...1. Problem definition: Design a program that will allow a user to Input a list of your family members along with their age and state where they reside. Determine and print the average age of your family and print the names of anyone who live in Texas. Note: Your problem analysis should have already been submitted as part 1 of the assignment. A. Program Design – Following the directions in the assignment, clearly write up your problem design in this section and comment your pseudocode. Complete Pseudocode With Comments: // Family Member Data // Programmer: J. West, University of Iowa // Version 1.0 – October 9, 2014 /* This program allows the user to input family data and print the average age of their family and the names of any relatives that live in the state Texas. */ // Variables used: // FamMbrName = Family member’s name (As String) // Age[ ] = Array name (As Integer) // State = State family member resides (As String) // OutOfState = Family Members that live in the state of Texas (As String) // AverageAge = Sum of age of family members divided by 10 (As Float) // Names[ ] = Array name (As String) // Count = Counter (As String) // YearsOld = Age of family members (As Integer) // Y = Identifies family member (As Integer) // Z = Identifies age (As Integer) // AgeSum = Sum of the ages of the family members (As Float) // NewAvgAge = Sum of age of family members divided by 10 (As Float) Main module Declare Names[10], FamMbrName, State, OutOfState As...
Words: 781 - Pages: 4
...77 Menu-Driven Programs 94 Text Processing 96 Recursion 100 Object-Oriented Programming 102 GUI Applications and Event-Driven Programming 111 Appendix A Introduction to IDLE Page 1 Introduction Welcome to the Python Language Companion for Starting Out with Programming Logic and Design, 2nd Edition, by Tony Gaddis. You can use this guide as a reference for the Python Programming Language as you work through the textbook. Each chapter in this guide corresponds to the same numbered chapter in the textbook. As you work through a chapter in the textbook, you can refer to the corresponding chapter in this guide to see how the chapter's topics are implemented in Python. In this book you will also find Python versions of many of the pseudocode programs that are presented in the textbook. Page 2 Chapter 1 Installing Python Introduction to Python Before you can run Python programs on your computer you will need to install the Python interpreter. You can download the latest version of the Python Windows installer from www.python.org/download. The web site also provides downloadable versions of Python for several other operating systems. Note: On the download page you likely will see two current versions of Python. One will be named Python 2.x.x, and the...
Words: 31767 - Pages: 128
...STARTING OUT WITH Python ® Second Edition This page intentionally left blank STARTING OUT WITH Python ® Second Edition Tony Gaddis Haywood Community College Addison-Wesley Boston Columbus Indianapolis New York San Francisco Upper Saddle River Amsterdam Cape Town Dubai London Madrid Milan Munich Paris Montreal Toronto Delhi Mexico City São Paulo Sydney Hong Kong Seoul Singapore Taipei Tokyo Vice President and Editorial Director, ECS: Editor-in-Chief: Editorial Assistant: Vice President, Marketing: Marketing Manager: Marketing Coordinator: Vice President, Production: Managing Editor: Production Project Manager: Manufacturing Buyer: Art Director: Cover Designer: Cover Image: Media Editor: Project Management: Composition and Illustration: Printer/Binder: Cover Printer: Marcia Horton Michael Hirsch Stephanie Sellinger Patrice Jones Yezan Alayan Kathryn Ferranti Vince O’Brien Jeff Holcomb Kayla Smith-Tarbox Lisa McDowell Linda Knowles Joyce Cosentino Wells/JWells Design © Digital Vision Dan Sandin/Wanda Rockwell Sherill Redd, Aptara®, Inc. Aptara®, Inc. Edwards Brothers LeHigh-Phoenix Color/Hagerstown Credits and acknowledgments borrowed from other sources and reproduced, with permission, appear on the Credits page in the endmatter of this textbook. Copyright © 2012, 2009 Pearson Education, Inc., publishing as Addison-Wesley. All rights reserved. Manufactured in the United States of America. This publication...
