...Eve-teasing is a regular occurrence in the lives of Bangladeshi women. In fact, the entire Indian sub continental region is afflicted with this malaise. Neighboring countries like Sri Lanka, India, Pakistan etc. show similar ratios of eve-teasing. That indicates a certain kind of wrong mindset of men who harbour no respect for woman’s dignity. Eve-teasing is a traumatic experience for women. It can leave deep psychological scars which can be hard to heal. Eve-teasing has resulted into many unfortunate events in the lives of women. Sometimes, it has made parents keeping their daughters at home away from school or marrying them off at an early age. Paranoid parents concerned about the safety and honour of their daughters can literally ruin their future. Ironically, teasing has dangerous consequences for women and not for men as it can deprive them of their freedom, nutrition and education. Most often the incident of eve-teasing is blamed on the victims, i.e. women. It is as if males have got license to indulge in any sort of lecherous behaviour and can go away with it. The patriarchal nature of our society has not been able to deal with incidents of eve-teasing in right perspective. There have been plenty of instances when women have come out in open sharing their experiences. Different newspapers and websites keep publishing such accounts that reflect feelings of disgust, insult and scare experienced by women. No one can explain the truth of eve-teasing...
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...CREATING A BUSINESS PLAN AND COVER LETTER What Is A Business Plan And Why Write One? A business plan is a clearly written analysis of your company. It explains the industry in which you compete, your company’s goals and objectives, and your plan to meet these goals. It also provides a management tool that allows you to guide your business, and measure your success against projected goals, which, in-turn, allows you to assess whether you are meeting you goals or not. • A business plan can help you obtain financing or investors • A business plan organizes and formalizes your business thinking process • A business plan clarifies the questions that may arise in managing your business How Long Should A Business Plan Be? The shorter, the better (as short as possible without leaving out pertinent information). It is important to be as realistic and detailed as possible without being overly repetitious. A concise plan will be much more effective and yield better results. You should, however, ensure that enough information is present to allow you to convey the full scope of important points about your business, being sure to emphasize the positives, and honestly minimize the negatives. Often, you can diffuse the potential impact of negative information by disclosing it and offering a response, rather than having the reader reach an uninformed conclusion. What Topics Are Covered In The Business Plan? The outline which follows is a set of...
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...Хүнс, хөдөө аж ахуйн нь манай улсын хувьд хөгжлийн төдийгүй стратегийн ач холбогдолтой чухал салбар. Тиймээс бид хүнс хөдөө аж ахуйн салбартаа шинэчлэлийн олон бодлого хэрэгжүүлж ирлээ. Үр дүнд нь монгол орондоо эрүүл, органик хүнсний бүтээгдэхүүнийг үйлдвэрлэн дэлхийн зах зээлд нийлүүлэх боломж нээгдэж эхэллээ. Гэвч бидний ирээдүйтэй гэж зорьж буй энэ салбарт дэлхий дахиныг хамарсан байгаль цаг уурын өөрчлөлт,усны нөөцийн багасалт, хүн амын өсөлт, түлшний үнийн өсөлт нь сөрөг нөлөө үзүүлэх боллоо. Мөн хөдөө аж ахуйн түүхий эдийн нөөц багасч, үнэ огцом өсч байгаагаас дэлхийн улс орнууд хүнсний хангамж, аюулгүй байдлынхаа бодлогод өөрчлөлт, шинэчлэлт хийж, төрөөс хүнс, хөдөө аж ахуйн салбарт хөрөнгө оруулалт хийх, дэмжлэг, зохицуулалтаа нэмэгдүүлэх арга хэмжээ авч байна. Тухайлбал, Ром хотноо 2009 оны 12 дугаар сард зохион байгуулсан НҮБ-ын Хүнс хөдөө аж ахуйн байгууллагын дээд хэмжээний 3 дахь уулзалтаас “Хүн амын хүнсний үндсэн хэрэгцээг 2025 он гэхэд бүрэн хангах, 2050 он гэхэд хүн ам, түүний дотор хүүхэд өлсгөлөн байх гэдэг ойлголтыг арилгах” зорилт тавьсан. Энэ зорилтыг хангахад чиглэгдсэн төрийн оновчтой зохицуулалт, бодлогыг авч хэрэгжүүлэхийг гишүүн орнуудад зөвлөсөн билээ. Учир нь дэлхийднэгтэрбум хүн буюу зургаан хүн тутмын нэг нь өлсгөлөнд нэрвэгдээд байна. Үүний 60 гаруй хувь нь Ази, номхон далайн орнуудад байна. Тиймээс даяаршиж буй өнөө үед хүнсний аюулгүй байдлыг хангах, хангамжийг тогтвортой байлгах нь зөвхөн ганц орны бус, олон улсын хамтын ажиллагааны...
