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Provisioning Database Through Oem


Submitted By sallianz11
Words 4373
Pages 18
|[pic] |IT Infrastructure |Document Number |EDCS-xxxxxxx |
| | |Based on Template |No EDCS, Rev 0.x |
| | |Created By |Manickaraja Kumarappan |

IT Infrastructure Standards

Provisioning through Oracle Enterprise Manager

For document reviewers and modification history, see Table of Contents, Document History.

Any change to this document need to be reviewed and approved by Standard team or SME of this Domain. For document modification refer Revision History in next page.

Table of Contents

1. Purpose and Scope 3

2. Pre-Install requirements 3

3. EM Deployment Entities that are available today 4

3.1. List of Deployment Procedures 4 3.2. List of Software Library Components 5 3.3. List of Database Templates 5

4. Steps to Provision Oracle Components 6

4.1. Provisioning a RAC Database. 6 4.2. Provisioning a Standalone Database. 17 4.3. Monitoring a submitted procedure. 28

5. Executing script post install 32

5.1. For CRS install 32 5.2. For RDBMS Install 33

6. Manual Tasks 33

7. Glossary 34

8. Appendix 34

9. References 34

10. Documentation History 35

a. Revision History 35 b. Contributors 35 c. Reviewers 35

Purpose and Scope

This document provides complete steps for provisioning an Oracle CRS, RDBMS home and create a vanilla database through Oracle Enterprise Manager (OEM) Cloud control 12c.

Pre-Install requirements

a) Enterprise Manager Agent should be installed and configured across all hosts where provisioning is being attempted. b) All the mounts for installing oracle component should be in place as per Cisco standards. c) User should have access with “DBA” rights to OEM 12c. d) SSH should be set across all the DB nodes in case of RAC. e) CRS Oracle Home and RDBMS Oracle Home should be empty. Everything including lost+found should be removed prior to attempt provisioning through EM. f) Make sure central inventory is in place (check /oracle/product/oraInventory and /etc/oraInst.loc). INVENTORY_LOC inside this file should point to /oracle/product/oraInventory. g) You are suppose to have oraredo_mirr mount irrespective of whether the DB provisioned being MVDC or not (only in case of NAS storage). In case the same is missing, then as a work around please create a link and point it to /oracle/oraaredo. Example ln -s /oracle/oraredo /oracle/oraredo_mirr h) If you are attempting to run a provisioning procedure for the very first time, you should create a named credential in OEM. If you have already done that you can simply re-use the same and can skip this step. In order to create a named credential login into OEM Navigate to setup (on the right hand side) -> security -> named credential - > create [pic] Fill in the following stuffs. Credential Name: Meaningful name (could be same as your username) Credential Description: optional Authenticating Target Type: Host Credential Type: Host Credentials Scope: Global UserName: Your CEC user id Password: Your CEC password Confirm Password: Your CEC password Run Privilege: Sudo Run as: Oracle [pic] i) Click Test and Save. j) Choose any host (may be the host on which you are going to attempt provisioning) and make sure test succeeds. k) At any point of time if you want to see the status of submitted procedure, you can do so by navigating to Enterprise - > provisioning and patching - > procedure activity

EM Deployment Entities that are available today

1 List of Deployment Procedures

Below table will summarize when to use what procedure when a deployment is attempted through Enterprise Manager.

|S.No |Requirement |Procedure Name |Items to be checked while submitting procedure |
|1. |Install CRS, Clone Oracle Home and |Cisco Provision Oracle RAC Database |Deploy Grid Infrastructure |
| |Create Database | |Deploy Database Software |
| | | |Configure Grid Infrastructure |
| | | |Create a New Database |
|2. |Install CRS, Clone Oracle Home |Cisco Provision Oracle RAC Database |Deploy Grid Infrastructure |
| | | |Deploy Database Software |
| | | |Configure Grid Infrastructure |
|3. |Install CRS |Cisco Provision Oracle RAC Database |Deploy Grid Infrastructure |
| | | |Configure Grid Infrastructure |
|4. |Clone Oracle Home on a RAC Cluster |Cisco Provision Oracle RAC Database |Deploy Database Software |
| |and create Database | |Create a New Database |
|5. |Clone Oracle Home |Cisco Provision Oracle RAC Database |Deploy Database Software |
|6. |Clone Oracle Home and Create Database|Cisco Provision Oracle Database |Deploy Database Software |
| |for Non-RAC | |Create a New Database |
|7. |Clone Non-RAC oracle Home |Cisco Provision Oracle Database |Deploy database Software |
|8. |Create RAC/NON-RAC database |Cisco Create Oracle Database |N/A |

All these procedures can be accessed by navigating into OEM -> Enterprise -> Provisioning and Patching -> Database Provisioning