Words: 76897 - Pages: 308
...C++LOCATION OF VIDEONOTES IN THE TEXT Chapter 1 Designing a Program with Pseudocode, p. 19 Designing the Account Balance Program, p. 24 Predicting the Output of Problem 30, p. 24 Solving the Candy Bar Sales Problem, p. 25 Using cout to Display Output, p. 32 Assignment Statements, p. 59 Arithmetic Operators, p. 61 Solving the Restaurant Bill Problem, p. 72 Using cin to Read Input, p. 75 Evaluating Mathematical Expressions, p. 81 Combined Assignment Operators, p. 102 Solving the Stadium Seating Problem, p. 151 Using an if Statement, p. 162 Using an if/else Statement, p. 172 Using an if/else if Statement, p. 175 Solving the Time Calculator Problem, p. 236 The while Loop, p. 249 The for Loop, p. 263 Nested Loops, p. 277 Solving the Ocean Levels Problem, p. 299 Defining and Calling Functions, p. 306 Using Function Arguments, p. 316 Value-Returning Functions, p. 326 Solving the Markup Problem, p. 380 Creating a Class, p. 391 Creating and Using Class Objects, p. 393 Creating and Using Structures, p. 436 Solving the Car Class Problem, p. 480 Accessing Array Elements, p. 487 Passing an Array to a Function, p. 517 Two-Dimensional Arrays, p. 526 Solving the Chips and Salsa Problem, p. 567 Performing a Binary Search, p. 580 Sorting a Set of Data, p. 587 Solving the Lottery Winners Problem, p. 616 (continued on next page) Chapter 2 Chapter 3 Chapter 4 Chapter 5 Chapter 6 Chapter 7 Chapter 8 Chapter 9 LOCATION OF VIDEONOTES IN THE TEXT Chapter 10 Pointer Variables...
Words: 11246 - Pages: 45
...Instructor’s Solutions Manual to Concepts of Programming Languages Tenth Edition R.W. Sebesta ©2013 Pearson Education, Inc. Upper Saddle River, NJ. All Rights Reserved. Preface Changes for the Tenth Edition T he goals, overall structure, and approach of this tenth edition of Concepts of Programming Languages remain the same as those of the nine earlier editions. The principal goals are to introduce the main constructs of contemporary programming languages and to provide the reader with the tools necessary for the critical evaluation of existing and future programming languages. A secondary goal is to prepare the reader for the study of compiler design, by providing an indepth discussion of programming language structures, presenting a formal method of describing syntax and introducing approaches to lexical and syntatic analysis. The tenth edition evolved from the ninth through several different kinds of changes. To maintain the currency of the material, some of the discussion of older programming languages has been removed. For example, the description of COBOL’s record operations was removed from Chapter 6 and that of Fortran’s Do statement was removed from Chapter 8. Likewise, the description of Ada’s generic subprograms was removed from Chapter 9 and the discussion of Ada’s asynchronous message passing was removed from Chapter 13. On the other hand, a section on closures, a section on calling subprograms indirectly, and a section on generic functions in...
Words: 7025 - Pages: 29
...A Practical Introduction to Data Structures and Algorithm Analysis Third Edition (Java) Clifford A. Shaffer Department of Computer Science Virginia Tech Blacksburg, VA 24061 April 16, 2009 Copyright c 2008 by Clifford A. Shaffer. This document is the draft of a book to be published by Prentice Hall and may not be duplicated without the express written consent of either the author or a representative of the publisher. Contents Preface xiii I Preliminaries 1 1 Data Structures and Algorithms 1.1 A Philosophy of Data Structures 1.1.1 The Need for Data Structures 1.1.2 Costs and Benefits 1.2 Abstract Data Types and Data Structures 1.3 Design Patterns 1.3.1 Flyweight 1.3.2 Visitor 1.3.3 Composite 1.3.4 Strategy 1.4 Problems, Algorithms, and Programs 1.5 Further Reading 1.6 Exercises 3 4 4 6 8 12 13 14 15 16 17 19 21 2 Mathematical Preliminaries 2.1 Sets and Relations 2.2 Miscellaneous Notation 2.3 Logarithms 2.4 Summations and Recurrences 25 25 29 31 33 iii iv Contents 2.5 2.6 2.7 2.8 2.9 3 II 4 Recursion Mathematical Proof Techniques 2.6.1 Direct Proof 2.6.2 Proof by Contradiction 2.6.3 Proof by Mathematical Induction Estimating Further Reading Exercises Algorithm Analysis 3.1 Introduction 3.2 Best, Worst, and Average Cases 3.3 A Faster Computer, or a Faster Algorithm? 3.4 Asymptotic Analysis 3.4.1 Upper Bounds 3.4.2 Lower Bounds 3.4.3 Θ Notation 3.4.4 Simplifying...
