, it found that white women are the primary beneficiaries of affirmative action (aapf.org). “Con” position The opposing view point states that it is reverse discrimination. Those opposed of affirmative action do not contest the moral obligation to remediate past harm. Their objection lies with the remedial policies is frequently centered on the claim that specific affirmative action policies...
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...Furthering your education beyond high school is very important and much needed in today’s society. But, when is the right time to go to college? Is it immediately after graduating high school or later in life? Having a degree can impact your income and career path in a positive way. Both can be beneficial and challenging to a person. The choice is solely based upon the student’s determination and dedication to succeed at receiving their degree. Nowadays, colleges are made up of students of all ages and back grounds that have chosen the right time to obtain their college degree. When you continue your education following high school you are more likely to follow the traits that you had in regards to studying and homework. As a student who attends school later in life it may not have that discipline and find it hard to stay focused and the information that you may have obtained earlier in life may be forgotten. The amount of information you are taught can be harder to retain when you take the time off opposed to an individual who has continued their education with no time off. Also when you are a younger learner you have less responsibilities and more support emotionally and financially from your loved ones....
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...College Isn’t for Everyone. Let’s Stop Pretending It Is. by Michael Petrilli gives readers a look at how there are some students that may not benefit from a college education. He writes that the current school of thought is that communities should be preparing all students for college success, whether it be four-year or other post-secondary degree; therefore, the very last thing that should be told to students graduating high school is that they may not succeed in a college setting, even if that were true. He asks, “What if encouraging students to take a shot at the college track – despite very long odds of crossing its finish line – does them more harm than good?” If a student is way behind in reading and math when they graduate high school, they are less likely to succeed where they are expected to succeed in college level courses. “We shouldn’t force anyone into that route, but we also shouldn’t guilt kids with low odds of college success—regardless of their race or class—to keep trudging through...
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...degree was established in 1958 (Hood & Leddy, 2006). BSN students are required to attend 4 years of college education, mostly given at colleges or universities, and on the other hand ADN students are required to attend 3 years of a community college nursing program (AANC, 2011). These variations in the years of education create differences in competences between BSN and ADN. Some variations include critical thinking, decision making, problem solving, and ethical reasoning. Both, ADN and BSN prepared nurses sit for the same licensure examination (Taylor, 2008). According to Lane & Kohlenberg (2010), “Baccalaureate education provides nurses with critical thinking for complex patients and opportunities for leadership, professional mobility, and advancement, this does not mean associate degree nurses are unimportant” (p. 220). Associate degree nurses demonstrate the critical role in nursing (Lane & Kohlenberg, 2010).They continued by adding that through building onto the fundamentals of Associate degree education, emphasis on research, social and physical sciences, and management of community health; The Baccalaureate education provides nurses with opportunities and knowledge. These provisions deliver the best outcomes and advance the discipline of nursing which will suit today’s changing healthcare system (Lane & Kohlenberg, 2010, p 220). The Baccalaureate nursing education is highly encouraged since the health care system is continuing to grow and expand. As the technology...
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...awareness to some of the areas in which the statement , "Home-schooled" children are more advanced than children attending public schools, are supportive. Interest in this topic mainly are generated due to the decline in the public school system. As a parent of a current ninth grader I am saddend by the issues that children have to deal with in order to receive public education. Home schooling is defined as, ‘an education that is provided outside a ‘normal' school environment’. This type of education has undergone numerous debates, raising questions as to whether or not it is an effective educational program. Many people are equally divided between the pros and the cons, with people arguing that home schooling offers many benefits for children and others arguing that it affects children’s social skills and education. If the opportunity arose home schooling is an option I would consider home schooling for my current student. Acamdemic Schedule Home school students learning environments are more structured for the individual student. This is a comfortability level that can not be offered in public school. One of the pros of home schooling is its controlled environment. More personalized attention allows the student to focus on the core subjects, reading and writing. Children that are taught at home tend to have stronger relationships with their parent/parents. At home also, the curriculum can be geared to fit the individuals need. The child can spend more time on what they need...
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...to 2010. What is the big difference in online versus traditional education? “Each student learns differently and in today's era of increasing technology, the question will not be whether to offer classes online, but rather how to implement them,” says Allison Hiltz, a former online and traditional education student who writes for The Book Wheel Blog. There are several options when it comes to online or traditional education degrees. The platform offers everything from certificates and diplomas to more advanced degree options such as an associate or bachelor’s degree. With constant changes in technology from all different degree programs, let’s take a look at the advantages to an online versus traditional education and examine how each type of education impacts you as a student. The job market has become much more competitive in the last few years. As companies cut back on labor to stay in business, education has become extremely important for employees who want to be more competitive in their current positions or want to transition into a new career. The level of competition for good jobs has made obtaining a certification or degree an absolute necessity. More people are returning to school than ever before. Many are choosing to obtain degrees online while others are returning to the campus to further their education. So which option is better? Let’s explore the pros and cons of both. Traditional Education The traditional learning experience consists of attending classes...
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...Many people today question our education system. Many more of them will question education like colleges being worth it. With today’s job market and the cost to go to college, you might think it is not. A lot people in our society view higher education as an investment that will payoff in the long run but many others would tell you that you are just wasting time and money. The reason why colleges and university are worth the four plus years and the high cost of tuition is because of the amount of money you can make afterwards. An article written by Catherine Rampell can help you see the advantages of receiving a degree from an institution. She showed that of the American earning more then $150,000, 82 percent of them carried a bachelor’s degree. Only 6.5 percent of those Americans who earned at least $150,000 did not receive a high school diploma and around 7 percent did have a diploma. This illustrates the need for more people to go to college to receive a degree because it will get them a job that will increase their income by 20 to 30 thousand dollars. In the long run, this can affect your standard of living. With that extra cash you would be making, you can pay off your college debt which a lot of people are saying is out of control and one of the reasons college is not worth it. The bigger picture is that you can payoff the college debt in the first five years and then use that money to pay for a new car or a bigger house. This is the reason why the standards...