2 List of Software Library Components

➢ CISCO_11203_CRS_PSU_CURRENT – CRS with current PSU ➢ CISCO_10205_CRS_PSU_CURRENT – CRS with current CPU ➢ CISCO_11203_DB_PSU_CURRENT – RDBMS with current PSU ➢ CISCO_11203_DB_PSU_PREV – RDBMS with current-1 PSU ➢ CISCO_10205_DB_PSU_CURRENT – RDBMS with current PSU ➢ CISCO_10205_DB_PSU_PREV – RDBMS with current -1 PSU

3 List of Database Templates


Steps to Provision Oracle Components

1 Provisioning a RAC Database.

• Navigate to OEM - > Enterprise -> Provisioning and Patching - > Database Provisioning. • Choose Cisco Provision Oracle RAC Database and click Launch [pic] • Review the check boxes under “Select tasks to Perform” and select as per the requirement (all 4 needs to be checked in if your intention is to provision CRS, Oracle Home and create Database) • If you are provisioning CRS, then you need to click [pic] under Select destination hosts and add the host which are part of the cluster • While adding hosts, please make sure they are added in ascending order. For example if a 4 node RAC is being provisioned on svr1,svr2,svr3,svr4 then while adding them please make sure first svr1 is selected, followed by svr2, then svr3 and then svr4. If this order it not maintained then we might have problem while creating DB on this cluster (DB instance order might be improper). • If you are provisioning Oracle Home (on a host where CRS already exists), then you to click [pic] and add the cluster name where you want to provision Oracle Home. Cluster should be discovered in OEM prior to this and if not it is not possible to provision Oracle Home. • If you don’t know the cluster name, then query by host name and look for a target of type “cluster”. There will be only one target of type “cluster” for a set of cluster nodes. • The configuration details will be asked based on check boxes that were checked earlier. o Setup Hosts (Required under all scenarios) ▪ Click Setup Hosts hyperlink ▪ Choose a Named credential for both Normal & Privileged user (refer pre-requisite section if you don’t have one) ▪ [pic] ▪ Click Next ▪ Enter “dba” as OS Group Name for all the components (OINSTALL, OSDBA, OSOPER, OSASM, ASMDBA, ASMOPER). You may see all or few based on components ▪ [pic]Click Next ▪ Make sure you have a green check mark next to Setup Hosts hyperlink. ▪ [pic] o Deploy Software (Required under all scenarios) ▪ Click Deploy Software hyperlink ▪ You will be required to select two components (if you are deploying both CRS and RDBMS Oracle home) or just one (based upon which one you selected) ▪ Click the magnifying glass ([pic]) Icon next to each component and select one which fits your requirement. You may refer above section in this document to know about various components that are in use. ▪ [pic] ▪ Enter the Oracle Base for Grid Infrastructure (Usually /oracle/admin/GRID) – Applicable only if CRS is being installed ▪ Enter Grid Infrastructure home (Usually /oracle/product/grid_home) – Applicable only if CRS is being installed ▪ Don’t check “Shared Grid Infrastructure home” ▪ Enter Oracle Base for Database (usually /oracle/product/). Cisco standard is to have /oracle/admin/ as Oracle Base. However due to existing issue with EM, we need to provide an Oracle Base which is a subset of Oracle Home. However we are changing this as per Cisco standard at later stage and hence we don’t have to worry. – Applicable only if RDBMS code tree is installed. ▪ Enter Database Oracle Home – Usually /oracle/product// -- Applicable only if CRS is being installed. ▪ Don’t check “Shared Database Oracle Home ▪ [pic] ▪ Enter working directory as “/oracle/export/tmp” ▪ Leave Install parameters as blank ▪ [pic] ▪ Click Next ▪ Make sure you have a green check mark next to Deploy Software o Configure Grid Infrastructure (Required only if you provisioning CRS) ▪ Click Configure Grid Infrastructure hyperlink ▪ Select the storage type for both GI and Database as appropriate (Either ASM or File system in case of NAS). By default ASM is selected ▪ [pic] ▪ Enter Cluster Name (Standard is to provide Cluster name based on Scan Name). For example if SCAN name is SCAN-D2C001 then enter Cluster name as CRS-D2C001 ▪ Enter Scan Name: Query /etc/hosts and enter the scan name accordingly ▪ Enter Scan Port: 1541 is our standard for Scan Port. ▪ [pic] ▪ Under GNS settings, enter the virtual host name (if it is not pre-filled) for all the RAC nodes. If it is pre-filled just verify the entries and make sure they are correct. ▪ [pic] ▪ Under GI Network, Verify the IP of eth1, eth0 and make sure eth0 points to Public interface and eth1 points to Private Interface. Minimum one public and one private interface are required. You can issue netstat –anr command on host to fetch