Words: 30587 - Pages: 123
...CONCEPTS OF PROGRAMMING LANGUAGES TENTH EDITION This page intentionally left blank CONCEPTS OF PROGRAMMING LANGUAGES TENTH EDITION R OB E RT W. S EB ES TA University of Colorado at Colorado Springs Boston Columbus Indianapolis New York San Francisco Upper Saddle River Amsterdam Cape Town Dubai London Madrid Milan Munich Paris Montreal Toronto Delhi Mexico City Sao Paulo Sydney Hong Kong Seoul Singapore Taipei Tokyo Vice President and Editorial Director, ECS: Marcia Horton Editor in Chief: Michael Hirsch Executive Editor: Matt Goldstein Editorial Assistant: Chelsea Kharakozova Vice President Marketing: Patrice Jones Marketing Manager: Yez Alayan Marketing Coordinator: Kathryn Ferranti Marketing Assistant: Emma Snider Vice President and Director of Production: Vince O’Brien Managing Editor: Jeff Holcomb Senior Production Project Manager: Marilyn Lloyd Manufacturing Manager: Nick Sklitsis Operations Specialist: Lisa McDowell Cover Designer: Anthony Gemmellaro Text Designer: Gillian Hall Cover Image: Mountain near Pisac, Peru; Photo by author Media Editor: Dan Sandin Full-Service Vendor: Laserwords Project Management: Gillian Hall Printer/Binder: Courier Westford Cover Printer: Lehigh-Phoenix Color This book was composed in InDesign. Basal font is Janson Text. Display font is ITC Franklin Gothic. Copyright © 2012, 2010, 2008, 2006, 2004 by Pearson Education, Inc., publishing as Addison-Wesley. All rights reserved. Manufactured...
Words: 142312 - Pages: 570
...CONCEPTS OF PROGRAMMING LANGUAGES TENTH EDITION This page intentionally left blank CONCEPTS OF PROGRAMMING LANGUAGES TENTH EDITION R O B E RT W. S EB ES TA University of Colorado at Colorado Springs Boston Columbus Indianapolis New York San Francisco Upper Saddle River Amsterdam Cape Town Dubai London Madrid Milan Munich Paris Montreal Toronto Delhi Mexico City Sao Paulo Sydney Hong Kong Seoul Singapore Taipei Tokyo Vice President and Editorial Director, ECS: Marcia Horton Editor in Chief: Michael Hirsch Executive Editor: Matt Goldstein Editorial Assistant: Chelsea Kharakozova Vice President Marketing: Patrice Jones Marketing Manager: Yez Alayan Marketing Coordinator: Kathryn Ferranti Marketing Assistant: Emma Snider Vice President and Director of Production: Vince O’Brien Managing Editor: Jeff Holcomb Senior Production Project Manager: Marilyn Lloyd Manufacturing Manager: Nick Sklitsis Operations Specialist: Lisa McDowell Cover Designer: Anthony Gemmellaro Text Designer: Gillian Hall Cover Image: Mountain near Pisac, Peru; Photo by author Media Editor: Dan Sandin Full-Service Vendor: Laserwords Project Management: Gillian Hall Printer/Binder: Courier Westford Cover Printer: Lehigh-Phoenix Color This book was composed in InDesign. Basal font is Janson Text. Display font is ITC Franklin Gothic. Copyright © 2012, 2010, 2008, 2006, 2004 by Pearson Education, Inc., publishing as Addison-Wesley. All rights reserved. Manufactured in the United States...
