Premium Essay

Protect Marriage, Protect Money


Submitted By donovanrdh
Words 740
Pages 3
Protect Marriage, Protect Money As the 2008 presidential campaign heated up so did a proposition that everyone formed a personal opinion on. This was a proposition that challenged religious beliefs, family values and most importantly threatened the churches tax status. Those voting no on the ballot stood for equal rights while those who voting yes were standing for what they believed in as a moral issue. Prop 8 allowed for same sex marriages. The most important aspect about the churches' stand against Prop 8 was that the church was against homosexuality not against gay marriage. The churches' stand was focused on the bible verse Leviticus 18:22. When translated directly from Hebrew to English the verse states; "And if a man lie with mankind, as with womankind, both of them have committed abomination: they shall surely be put to death; their blood shall be upon them." In a modern translation Leviticus 18:22 is allowing those "Yes on Prop 8" supporters to hate what they don’t believe in. This quote is giving those ultra conservatives the right to claim AIDS is Gods way of punishing sinners and in a more extremest view is allowing the Westboro Baptist church to think it's their right to picket funerals for gay soldiers who have died in Iraq. Just as American finally announces our first African-American president Arizona votes to turn down civil unions and Arkansas enacts a law to prevent same sex couples from adopting. This law states that a couple cannot adopt a child unless they are legally married under the state laws. The argument behind this was the “preservation of the traditional family unit.” America has come a very long way from the communist fearing 1950s and need to realize that times change and we must adapt to it. According to more the 57% of marriages end in divorce within 7.2 years. Our model for the American

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