the public and private IP’s. ▪ [pic] ▪ Under File System Storage Leave the Redundancy as External for both OCR and Voting disk ▪ Enter the full path where you want to store OCR & Voting disk. ▪ Example: • OCR_LOCATIONS= /oracle/GRID_D2C001/fs01/OCR1,/oracle/GRID_D2C001/fs02/OCR_MIRROR2 • VOTING_DISKS= /oracle/GRID_D2C001/fs01/VOTE1, /oracle/GRID_D2C001/fs02/VOTE_MIRROR2, /oracle/GRID_D2C001/fs03/VOTE_MIRROR3 ▪ [pic] ▪ Click Next ▪ Make sure their exist a Green check mark next to “Configure Grid Infrastructure” o Create Databases (Required only if you are creating a DB) ▪ Click “Create databases” hyperlink ▪ Choose “Select Template From Software Library” Radio button ▪ Click the Magnifying glass next to Template (where it says No template selected) ▪ Select the template as appropriate (you may refer the table above on this document for list of templates that are in use) ▪ Enter “Temporary Storage Location on Managed Host(s) as /oracle/export/tmp ▪ [pic] ▪ Click Next ▪ Leave the Configuration type as “Administrator Managed” and make sure all nodes are displayed on the screen ▪ [pic] ▪ Under Identification enter Global Database Name as DBNAME.CISCO.COM: Example: D2C001A.CISCO.COM ▪ SID Prefix as just DB Name: Example: D2C001A ▪ [pic] ▪ Under Database Credentials Choose “Use the same administrative password for all accounts” and provide password as “oracle123”. The password provided here is just temporary since we will be changing the same at later stage. ▪ [pic] ▪ Click Next ▪ Under Storage Type, choose as appropriate where the Database files will be stored. ▪ [pic] ▪ Under Database Files Location, make sure “Use Database File Locations from Template” is selected. ▪ [pic] ▪ Under Recovery Files Location, if you are going to use Fast Recovery area then select “Use Fast Recovery Area” check box ▪ Under Recovery Area Location specify the location where you want your recovery files to be created. Our standard is to provide /oracle/oradata_flashback//fs01. Example: /oracle/oradata_flashback/D2C001A/fs01 ▪ Specify Fast Recovery Area Size (MB) based on the mount point space available. ▪ [pic] ▪ If you want the database being provisioned to be in archivelog mode, then select “Enable Archiving” check box. ▪ [pic] ▪ Click “Specify Archive Log Locations” button to specify the location where archive log needs to be placed. ▪ You can enter as many location as required. ▪ Our Standard is to enter one location and it needs to be entered as /oracle/archive//fs01/.arch. Example /oracle/archive/D2C001A/fs01/D2C001A.arch ▪ [pic] ▪ Click OK ▪ Click Next ▪ Review the memory parameters and change as per requirement ▪ [pic] ▪ Review Database sizing and change as per requirement. ▪ [pic] ▪ Leave the HOST CPU count to 0 ▪ [pic] ▪ Choose Character set as per requirement ▪ [pic] ▪ Leave the Database Connection Mode to “Dedicated Server Mode” ▪ [pic] ▪ Click Next ▪ Under Database Features leave the default components selected AS-IS unless otherwise you have a business requirement to deselect any. ▪ [pic] ▪ Under Custom Scripts, no need to specify any script. Just leave it blank ▪ [pic] ▪ Click Next ▪ Just review all the items here. If you want to make any change click “Back” button to go back and make changes. ▪ If everything is fine then click Next. ▪ Make sure you have a Green Check Mark next to Create databases. o Compliance Standards (Required only if you creating a DB) ▪ Click Compliance Standards hyperlink ▪ Leave the compliance standard set to “None” which is default ▪ [pic] ▪ Click Next ▪ Make sure you have a green check mark next to Compliance Standard hyperlink. ▪ At this point you should have Green check marks against all the items listed in the screen, if you cannot proceed further ▪ [pic] ▪ Click Next ▪ On the field “Enter EMAIL for notification” enter your Cisco email address. This is where notification will be sent on issues if any post deployment process. ▪ On the field “Enter Lister Port” enter the desired port number where you want to configure the Listener for the database being deployed. This port number should be free and should be available across all RAC Nodes. ▪ [pic] ▪ Click Next ▪ Leave everything to default on this screen. ▪ You may save this if you want to re-use the value entered at later point of time. • If you want to submit a saved procedure, all you have to do is, goto Enterprise -> Provisioning and Patching -> Database Provisioning, Under “Provision Oracle RAC Database” you should be able to see the one which you saved. Just select it and move forward with submission ▪ Click Next ▪ Review all the details entered and then click Submit. ▪ It will ask you to reconfirm, just click Yes to reconfirm and procedure will be submitted for execution ▪ [pic]