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...Cuprins curs 10 Tehnici actuale de anestezie generală la animale Anestezia generală la cabaline (continuare) Anestezia generală la măgar şi catâr Anestezia generală la suine Anestezia generală la câine şi pisică Anestezia generală la mamiferele mici Anestezia generală la iepure Anestezia generală la nutrie şi nurcă Anestezia generală la rozătoare mici şi animale de laborator Obiectivele cursului Studentul trebuie să fie capabil să: - decrie problemele specifice ale anesteziei la cabaline, măgar , asin şi suine - descrie protocoalele, asocierile (doză, durată, efecte adverse, alte observaŃii) uzuale folosite la cabaline, asin, suine, câine, pisică, iepure, nutrie, nurcă şi rozătoare mici 2. PremedicaŃie xylazină 1-1,1 mg/kg IV (sau detomidină) InducŃie ketamină 2-2,25 mg/kg IV, administrată la interval de aproximativ două-trei minute după xylazină. Niciodată la cabaline ketamina nu va fi administrată singură sau prima într-o asociere anestezică. Cu această inducŃie reflexele faringiene sunt prezente şi intubarea traheală poate fi uneori dificilă. Doze mai mari de ketamină, 3 mg/kg, sunt recomandate poneilor, cailor de rasă pur sânge arab. Înainte de administrarea premedicaŃiei se va verifica frecvenŃa cardiacă. Dacă animalul este bradicardic (frecvenŃă sub 30 bătăi/minut) va trebui aleasă o altă premedicaŃie. După administrarea xylazinei la trei minute se va verifica din nou frecvenŃa cardiacă, dacă ea scade sub 25 bătăi/minut se vor aştepta alte cinci minute pentru a se acorda...
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...КОНГРУЕНЦИЈА 1. Реченични конституенти исказују слагање у осовним граматичким категоријама, као што су лице, број, род. Такву појаву називамо конгруенција (слагање) реченичних чланова. - именица и придев конгруирају у роду, броју и падежу: Професор Миодраг пише дугачка писма. професор Миодраг: род мушки, број једнина, падеж номинатив дугачка писма: род женски, број множина, падеж акузатив - именица и глагол конгруирају у лицу и броју (а уколико је глаголски облик сачињен од радног или трпног придева, слаже се и у роду): Зорица пева. лице: прво, број: једнина Зоран је певао. лице: прво, број: једнина, род: мушки - Граматичке категорије које учествују у конгруенцији називамо конгруентне категорије. - Именица диктира, сумерава и одређује које ће се граматичке категорије слагати, па је зато називамо контролор конгруенције. 2. - Именице једнаког природног и граматичког рода су именице прве врсте: Зоран. Именице код којих се не слажу природан и граматички род су именице треће врсте које означавају особе мушког пола, а имају облике женског рода: газда. У једнини је само граматичка конгруенција, а у множини може бити граматичка, али је дозвољена и семантичка, мада није уобичајена: Онај газда је дошао. граматичка конгруенција (мушки род) У множини: Оне старешине су дошле. граматичка конгруенција (женски род) Они старешине су дошли. семантичка конгруенција (мушки род) – није уобичајено - Код именица треће врсте које означавају особе и мушког...
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...According to Armstrong (2001) performance management can be defined as a strategic and integrated approach to delivering sustained success to businesses, in this instance public services, by improving the performance of the employees by developing the capabilities of team and individual contributors. A performance management system sets out to establish organisational goals and objectives to ensure that a business is successful and employees perform to the highest possible standard. The system also identifies any problems with a pubic service and monitors progression in the form of improved performance. It is important to establish whether performance management systems will improve public services because they affect every individual in the UK. A good example of where a performance management system is needed for better quality of safety, reliability, punctuality, and comfort is on UK railways and on the London Underground. This essay aims to establish whether the successful implementation and use of performance management systems will lead to a higher quality of education, health, police force and public transport system. The Prime Minister’s Speech in 2001 stated that UK public services were still in need of modernisation and change in order to meet the changing needs of a 21st century public. He suggested that investment alone was not enough to increase the quality of public services and he believed that society was driving the focus away from the 1980s financial focused...
