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Right Time To Go To College

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Furthering your education beyond high school is very important and much needed in today’s society. But, when is the right time to go to college? Is it immediately after graduating high school or later in life? Having a degree can impact your income and career path in a positive way. Both can be beneficial and challenging to a person. The choice is solely based upon the student’s determination and dedication to succeed at receiving their degree. Nowadays, colleges are made up of students of all ages and back grounds that have chosen the right time to obtain their college degree.
When you continue your education following high school you are more likely to follow the traits that you had in regards to studying and homework. As a student who attends school later in life it may not have that discipline and find it hard to stay focused and the information that you may have obtained earlier in life may be forgotten. The amount of information you are taught can be harder to retain when you take the time off opposed to an individual who has continued their education with no time off. Also when you are a younger learner you have less responsibilities and more support emotionally and financially from your loved ones. …show more content…
Students fresh out of high school tend to be indecisive on what career path they want to choose and often change their major over the course of college. A student later in life has had time to experience the real world and different career choices and tends to know exactly what career path they want to pursue. This can be a pro and a con because, when you are younger and have reached your goal of a degree but later in life discover this is not something you have a passion for and hardly put it to use. Or, you are an older student who has taken so much time away that it has taken ups and downs in life to find out what you have a passion for to cause you want to return to get your college

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