2 Provisioning a Standalone Database.

• Navigate to OEM - > Enterprise -> Provisioning and Patching - > Database Provisioning. • Choose Cisco Provision Oracle Database and click Launch [pic] • Review the check boxes under “Select tasks to Perform” and select as per the requirement (both “Deploy Database software” and “Create a new database” needs to be selected if intention is to clone a oracle home and create vanilla database) • [pic] • Under “Select destination hosts” click [pic] • Select the host where you want to have the DB created. • [pic] • [pic] • Click Next • The configuration details will be asked based on check boxes that were checked earlier. o Setup Hosts (Required under all scenarios) ▪ Click Setup Hosts hyperlink ▪ Choose a Named credential for both Normal & Privileged user (refer pre-requisite section if you don’t have one) ▪ [pic] ▪ Click Next ▪ Enter “dba” as OS Group Name for all the components (OINSTALL, OSDBA, OSOPER). ▪ [pic]Click Next ▪ Make sure you have a green check mark next to Setup Hosts hyperlink. ▪ [pic] o Deploy Software (Required under all scenarios) ▪ Click Deploy Software hyperlink ▪ You will be required to select a component for RDBMS Oracle home ▪ Click the magnifying glass ([pic]) Icon next to “Oracle Database” component and select one which fits your requirement. You may refer above section in this document to know about various components that are in use. ▪ [pic] ▪ Enter Oracle Base for Database (usually /oracle/product/). Cisco standard is to have /oracle/admin/ as Oracle Base. However due to existing issue with EM, we need to provide an Oracle Base which is a subset of Oracle Home. However we are changing this as per Cisco standard at later stage and hence we don’t have to worry. – Applicable only if RDBMS code tree is installed. ▪ Enter Database Oracle Home – Usually /oracle/product// -- Applicable only if CRS is being installed. ▪ [pic] ▪ Enter working directory as “/oracle/export/tmp” ▪ Leave Install parameters as blank ▪ [pic] ▪ Click Next ▪ Make sure you have a green check mark next to Deploy Software o Create Databases (Required only if you are creating a DB) ▪ Click “Create databases” hyperlink ▪ Choose “Select Template From Software Library” Radio button ▪ Click the Magnifying glass next to Template (where it says No template selected) ▪ Select the template as appropriate (you may refer the table above on this document for list of templates that are in use). Example CISCO_11203_NONERP_NONRAC_NAS_DB_TEMPLATE ▪ Enter “Temporary Storage Location on Managed Host(s) as /oracle/export/tmp ▪ [pic] ▪ Click Next ▪ Under Identification enter Global Database Name as DBNAME.CISCO.COM: Example: DBCIM.CISCO.COM ▪ SID Prefix as just DB Name: Example: DBCIM ▪ [pic] ▪ Under Database Credentials Choose “Use the same administrative password for all accounts” and provide password as “oracle123”. The password provided here is just temporary since we will be changing the same at later stage. ▪ [pic] ▪ Click Next ▪ Under Storage Type, choose as appropriate where the Database files will be stored. ▪ [pic] ▪ Under Database Files Location, make sure “Use Database File Locations from Template” is selected. ▪ [pic] ▪ Under Recovery Files Location, if you are going to use Fast Recovery area then select “Use Fast Recovery Area” check box ▪ Under Recovery Area Location specify the location where you want your recovery files to be created. Our standard is to provide /oracle/oradata_flashback//fs01. Example: /oracle/oradata_flashback/D2C001A/fs01 ▪ Specify Fast Recovery Area Size (MB) based on the mount point space available. ▪ [pic] ▪ If you want the database being provisioned to be in archivelog mode, then select “Enable Archiving” check box. ▪ [pic] ▪ Click “Specify Archive Log Locations” button to specify the location where archive log needs to be placed. ▪ You can enter as many location as required. ▪ Our Standard is to enter one location and it needs to be entered as /oracle/archive//fs01/.arch. Example /oracle/archive/D2C001A/fs01/D2C001A.arch ▪ [pic] ▪ Click OK ▪ Click Next ▪ Review the memory parameters and change as per requirement ▪ [pic] ▪ Review Database sizing and change as per requirement. ▪ [pic] ▪ Leave the HOST CPU count to 0 ▪ [pic] ▪ Choose Character set as per requirement ▪ [pic] ▪ Click Next ▪ Under Listener Configuration enter a “Listener Name”. Usually LISTENER_. Example: LISTENER_DBCIM ▪ Enter a Port where you want listener to be configured. Make sure the port entered is not in use at host level. If not you may get an error message as “Specified Port is already in use by different listener on this host” ▪ [pic] ▪ Under Database Features leave the default components selected AS-IS unless otherwise you have a business requirement to deselect any. ▪ [pic] ▪ Under Custom Scripts, no need to specify any script. Just leave it blank ▪ [pic] ▪ Click Next ▪ Just review all the items here. If you want to make any change click “Back” button to go back and make changes. ▪ If everything is fine then click Next. ▪ Make sure you have a Green Check Mark next to Create databases. o Compliance Standards (Required only if you creating a DB) ▪ Click Compliance Standards hyperlink ▪ Leave the compliance standard set to “None” which is default ▪ [pic] ▪ Click Next ▪ Make sure you have a green check mark next to Compliance Standard hyperlink. ▪ At this point you should have Green check marks against all the items listed in the screen, if you cannot proceed further ▪ [pic] ▪ Click Next ▪ On the ORACLE_BASE field enter the value for ORACLE_BASE as per Cisco Standard which is /oracle/admin/. Example /oracle/admin/DBCIM ▪ [pic] ▪ On the field “Enter EMAIL for notification” enter your Cisco email address. This is where notification will be sent on issues if any post deployment process. ▪ On the field “Enter Lister Port” enter the same listener port which you entered in previous step. ▪ [pic] ▪ Click Next ▪ Leave everything to default on this screen. ▪ You may save this if you want to re-use the value entered at later point of time. • If you want to submit a saved procedure, all you have to do is, goto Enterprise -> Provisioning and Patching -> Database Provisioning, Under “Provision Oracle RAC Database” you should be able to see the one which you saved. Just select it and move forward with submission ▪ Click Next ▪ Review all the details entered and then click Submit. ▪ It will ask you to reconfirm, just click Yes to reconfirm and procedure will be submitted for execution ▪ [pic]