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...The best experience: Narrative When I was 7 years old, I had my best experience. I went on a holiday with my family, so it was very special for me. We went there by plane. It was so comfortable but a bit noisy. First, we went our hotel. It was a very big pool and it is located near the sea. On the first day, we didlots of different activities. I enjoyed very much. On the second day, I went to scuba-diving with my father. It was fascinating. At night, we went to one of the most famous restaurants in the region and had wonderful meals. We stayed there for a week. After one week, we returned to our home. It was the best memory of my childhood and I'll never forget my first holiday with my family. The worst experience: Narrative I went to the Emergency Room for the first time when I was eleven years old. When I was riding a bike in front of my grandmother's house, I tried to do a trick. I messed it up in the end and headed to the ground with my hands down. I fell hard on the ground, my left wrist was twisted the wrong way. At first it did not hurt at all, but a short time later when I looked at my warped and twisted ankles, sudden excruciating pain, my whole body was wrapped. Rolling around on the ground yelling and cussing in pain, my parents saw what happened and came running to my aid. After about ten minutes of yelling and screaming, I finally got up and held my wrist as I walked to the car. The whole way to the hospital the pain got worse and worse. Later I foound out the...
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...Welcome ladies and gentlemen I am here today to speak to you about parenting, and a parent’s responsibility to their children. I will be focusing on Katy Hopkins article about supposedly ‘good’ parenting; instead I will show how it is actually a demonstration of bad parenting. In her article Hopkins is a demanding and controlling mother; she thinks it’s right to choose her children’s friends. She judges people based on her narrow mindedness; to her a person’s name is an insight into their personality. She lies to her children and thinks it is okay, which I think is wrong you shouldn’t lie to your children because then if they lie to you, you can’t tell them off. Firstly, Hopkins dismisses technology and denies her children the opportunity to use it: “whether it’s an ipad an IPhone I’m instantly on my guard because they won’t have time to devote to their homework” The jobs in the future will always need technology. Hopkins is keeping her children in the dark. Does this sound like a caring mother to you? Hopkins does not approve of most children’s’ party venues. I am not sure what she expects? The Ritz? “The venue was bad enough: dirty, sticky soft play area at our local leisure centre” she clearly does not understand that some families do not have the money for anything more! Plus it does not determine how nice the child is. The main shallow criticism she has is about the name of the child. “Charmaine is definitely not the sort of child I want my daughter associating with”....
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...გამარჯობა. ჩემი სახელია სტივენ ჰოკინგი. ფიზიკოსი, კოსმოლოგი და რაღაც კუთხით მეოცნებეც ვარ. მიუხედავად იმისა, რომ ვერ ვმოძრაობ და ლაპარაკში კომპიუტერი მეხმარება, გონებით თავისუფალი ვარ. თავისუფალი, რათა გამოვიკვლიო სამყაროს ყველაზე ღრმა საკითხები, რომელთაგან ყველაზე მნიშვნელოვანია კითხვა: არსებობს თუ არა ღმერთი, რომელმაც შექმნა სამყარო და დღემდე აკონტროლებს მას, დაწყებული ვარსკვლავებიდან და პლანეტებიდან დამთავრებული ჩვენით? ამას წინათ გამოვაქვეყნე წიგნი, რომელიც სვამდა კითხვას, შექმნა თუ არა სამყარო ღმერთმა. ამან ერთგვარი ალიაქოთი გამოიწვია. ხალხი გაღიზიანდა იმის გამო, რომ მეცნიერმა რელიგიის საკითხებზე დაიწყო საუბარი. მე არანაირი სურვილი არ მაქვს, ვინმეს ვუთხრა, რისი სჯეროდეს. მაგრამ პირადად ჩემთვის, ღმერთის არსებობის საკითხი ნამდვილად ესადაგება მეცნიერებას. ბოლოს და ბოლოს, რთულია მოიფიქრო უფრო მნიშვნელოვანი და ფუნდამენტური საიდუმლო, ვიდრე ის, თუ ვინ ან რამ შექმნა სამყარო და აკონტროლებს მას. დიდი ხნის წინ პასუხი ძირითადად ერთნაირი იყო: ღმერთებმა შექმნეს ყველაფერი. სამყარო საშიში რამ იყო, ამიტომ ისეთი სასტიკ ადამიანებსაც კი, როგორიც იყვნენ ვიკინგები, სწამდათ ზებუნებრივი არსებების, რათა აეხსნათ ბუნებრივი მოვლენები – ელვა და ქარიშხალი. ვიკინგებს მრავალი ღმერთი ჰყავდათ. მათგან თორი ჭექა-ქუხილის ღმერთი იყო, მისი კოლეგა ეგირი ზღვის აბობოქრებას იწვევდა, თუმცა ყველაზე მეტად სკოლის ეშინოდათ. სკოლი იწვევდა საშინელ ბუნებრივ მოვლენას, რომელსაც ამჟამად მზის დაბნელებას ვუწოდებთ. სკოლი მგელ-ღმერთი იყო და ცაში ცხოვრობდა. ზოგჯერ ის მზეს ჭამდა და ამ დროს შემაძრწუნებელი რამ ხდებოდა – დღე ღამედ...
