...The Home Depot - Business Analysis Part I The Home Depot (HD) was founded in 1978 on the vision of one-stop shopping for the do-it-yourselfer (DIY). It has become the largest company in the home improvement retail industry with $70 billion in sales in 2011 (Home Depot Annual Report 2011, 2012). Throughout its history, HD has focused on providing the best customer service in the industry, which is the basis of their success. Home Depot draws investor dollars by capitalizing on strengths, minimizing weaknesses, taking advantage of opportunities, and reducing threats. SWOT Analysis Strengths The table below identifies the strengths, weaknesses, opportunities, and threats (SWOT) that need to be analyzed when making investment decisions. HD’s greatest strength is customer service. In the annual report to shareholders, customer service is identified as the foundation of the business (Home Depot Annual Report 2011, 2012). HD not only offers products the DIY needs but also clinics to teach customers how to complete their projects. HD has transformed the industry by providing the DIY market the know-how and tools while also saving them money. HD has also developed supplier partnerships and supply chain management processes that have delivered significant benefits in terms of product availability and cost reduction. HD is committed to leverage e-commerce business (Home Depot Annual Report 2011, 2012) such as UPC scan and mobile applications. Weaknesses HD operates in atmosphere...
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...STATE OF WASHINGTON TELECOMMUNICATIONS SERVICE PRIORITY (TSP) PLAN I. PURPOSE The purpose of this planning guide is to describe the State of Washington's policy and procedures for the Telecommunications Service Priority (TSP) system. It summarizes the legal and regulatory basis and procedures for all non-federal government agencies in Washington (including public medical facilities). It will aid potential users in determining eligibility for TSP and outlines the procedures for submitting TSP applications in Washington. II. OBJECTIVE The objective of this plan is to provide guidance to users on identifying TSP requirements, submitting applications for TSP, and implementing TSP. III. REFERENCES This plan contains information from various sources. Local governments should get a copy of CPG 1-18, "Guidance for Telecommunications Service Priority System" for a complete description of the system before determining their eligibility for TSP. National Communications System (NCS) Manual 3-1-1, another excellent reference, is available from the Superintendent of Documents, Washington, D.C. 20402 or from the NCS home page at http://www.ncs.gov/tsp/ A. Title 47 CFR, Part 64, Appendix A, "Telecommunications Service Priority (TSP) System for National Security Emergency Preparedness (NSEP)." B. Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA) Civil Preparedness Guide (CPG) 1-18, "Guidance for Telecommunications Service Priority System", July 1992. C....
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...teach relaxation, meditation, and massage techniques. The shop caters to a multicultural community by creating sections within the store dedicated to a variety of cultural needs reminiscent of Indian cultural oils, spices, aromas, and relaxation techniques. Life’s Scents strives to meet the demand and desires of all potential customers and continues to change and expand product lines to provide the most current quality products and services available. The shop originally focused on high end quality products but has since added product lines that focus on the middle income market. Mission Statement Life’s Scents hopes to enrich people’s lives by helping to enlighten their sense of well being, health, and relaxation. We strive to provide quality products and services at a fair price as well as superior customer service to meet the needs and desires of our customers. Vision Statement Within the next five years Life’s Scents will become the premier aromatherapy shop within community by creating harmony, teaching relaxation techniques, and providing products to assist people achieve inner peace and a healthy mind and body. Core Values ...
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...successful. This is especially important because of the global competition that exists in most industries. Because each step of the strategic planning process builds on the last, it is important to complete the steps in the order listed above. Learning Team A will go through the strategic planning process for Blue Cross/Blue Shield. SWOT Analysis of BlueCross/BlueShield Health insurance is something that all Americans should think about before buying. There are many health insurance companies; some larger than others. When buying health insurance, consumers may want to consider the type of coverage needed, and the price of the coverage. As the cost of health care increases, health insurance rates increase also. BlueCross/BlueShield is one of the leading health insurance companies in America. Even though Blue Cross/Blue Shield is one of the leading health insurance companies, the company must offer affordable healthcare insurance policies and a variety of benefits and coverage to accommodate every individual’s needs. When talking benefits and coverage, this company must consider their members: whether the members are employed, self-employed, or retired and the benefits and coverage should be made to fit their needs. Higher healthcare rates can cause Blue Cross/Blue Shield to increase their insurance rates, which poses higher rates for the members. Because of the service Blue Cross/Blue...