3 Monitoring a submitted procedure.

✓ Navigate to OEM - > Enterprise -> Provisioning and Patching - > Procedure Activity to see all the procedure executions (those which are currently running as well those which got completed in the past) ✓ If a procedure is submitted by Person “A”, then Person “B” won’t be able to see the same. If their exist a required for Person “B” to monitor/take action on the procedure submitted by person “A”, then person “A” has to grant permission on the procedure he submitted. o In order to grant a privilege, choose the procedure execution on which privilege needs to be granted (by navigating into OEM -> Enterprise -> Provisioning and Patching -> Procedure Activity) o Click “Edit Permissions” button o [pic] o Click Add o Search by CEC ID to whom access needs to be provided o Click Select o [pic] o Under “Manage Target Privilege Grants” drop down list choose the privilege as appropriate (“FULL” is recommended) o [pic] o Click OK o Their after granted person will have full privilege on the procedure. ✓ Execute Prerequisites and Fixups (second step in the procedure) will be running for considerable amount of time. This is the step which does end-to-end validation to make sure the host setup if fine and parameter provided during the interview process is valid. ✓ At any given point if someone needs to know what exactly is being done and to see the relevant log files, just click the step name (which is usually hyper link), ✓ [pic] ✓ Then keep click the host name (which is again a hyper link) on which it is running/completed. ✓ Click the status (running/failed/succeeded) which is again a hyper link ✓ [pic] ✓ Expand the execution details arrow and you will see the complete log of the execution. ✓ [pic] ✓ Incase if a step got failed you will easily come know the reason for failure by reviewing corresponding log file. ✓ [pic] ✓ Incase if a step is failed, then you have an option either to Retry or to Ignore. Please note that all steps cannot be ignored. If a step is very critical and a dependent for subsequent steps then that step cannot be ignored. Ignore button will be disabled in this case. ✓ You need to select the host where you want to retry/ignore and then click corresponding button. ✓ [pic] ✓ If the issue is identified (by going through the log file) and cause for failure is fixed then one can click “retry” so that the same failed step will be reattempted and upon success it will proceed further. ✓ It is highly recommend to always use “Retry” and Ignore should never be used unless otherwise it is essential. ✓ Also Retry will only execute the procedure from failure point, this saves time and no need to repeat the steps which already got completed.

Executing script post install

1 For CRS install

❖ While installing CRS, execution procedure will fail while running This is expected since our ID’s doesn’t have sudo access to root for running ❖ [pic] ❖ Once the step is failed, login into DB node, manually invoke o sudo /oracle/product/grid_home/ ❖ Review the log file and incase of no errors run o sudo /oracle/product/grid_home/crs/install/ ❖ once execution got completed, check the component status on CRS and make sure everything is in “UP” status. ❖ Please make sure & is executed in the order in which RAC instances would be created. For example if it is a 4 node RAC DB on hosts svr1,svr2,svr3 and svr4, then please execute root scripts first on svr1, once it got completed executed it on svr2, then svr3 and at last on svr4. ❖ Follow the same on all the remaining RAC Nodes. ❖ Once it is done, go back to EM, select the failed step and click retry. ❖ [pic] ❖ This time it will succeed and will move forward. ❖ Their after procedure should not fail and should complete all the way till end.

2 For RDBMS Install

Incase of RDBMS oracle home clone, script has been disabled since it is not mandatory to execute it before subsequent steps completes. However one has to run this script post deployment process to make sure process is complete.

You can login into DB node and run sudo $ORACLE_HOME/ This needs to be done across all RAC nodes.

Manual Tasks

This section lists all the tasks that are manual as of now.