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...Personality is a set of traits and characteristics that relate to a person's emotions, motivations, interpersonal interactions, and attitudes. Personality is different from ability. Personality is meaningful to management, because employees' personalities may dictate how well they perform their jobs. Personality may indicate how hard a person will work, how organized they are, how well they will interact with others, and how creative they are. Personality is a trait. That is, personality is enduring and unlikely to change substantially in one's adult life. Because personality is a trait, this also means that a person is likely to behave similarly in a variety of situations. This does not mean that a person cannot or will not adapt to a change in circumstances, but that, on average, a person demonstrates similar personality across all situations and may behave differently from those with dissimilar personality characteristics. In recent years, more organizations have been using self-reporting personality tests to identify personality traits as part of their hiring or management development processes. Employers recognize that experience, education, and intelligence may not be the only indicators of who the best hire might be. Additionally, understanding one's own personality characteristics may improve one's ability to develop as an employee and manager. Therefore, it is important to understand the different facets of personality and the ways in which they can be measured. There...
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...40 Verben, denen der Akkusativ folgt etw. abholen ➡ Können Sie Ihren Sohn um halb sieben abholen? etw. abschließen ➡ Hast du den Wagen abgeschlossen? jdn./etw. anmelden ➡ Ich muss meine Tochter heute für den Schwimmkurs anmelden. jdn. anrufen ➡ Wen rufst du an? etw. ansehen ➡ Welchen Film seht ihr euch heute Abend an? etw. aufräumen ➡ Hast du dein Zimmer jetzt endlich aufgeräumt? etw. ausmachen ➡ Mach bitte diese schreckliche Musik aus! auspacken ➡ An meinem Geburtstag packe ich viele Geschenke aus. etw. bekommen ➡ Sie hat einen neuen Hund bekommen. etw. benutzen ➡ Ich weiß nicht, wie man den neuen Drucker benutzt. jdn./etw. besuchen ➡ Besuchst du deine Cousine, wenn du nach Deutschland reist? etw. bestellen ➡ Kannst du den nächsten Band der Krimireihe bestellen? etw. bezahlen ➡ Wer bezahlt den Rest? etw. brauchen ➡ Welchen Reiseführer brauchen Sie? jdn. einladen ➡ Sollen wir ihn mal einladen? etw. essen ➡ Sollen wir den Kuchen jetzt essen oder warten wir auf die Gäste? erzählen ➡ Soll ich dir eine spannende Geschichte erzählen? jdn./etw. finden ➡ Jippieh, ich habe einen Nachhilfelehrer gefunden! jdn./etw. fragen ➡ Fragen Sie Ihren Arzt. etw. haben ➡ Ich habe alle Ausgaben dieses Romans. jdn./etw. hören ➡ Ich höre am liebsten meine alten CDs. etw. kaufen ➡ Ich habe einen neuen Schirm gekauft. jdn./etw. kennen ➡ Ihr kennt schon viele Verben mit dem Akkusativ. etw. kochen ➡ An Weihnachten kochen wir einen Eintopf. etw. lesen ➡ Welchen Roman liest...