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...transcending national borders. Customers are demanding it as worries about privacy, the protection of personally identifiable information, and identity theft grow. Business partners, suppliers, and vendors are requiring it from one another, particularly when providing mutual network and information access. Networked efforts to steal competitive intelligence and engage in extortion are becoming more prevalent. Security breaches and data disclosure increasingly arise from criminal behavior motivated by financial gain. 2. Suppose your business had an e-commerce Web site where it sold goods and accepted credit card payments. Discuss the major security threats to this website and their potential impact. What can be done to minimize these threats? E-commerce utilizes internal networks that interface with the World Wide Web. The nature of this kind of business, introduces internal and external risks to both the website and the business systems to which it is connected too. An E-commerce website can be faced some security threats that have to be addressed, to avoid any losses and intrusions. E-commerce websites are vulnerable to fraud from internal and external sources. Fraud incidents include credit card fraud, which exposes the website to threat from clients and any other external sources and internal fraud. Any fraudulent transactions being entered into the system from employees. Such transactions can also be introduced into the system by hackers or Trojan Horses, which resemble the real...
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...Establishing Security Risks and Countermeasures for Large Scale Businesses Stephen Yopp 23 May 2014 ISSC-361 American Military University Establishing risks and countermeasures can be a complex procedure, even more so when protecting hundreds of systems from internal and external threats. Many tools exist to assist in implementing and scaling security operations. There are many assets that represent risks to businesses ranging from information systems to the data which is stored on them and therefore almost as many existing threats (Smith, 2013). The National Institute of Standards and Technology (NIST) describes 11 types of assets; people, organizations, systems, software, databases, networks, services, data, computing devices, circuits, and websites (Halberdier, Waltermire, and Wunder, 2011). This list is more extensive than the categories discussed, for the sake of brevity, but it might be helpful to enterprise employees seeking to identify different assets. Hardware represents a large investment for businesses. Servers, network devices, cables, workstations, and mobile devices can cost enterprise businesses millions of dollars up front. Because information systems are such an integral part of modern business, companies cannot afford to be without access to file and print servers or internet access. This means that the loss of hardware would represent setbacks in productivity, potential negative impacts to the organization’s reputation, and necessary additional...
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... 7241MGT Business Process Models Major Assignment Semester I, 2005 Abstract The firm selected for this project is Woolworths Limited which is an Australian leading retail company made up of a number of businesses all providing the customers with quality, range, value and everyday low prices. Woolworths is built on a passion for retail, attention to detail, working hard, ensuring the safety of their valuable customers and people, and having fun. Woolworth’s mission is to deliver to customers a better shopping experience - each and every time. The project initially carries out preliminary business analysis where it recognizes the market structure and describes the value chain in that industry segment that earns the companies income. Further analysis has been done about the changes that have been done in this segment in past two decades. Also the challenges Woolworths faces from its competitors are described. It identifies Porter’s five forces model influencing the company viz. Substitutes, Rival groups, Buyers, Sellers and Potential New Entrants. The project has done the strategic analysis of the industry’s current position and identified the likely challenges Woolworths may face in the near future. It also studies the various risks which has impact on the company such as “Cyclical risk”, “Policy risk” and “Exchange risk”. The project identifies the forces and does the analysis about how the company gets affected by three forces such...