1. Execution of script 2. Pinning CRS nodes in case of RAC 3. Any links those are missing which are communicated through e-mail at end of the process. 4. [pic] 5. Reviewing and scheduling the cron jobs for monitoring (Production Focus, log file manager, archive utl etc.) 6. Registering listener in LDAP 7. Making entry in DBTS 8. Scheduling backup and coordinating tasks with DIG team. 9. EMAN entry



1 Cisco specific customizations

Given below are Cisco specific customizations that are done as part of DB provisioning.

1) Create dedicated listeners with same port across all RAC nodes 2) Make oratab entries as per Cisco standards 3) Deploy standard scripts as per Cisco standards 4) Create CCPADMIN schema 5) Perform SOX/RDAC related setups 6) Pin Standard objects into shared pool 7) Increase AWR retention period as per Cisco standards 8) Install OS Watcher 9) Configure Splunk if applicable 10) Create EMAN Monitor User 11) Register DB in OCM 12) Configure Local and Remote listener parameters as per Cisco Standards 13) Create various softlinks as per Cisco standard 14) Disable standard gather stats job 15) Enable force logging 16) Move .patch_storage to /oracle/dump 17) Create password file 18) Register DB in RMAN catalog 19) Create password file with sys/rman schema passwords 20) Turn off auto extend across all DB files


Provisioning & Patching Oracle Database using Enterprise Manager 12c
Oracle Enterprise Manager 12c Documentation

OEM Wiki Page

Documentation History

1 Revision History

|Version |Revised On |Revised |Revised For |Reviewed |Reviewed |
| | |By | |By |On |
| | | | | | |

2 Contributors

|Name |Email Id |Role |
|Manickaraja Kumarappan | |EM System admin |
|Pascal Laporte | |EM System admin |
|Venkata Kiran Gunturi | |EM System admin |
|Surekha Jampala | |EM System admin |

3 Reviewers

|Name |Email Id |Role |
|Pascal Laporte |Plaporte |EM System admin |
| | | |
| | | |
| | | |

End of Document

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Words: 38081 - Pages: 153

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Oracle for Dummies

...™ Everything Easier! Making cle 11g Ora ® Learn to: • Set up and manage an Oracle database • Maintain and protect your data • Understand Oracle database architecture • Troubleshoot your database and keep it running smoothly Chris Zeis Chris Ruel Michael Wessler Oracle 11g ® FOR DUMmIES ‰ Oracle 11g ® FOR DUMmIES by Chris Zeis, Chris Ruel, and Michael Wessler ‰ Oracle® 11g For Dummies® Published by Wiley Publishing, Inc. 111 River Street Hoboken, NJ 07030-5774 Copyright © 2009 by Wiley Publishing, Inc., Indianapolis, Indiana Published by Wiley Publishing, Inc., Indianapolis, Indiana Published simultaneously in Canada No part of this publication may be reproduced, stored in a retrieval system or transmitted in any form or by any means, electronic, mechanical, photocopying, recording, scanning or otherwise, except as permitted under Sections 107 or 108 of the 1976 United States Copyright Act, without either the prior written permission of the Publisher, or authorization through payment of the appropriate per-copy fee to the Copyright Clearance Center, 222 Rosewood Drive, Danvers, MA 01923, (978) 750-8400, fax (978) 646-8600. Requests to the Publisher for permission should be addressed to the Permissions Department, John Wiley & Sons, Inc., 111 River Street, Hoboken, NJ 07030, (201) 748-6011, fax (201) 748-6008, or online...

Words: 106399 - Pages: 426

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Lbs-Challenges in M Commerce

...contributed articles doi:10.1145/1941487.1941515 Mobile advertising will become more pervasive and profitable, but not before addressing key technical and business challenges. By Subhankar Dhar and Upkar Varshney Challenges and Business Models for Mobile Location-based Services and Advertising for wireless cellular networks in the U.S. have also enabled location-based functionalities using variations of triangulation, GPS, and cell-ID technologies. In addition to the current and emerging satellite-based systems, such as GPS (U.S.), GLONASS (Russian), GALILEO (EU), and COMPASS (China),30 which will provide wider coverage to benefit location-based services. In some cases locational information can also be derived and utilized from sensors, RFID, Bluetooth, WiMax, and Wireless LANs.7,31,32 These systems can be used standalone or supplement the coverage for location tracking in indoor environments, where satellite coverage is intermittent or inaccurate. The potential for location-based services is evident from powerful and ubiquitous wireless devices that are growing in popularity.8,23 Many surveys predict billions of dollars in revenues for mobile advertising.27 Mobile Network Operators are well positioned to take up a significant percent of this advertising revenue as they negotiate deals with content providers. Recent deals between media companies, advertising agencies and Internet/software industry also demonstrate significant optimism...