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...A power supply is an electronic device that supplies electric energy to an electrical load. The primary function of a power supply is to convert one form of electrical energy to another and, as a result, power supplies are sometimes referred to as electric power converters. Some power supplies are discrete, stand-alone devices, whereas others are built into larger devices along with their loads. Examples of the latter include power supplies found in desktop computers and consumer electronics devices. A CD-ROM /ˌsiːˌdiːˈrɒm/ is a pre-pressed optical compact disc which contains data. The name is an acronym which stands for "Compact Disc Read-Only Memory". Computers can read CD-ROMs, but cannot write on the CD-ROM's which are not writable or erasable. A network switch (sometimes known as a switching hub) is a computer networking device that is used to connect devices together on a computer network by performing a form of packet switching. A network switch is considered more advanced than a hub because a switch will only send a message to the device that needs or requests it, rather than broadcasting the same message out of each of its ports. A network switch is a multi-port network bridge that processes and forwards data at the data link layer(layer 2) of the OSI model. Some network switches have additional features, including the ability to route packets; these switches are commonly known as layer-3 or multilayer switches. Switches exist for various types of networks including Fibre...
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...An Essay on Yellow Many people often seek distraction from the small problems, which occur every day in our daily lives. To avoid these problems they use bad excuses like drinking or simply avoiding any kinds of conflicts. You can call it a defence mechanism so they prevent the feelings of hopelessness, guilt or feeling like a burden. In generally people are very yellow, they often tend to run away from their problems instead of facing them. Some people are even going as far as being suicidal, because they think it’s the only way to escape these problems. This is what the main character in the short story “Yellow” which is written by Peter Carty struggles with. In the story, we meet the main character Jon who is in the thirties He suffers from overweight but is in good physical condition for someone in his age. He is a second-string writer on a London listings magazine. He travels to Egypt, because the magazine wants him to write about scuba diving. Already in the start of the story, it is clear that he is afraid of confrontations. In the episode where the Egyptian porters tries to wrench his bags away, he shakes hands with each one and tip them with crumpled currency so they will go away. His relationship with his girlfriend isn’t going so well which is emphasized on page 3 lines 53-55: “They hadn’t paid for his girlfriend to come, either. Mind you, the way things were going that was properly a plus. The silence between them had multiplied, then lengthened into an empty...
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...Essay on celebrity Being a celebrity has not only a bright side. Everyday thousand of people live in the reflection of fame, some of them had lost their touch on reality. The phenomenon “Celebrity” is an abused term. You do not longer have to be talented to be acknowledged, and adored. If you were called a celebrity years ago it really meant something. Much like today, it is an easy way to achieve fame if you are attractive and self-representational. Maybe it is not a permanent status, but the 15 minutes it last, affect the persons permanent. But why do we seek fame? Why do we not have enough in our self? The article “Mindfulness in everyday life – so you want to be famous?” is written by Donna Rockwell, a licensed clinical psychologist, and is a specialist in mental health. She has had fame close to her life. But not in a way you imagine. Her grandmother said that she was her favourite celebrity, and she will never forget that. Maybe if you have tried something likely you can relate? Donna tells about Andy Warhol who has said: “In 15 minutes everybody will be famous.” Maybe she is right. There is something about the rush of fame, which makes us simmer. We want it so badly, that we all dream about it, from time to another. Filmmaker John Waters appears in the article with the statement: “Most everybody secretly imagines themselves in show business, and every day on their way to work, they’re a little bit depressed they are not. People are sad they’re not famous in America...
Words: 625 - Pages: 3
...In a democracy all people should be able to have their say in one way or another in everything that affects their lives . A) What was the role of Cleisthenes in the founding of democracy ? B) Describe the similarities and differences between a democratic citizen in Ancient Athens and a democratic citizen in the present day’s Malta . C) Which democracy would you rather live in ? Why ? Cleisthenes was responsible for introducing the system of democracy in Athens, thus, earning him the name, “the father of Athenian democracy. Cleisthenes believed that all citizens should have equal rights he made all the citizens of Athens his companions, in order for them to participate in governmental affairs. Cleisthenes felt it was unfair that only a small group of aristocrats were allowed to participate in the government and since all of the citizens were now his companions; this broke the regional power of the aristocracy. However, this move of making all the Athenians his companion did not sit well with everyone, particularly the archon Isagoras, who decided to start the process to have Cleisthenes exiled. Isagoras’ plan to have Cleisthenes exiled worked for a while, as he was exiled, which was attributed to a “curse”, but many of the citizens who believed in what Cleisthenes was doing, rebelled against his being exiled and he was returned. Upon Cleisthenes' return, he was even more determined to reform Athens and his next move was to break up the power of nobility i.e. the four traditional...
Words: 583 - Pages: 3