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...Assignment 2: Outsourcing Federal Healthcare Many of the services and tasks performed and provided by the federal government of the United States are outsourced to private businesses. Like anything performed by any business, organization or government body, there are potential improvements that could be implemented. Here, I will discuss the stakeholders involved in the federal healthcare systems of Medicare and Medicaid, and how the strategies might be improved within outsourcing practices. Multiple groups hold interest in the strategies used by Medicare and Medicaid to provide healthcare to patients. Medicare contracts with private health insurance companies to provide specific benefits to people with Medicare. People eligible for Medicare include those over 65 years old, or those who are disabled. Medicaid is operated at the state government level, and generally covers disabled, and people over 65 years old with low income and minimal assets. In addition to the people covered under these systems, additional stakeholders include doctors, hospitals, insurance brokers and agents, and public policy-makers (legislators). An easily forgotten group of stakeholders within these systems are taxpayers not currently receiving direct benefits from these systems, but who are directly contributing funds which are used to fund Medicare and Medicaid expenditures. Those who are recipients of Medicare and Medicaid benefits want to receive the best possible care, with the least amount of...
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...Kacie R. Logan Row 3 MGT 487 Sec 009 SWA case Status Analysis Southwest Airlines is a true American success story. In 1971, they began as a small company which was only able to service Dallas, Houston, and San Antonio, Texas. They have come from being a small operation consisting of only three airplanes in three cities to being one of the largest airlines in the United States operating 530 aircraft1 across 32 states2. In the past, their success has been directly tied to their commitment to customer service. Southwest Airlines, hereafter SWA, mainly competes with United, American, and Delta airlines; however, AirTran and JetBlue have also caught their attention3. The biggest competitive advantage possessed by SWA lies within their treatment of their customers. Every aspect of the company is geared towards taking care of their passengers’ needs. Through SWA, people have the ability to fly inexpensively to the places they need and want to go. Southwest Airlines has been able to keep their own costs low by flying short-haul routes, fuel hedging, uniformity among the aircraft, and the automation of many jobs. SWOT Analysis The biggest strength of SWA most definitely lies within their dedication to take care of people. The customers and profits are not the only concerns that SWA cares about. They have an extremely tight-knit culture within the company itself. The bulk of the company’s financial success is directly credited to the employees who help make the...
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...present, with Soviet armies arrayed across half of Europe and the constant threat of nuclear confrontation between the superpowers. Today, Britain faces a different and more complex range of threats from a myriad of sources While the threats to the UK have changed significantly the Armed Forces have not optimally adjusted to these threats. Furthermore the MoD is ‘completely unaffordable’. On coming into power in May 2010, the Government identified a 10 year funding gap of £74 billion. Consequently the Strategic Defence and Security Review (SDSR) announced significant cuts to Defence. The MoD identified the Total Force Support (TSF) approach as the means to tackle the risks to national security despite a significantly smaller budget and much reduced manpower pool. This paper is intended to explore TSF and identify how it can be supported. i. The Armed Forces have been directed to embrace the TSF concept as the means to provide the capability required of it in spite falling manning and budgets. Full Operating Capability is to be achieved by 1 April 15. TSF is ii. TSF is a key enabler of operational capability as it allows for • Increased overall numbers on operations • Potential monetary savings • Greater use of specialists, (allowing for opportunity costs in military manpower to be realised) • Support to Defence which may not be feasible using purely military manpower iii. Contractors can provide...
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...the key asset is often information. But information alone is not enough, knowledge of how to use valuable information is needed to provide a competitive edge. The value of information may depend on being secret and accurate. Information can take many forms, hence methods of securing information are various. Instead of dividing information into categories based on content, consider analysing threats to information (and hence its protection) on categories based on methods of processing / storing. Three "information domains" are defined: Physical: Traditionally information is "written down", stored somewhere (e.g. a box, safe, diskette, or computer). Classical security concentrates on physical protection: buildings, server rooms, access controls etc. Social/Personal: Successful organisations realise the value of their personnel, the knowledge they hold in their heads and the capabiliy to use that knowledge to corporate advantage. Logical or Network: Information is also stored on computers and accessed via networks. Documents can be stored "somewhere on the net" that users reference through URLs, UNCs or other abstract notions. The actual location of the data is often unknown to the user, she assumes it's on a server "somewhere". The different beween Internet and Intranet may not be obvious to end users. With this abstraction comes also a certain loss of accountability and responsibility. Domain Interfaces Each of these domains contains interfaces to...