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...Compulsory National Service Compulsory national service has been a major debate topic for the past few years now. This means mandatory service would be required for all Americans graduating from high school today. There are pros and cons on both sides of the argument that hold weight and make valid points, but after doing the research and viewing both sides I have to agree that the pros outweigh the cons. Compulsory service will get our country back on its feet, and can bring unity to this wonderful country we call home, for that reason we need to act now and require a two year stint of national service. To begin, there are many Americans who are against compulsory national service they believe that it would impact teens from moving on to college...
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...The Effect of Technology on Education Abstract In this argument essay I hope to point out and give some feedback on the pros and cons of the effects of technology on educations. That by incorporating technology into our schools would and could make us stronger and more up to speed with surrounding countries. The Effects of Technology on Education The topic of the effects of technology on students is a concern for teachers, school officials, parents, and students. Everyone wants to know if technology is really going to help our children learn more, and truly make a difference in the way teaching is currently being done in the classrooms. What will it cost to bring in technology, and can it be afforded without breaking the wallets of the parents and schools? Can technology help bring education back to life in our children’s lives, where they want to go to school and actually be there? We need to acknowledge that with technology many things can be achieved in education for all ages, grade levels, and countries. The educational system is much different from when we were in grammar school. Kindergarten is no longer about learning the basic skills of numbers, letters, shapes and colors; it has become a first grade level education. Our children now have to know the basics to be in kindergarten; and to be able to move on to first grade they have to be reading, doing basic math and writing. The schoolwork that is being asked of our children now is different, and more demanding...
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...Will the Web Kill Colleges? The argument presented in “Will the Web Kill Colleges?” discusses the changing of traditional colleges over online colleges by using the internet as the main source of contact and interaction. A few points are made in the article that stands out. Such as, there is an overwhelmingly high demand of cheaper college in today’s economy and that the internet is become a preferred method of completing a degree. The method in which redundancies can be removed is also discussed. As well as, how online colleges offer a varied range of classes, which satisfies learners choosing to go to school. The key point of Teachout’s argument is whether or not the Web will kill Colleges. According to the author Zephyr, “undergraduate education is on the verge of a radical reordering” (Chaffee, p.91, para 2). Zephyr states that colleges will be torn apart by the Internets new ways of sharing information. Classes are slowly changing from an in class setting to an online setting that may become permanent over the next 15 years. The author also states “colleges are becoming more virtual” (Chaffee, p.91, para 3). Traditional Colleges will experience a decline in enrollment and since they are depending on tuition this will hurt them tremendously. You don’t have to be in a classroom to do research, ask questions and receive lectures to gain a full learning experience. “The funding of academic research, the culture of the academy and the institution of tenure are all threatened”...
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...The Effects of Social Networking Sites to the Study Habits of the Students A Term Paper Presented to Prof. Ma. Lorena T. Ramos of the English Department San Beda College Mendiola, Manila In Partial Fulfilment of the Requirements for Business Communication & Research Philip John S. Sotto Angel Jean B. Evite Christian Allen C. Marte Shaira Nicole M. Espolong Kyle Xaviery Alcos March 10, 2015 Topic: The Effects of Social Networking Sites to the Study Habits of the Students of 1AMC SY 2014-2015 in San Beda College Title: The Effects of Social Networking Sites to the Study Habits of the Students Statement of the Problem: The Researchers aimed to describe the behaviour & attitude of the students in contrast of social networking sites to their study habits. Specifically, it sought answers to the following questions: 1. What are the effects of social networking sites to the study habits of the students? Statement of the Purpose: The researchers worked on this study in order to: 1. Determine the effects, specifically, the pros & cons of social networking site to the study habits of the students. Introduction Back in the 1800s, Prior to the telegraph and telephone the primary source of communication between people other than direct conversation was through letters. Then came the 'beeper' in the 21st century. From the beeper came the personal cell phone, then came the internet, then email, then something called Instant Messaging via...
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...Speaking on the front of all IT students, we use lot of technology, coding everyday, but have we paused a while to think, who were the pioneers, who walked that extra step to make this happen! After a small minute research I have collaborated some data, that might be helpful for you to figure out who's who! :) Beginning with my favorite coding language, JavaScript, the person behind this was Brendan Eich. Moving to Java, it was James Gosling's dream come true. The most popular one, C was the work of Dennis Ritchie. Adding two plus signs to it, C++ was created by Bjarne Stroustrup. Then its PERL, the work of Larry Wall. SQL was designed by Donald D. Chamberlin & Raymond F. Boyce. Moving forward, Python was designed by Guido van Rossum. And the last and famous coding language used by masses, PHP, was designed by Rasmus Lerdorf The World Economic Forum's Technology Pioneers programme recognizes companies, normally in a start-up phase, from around the world that are involved in the design, development and deployment of new technologies, and hold promise of significantly impacting the way business and society operate. Technology Pioneers must demonstrate visionary leadership and show signs of being long-standing market leaders – their technology must be proven. Each year, hundreds of innovative companies from around the world are reviewed, with approximately 30 selected as Technology Pioneers in the following three categories: AFP - Charles Kao, Willard Boyle and...
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