Words: 7416 - Pages: 30

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Srs Template

...Index : Technical Specification Sections Finalised by SRS Commiittee for Restructured APDRP under 11th Plan Page-1 Section – G1 :: General Technical requirements Sl. No. Title Page No. / Section No. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 Introduction Intent of specification Scope of work Other Services and Items Specific Exclusions Utility’s Current IT Infrastructure Arrangement by the Contractor Software tools Warranty, operational guarantee and system reliability with ‘on-site’ support Annual Maintenance Contract Price Loading for Evaluation of Bids Payment terms Project synopsis Bid Schedule Basic reference drawings Spares Time schedule Implementation schedule Quality assurance plan Qualifying requirements 2 of G1 2 of G1 4 of G1 19 of G1 23 of G1 23of G1 23of G1 24 of G1 24 of G1 26 of G1 26 of G1 27 of G1 27 of G1 27 of G1 27 of G1 27 of G1 28 of G1 28 of G1 28 of G1 29 of G1 Page-2 Section – G2 :: Technical specification requirements for Application Packages Sl. No. Title Page No. / Section No. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 Part-A – Essentially Required by most Utilities for setting up an IT backbone for collection of baseline data, Energy Accounting / Auditing and establishment of Customer care centers Introduction System Functionality Module : Meter Data Acquisition Module : Energy Audit Module : New Connection Module : Disconnection & Dismantling Module : GIS based customer Indexing and asset mapping Module...

Words: 90558 - Pages: 363

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...Oracle DBA Interview Questions and Answers Compiled By Mohamed Fowjil Abdul Hameed Contents Oracle DBA Interviews - Overview 2 Oracle DBA Interview Questions and Answers – ARCHITECTURE 4 SENIOR ORACLE DBA INTERVIEW QUESTIONS 31 MID LEVEL ORACLE DBA INTERVIEW QUESTIONS 57 Oracle 11g Database New Features Interview Questions and Answers 65 Oracle RAC Interview Questions and Answers 70 Oracle RAC Interview Questions (10g) Questions and Answers 137 Oracle Data Guard Interview Questions and Answers 168 Oracle ASM Interview Questions and Answers 205 Oracle Patching,Cloning and Upgrade Interview Questions and Answers 219 Oracle Backup and Recovery Interview Questions and Answers 228 Oracle RMAN Interview Questions and Answers 232 Oracle Performance Tuning Interview Questions and Answers 237 Oracle Performance Tuning Interview Questions and Answers 245 Oracle Export/Import (exp/imp)- Data Pump (expdp/imp) Interview Questions and Answers 249 UNIX Interview Questions and Answers for Oracle DBAs 254 Oracle DBA Interviews - Overview Dear Readers, Hereby, I am sharing my experience of interviews asd technical discussion with various MNC Dba’s, Project managers and Project delivery managers and Technical architects, as part of my interview preparation, I used to refer my own work note as well as web sources below details are a consolidate form of my interview preparation and Oracle dba interviews questions and answers General Guide line:...

Words: 97621 - Pages: 391

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Internet of Things

...| Internet of Things | 2014| Pragya Vaishwanar | Aricent Marketing Research Report | Summary It’s fair to say that more people have heard of the “internet of things” than have experienced it. More objects are becoming embedded with sensors and gaining the ability to communicate. The resulting information networks promise to create new business models, improve business processes, and reduce costs and risks. There is breathless press coverage of the phenomenon—always patiently re-explained by tech pundits as the trend by which all of one’s most mundane possessions will become internet-connected. These are invariably coupled with estimates that the internet of things will be a multi-trillion dollar business. 2014 is really, finally the year that the “internet of things”—that effort to remotely control every object on earth —becomes visible in one’s everyday lives. In a sense the internet of things is already with us. For one thing, anyone with a smartphone has already joined the club. The average smartphone is brimming with sensors—an accelerometer, a compass, GPS, light, sound, altimeter. It’s the prototypical internet-connected listening station, equally adept at monitoring our health, the velocity of our car, the magnitude of earthquakes and countless other things that its creators never envisioned. Yet despite repeated declarations one of the most successful sellers of baubles that help make your home “smart,” Smart-things, has only shipped 10,000 or so units since...

Words: 13930 - Pages: 56

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Sap Netweaver for Dummies Dan Woods and Jeff Word SAP NetWeaver ® ™ FOR DUMmIES ‰ by Dan Woods and Jeff Word SAP® NetWeaver™ For Dummies® Published by Wiley Publishing, Inc. 111 River Street Hoboken, NJ 07030-5774 Copyright © 2004 by Wiley Publishing, Inc., Indianapolis, Indiana Published by Wiley Publishing, Inc., Indianapolis, Indiana Published simultaneously in Canada No part of this publication may be reproduced, stored in a retrieval system or transmitted in any form or by any means, electronic, mechanical, photocopying, recording, scanning or otherwise, except as permitted under Sections 107 or 108 of the 1976 United States Copyright Act, without either the prior written permission of the Publisher, or authorization through payment of the appropriate per-copy fee to the Copyright Clearance Center, 222 Rosewood Drive, Danvers, MA 01923, (978) 750-8400, fax (978) 646-8600. Requests to the Publisher for permission should be addressed to the Legal Department, Wiley Publishing, Inc., 10475 Crosspoint Blvd., Indianapolis, IN 46256, (317) 572-3447, fax (317) 572-4447, e-mail: permcoordinator@ Trademarks: Wiley, the Wiley Publishing logo, For Dummies, the Dummies Man logo, A Reference for the Rest of Us!, The Dummies Way, Dummies Daily, The Fun and Easy Way,, and related trade dress are trademarks or registered trademarks of John Wiley & Sons, Inc. and/or its affiliates in the United States and other countries, and may not be used without...