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...According to Hit wise, it is the second most visited online fashion store in the UK, behind Next. It attracts3.30 million unique shoppers every month and has about 1.8 million registered users. Asos’s 70%of sales are still on label, and they are also selling nearly 250 brands, including luxury labels such as As a consultant at ‘Ure, Avin, Alaaf. I have been commissioned to extensively research and analyse the development opportunities of fashion retailing. This report will main focus will be Asos.com and its position as a E-commerce retailing store. I will briefly describe how ASOS.com has developed a competitive edge in fashion retailing through the value chain concept. Further, a reflection on the main opportunities and threats likely to affect the business in the next five years. This report will analyse the Value chain Explain how ASOS.com have developed a competitive edge in fashion retailing. Apply the concept of the ‘Value Chain’ to illustrate your answer. Competitive Edge has been defined as: "having a clear advantage over the competition in terms of one or more elements of the marketing mix that is valued...
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...Patton-Fuller Community Hospital Joshua Harris NTC/362 August 9th, 2012 Richard Douglass Patton-Fuller Community Hospital ”Patton- Fuller Community Hospital has prided itself on providing top-of-the-notch not-for-profit health care organization since their opening in 1975” (University of Phoenix, 2012). The hospital’s specialty is in providing high-quality health care to all patients, and establishing peaceful work relationships within the staff. Services provided by the hospital are “surgery, emergency medical care, physical therapy, labor and delivery, radiology, and more” (University of Phoenix, 2012). “In Kelsey, Patton-Fuller Community Hospital is the first hospital, dedicated at the hospital is to provide a variety of programs that will support and maintain the best health and welfare of the local community populations” (University of Phoenix, 2012). Duvv Enterprises is the IT solution for WAN/WLAN integration needs. For Patton-Fuller Community Hospital, we will address the existing network architecture of the hospital: Patton-Fuller utilizes a “high-end Local Area Network (LAN) (based on 1000Base-T using CAT 6 cable) that links all of its Systems Applications and Products (SAP) and terminals to workstations over a small geographic area. Duvv Enterprises will also touch basis with the implementation of a complete WLAN networking environment that calls also for the installation of Voice-Over-Internet-Protocol (VOIP), and the design...
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...where airlines can face severe financial distress due to oil crisis, recessions and terrorist attacks, In order to survive, as well as succeed, the business needs to assess its competitive environment and identify key factors that may influence its actions (Porter, 1998, p.45). The airline industry is very competitive and Michael Porter’s five-forces model can be used to analyse the intensity of the competition and the profitability of this industry. Porter’s five forces model is a business unit strategy tool which is used to make an analysis of the value of an industry structure (Hubbard, 2004, pg 35). The analysis is made by the identification of 5 fundamental competitive forces. These include: Threat of new entrants is high One of the forces identified by this model is the threat of new entrants which refers to the possibility of new competitors entering the industry and undermining the profits of the established businesses. In the world today, the airline industry is so saturated that there is hardly space for a newcomer to enter the market. The biggest for this is the cost of entry. The airline industry is one of the most expensive industries, due to the cost of buying and leasing aircrafts, safety and security measures, customer service and manpower. Other barriers to entry which will recess new...
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...updated global standard issued by the International Federation of Accountants, combined with the rigour of the Sarbanes-Oxley legislation and SEC requirements for public companies in the United States. The core principle of the new standard is that every effort must be made to eliminate all real or perceived threats to auditors’ independence. Development of the new independence standard began in June 2001, after an Independence Forum of auditors, regulators, academics, analysts and financial statement preparers held by the Public Interest and Integrity Committee (PIIC) concluded that the PIIC should develop a uniquely Canadian independence standard that would be based on the international standard, and incorporate the SEC requirements for audits of public companies. The new standard was first released for public comment in September, 2002, and became effective for engagements starting after December 31, 2003. The standard marks a shift to a more rigorous ‘principles-based’ approach, meaning its applicability goes beyond any specific situation and mandates a proactive approach, based on clearly articulated principles. It contains a framework that describes apparent and actual threats to auditor independence. The standard also recognizes that there are certain activities for which there are no adequate safeguards, so it prohibits specified activities and relationships. Overview The standard provides a framework for auditors to apply in...
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