Words: 135708 - Pages: 543

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Microsoft Exchange 2010

...Microsoft Exchange 2010 on VMware Best Practices Guide Microsoft Exchange 2010 on VMware Best Practices Guide © 2011 VMware, Inc. All rights reserved. This product is protected by U.S. and international copyright and intellectual property laws. This product is covered by one or more patents listed at VMware is a registered trademark or trademark of VMware, Inc. in the United States and/or other jurisdictions. All other marks and names mentioned herein may be trademarks of their respective companies. VMware, Inc 3401 Hillview Ave Palo Alto, CA 94304 © 2011 VMware, Inc. All rights reserved. Page 2 of 70 Microsoft Exchange 2010 on VMware Best Practices Guide Contents 1. Introduction ...................................................................................... 7 1.1 Purpose .......................................................................................................................... 7 1.2 Target Audience ............................................................................................................. 7 1.3 Scope ............................................................................................................................. 8 2. VMware ESX Host Best Practices for Exchange .............................. 9 2.1 CPU Configuration Guidelines ....................................................................................... 9 2.2 Memory...

Words: 19879 - Pages: 80

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...Solution Architecture IRDA Business Analytics Project Nov 2010 Solution Architecture Document - IRDA Business Analytics Project Table of Contents List of Abbreviations Used with Their Definition .......................................................................................... 5 List of Terms Used with Their Definition ...................................................................................................... 9 1. 1.1 1.2 2. 3. 4. 5. 5.1 5.2 6. 7. 7.1 7.2 7.3 7.4 7.5 8. 9. 9.1 9.2 10. 10.1 Executive Summary ......................................................................................................................... 14 Introduction ................................................................................................................................ 14 Solution Architecture .................................................................................................................. 14 Objectives of the Business Analytics Solution ................................................................................ 17 Key Business Drivers ....................................................................................................................... 17 Solution Themes ............................................................................................................................. 18 Present IT Infrastructure at IRDA ..............................................................................................

Words: 50163 - Pages: 201

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Obia Installation

...Oracle® Business Intelligence Applications Installation Guide for Informatica PowerCenter Users Release E35271-01 November 2012 Provides the steps to install and set up Oracle Business Intelligence Applications Release Oracle Business Intelligence Applications Installation Guide for Informatica PowerCenter Users, Release E35271-01 Copyright © 2009, 2012, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All rights reserved. Primary Author: P Brownbridge This software and related documentation are provided under a license agreement containing restrictions on use and disclosure and are protected by intellectual property laws. Except as expressly permitted in your license agreement or allowed by law, you may not use, copy, reproduce, translate, broadcast, modify, license, transmit, distribute, exhibit, perform, publish, or display any part, in any form, or by any means. Reverse engineering, disassembly, or decompilation of this software, unless required by law for interoperability, is prohibited. The information contained herein is subject to change without notice and is not warranted to be error-free. If you find any errors, please report them to us in writing. If this is software or related documentation that is delivered to the U.S. Government or anyone licensing it on behalf of the U.S. Government, the following notice is applicable: U.S. GOVERNMENT END USERS: Oracle programs, including any operating system, integrated software, any programs installed...

Words: 60905 - Pages: 244

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Digital India

...DIGITAL IND IA Presentation-I Digital India A programme to transform India into a digitally empowered society and knowledge economy DIGITAL IND IA What is Digital India?     Digital India is a Programme to prepare India for a knowledge future. The focus is on being transformative – to realize IT + IT = IT The focus is on making technology central to enabling change. It is an Umbrella Programme – covering many departments.  It weaves together a large number of ideas and thoughts into a single, comprehensive vision so that each of them is seen as part of a larger goal.  Each individual element stands on its own. But is also part of the larger picture.  It is coordinated by DeitY, implemented by the entire government – both at the Centre and State.  The weaving together makes the Mission transformative in totality  The Programme:      Pulls together many existing schemes. These schemes will be restructured and re-focused. They will be implemented in a synchronized manner. Many elements are only process improvements with minimal cost. The common branding of programmes as Digital India highlights their transformative impact. DIGITAL IND IA Vision of Digital India Centered on 3 Key Areas • Digital Infrastructure as a Utility to Every Citizen • Governance & Services on Demand • Digital Empowerment of Citizens DIGITAL IND IA Vision Area 1: Infrastructure as a Utility to Every Citizen • High...

Words: 13064 - Pages: 53