Words: 142253 - Pages: 570
...= input.nextDouble(); float floatValue = input.nextFloat(); String string = input.next(); Console Output System.out.println(anyValue); JOptionPane.showMessageDialog(null, "Enter input"); GUI Input Dialog String string = JOptionPane.showInputDialog( "Enter input"); int intValue = Integer.parseInt(string); double doubleValue = Double.parseDouble(string); Message Dialog Primitive Data Types byte short int long float double char boolean 8 bits 16 bits 32 bits 64 bits 32 bits 64 bits 16 bits true/false Arithmetic Operators + * / % ++var --var var++ var-addition subtraction multiplication division remainder preincrement predecrement postincrement postdecrement Assignment Operators = += -= *= /= %= assignment addition assignment subtraction assignment multiplication assignment division assignment remainder assignment Relational Operators < >= == != less than less than or equal to greater than greater than or equal to equal to not equal Logical Operators && || ! ^ short circuit AND short circuit OR NOT exclusive OR if Statements if (condition) { statements; } if (condition) { statements; } else { statements; } if (condition1) { statements; } else if (condition2) { statements; } else { statements; } switch Statements switch (intExpression) { case value1: statements; break; ... case valuen: statements; break; default: statements; } loop Statements while (condition) { statements; } do { statements; } while (condition); for (init; condition; adjustment) { statements;...
Words: 73366 - Pages: 294
...Data Mining Practical Machine Learning Tools and Techniques The Morgan Kaufmann Series in Data Management Systems Series Editor: Jim Gray, Microsoft Research Data Mining: Practical Machine Learning Tools and Techniques, Second Edition Ian H. Witten and Eibe Frank Fuzzy Modeling and Genetic Algorithms for Data Mining and Exploration Earl Cox Data Modeling Essentials, Third Edition Graeme C. Simsion and Graham C. Witt Location-Based Services Jochen Schiller and Agnès Voisard Database Modeling with Microsoft® Visio for Enterprise Architects Terry Halpin, Ken Evans, Patrick Hallock, and Bill Maclean Designing Data-Intensive Web Applications Stefano Ceri, Piero Fraternali, Aldo Bongio, Marco Brambilla, Sara Comai, and Maristella Matera Mining the Web: Discovering Knowledge from Hypertext Data Soumen Chakrabarti Understanding SQL and Java Together: A Guide to SQLJ, JDBC, and Related Technologies Jim Melton and Andrew Eisenberg Database: Principles, Programming, and Performance, Second Edition Patrick O’Neil and Elizabeth O’Neil The Object Data Standard: ODMG 3.0 Edited by R. G. G. Cattell, Douglas K. Barry, Mark Berler, Jeff Eastman, David Jordan, Craig Russell, Olaf Schadow, Torsten Stanienda, and Fernando Velez Data on the Web: From Relations to Semistructured Data and XML Serge Abiteboul, Peter Buneman, and Dan Suciu Data Mining: Practical Machine Learning Tools and Techniques with Java Implementations Ian H. Witten and Eibe Frank ...
Words: 191947 - Pages: 768
...This page intentionally left blank Te n t h E d i t i o n MODERN DATABASE MANAGEMENT Editorial Director: Sally Yagan Editor in Chief: Eric Svendsen Executive Editor: Bob Horan Editorial Project Manager: Kelly Loftus Editorial Assistant: Jason Calcano Director of Marketing: Patrice Lumumba Jones Marketing Manager: Anne Fahlgren Marketing Assistant: Melinda Jensen Senior Managing Editor: Judy Leale Project Manager: Becca Richter Senior Operations Supervisor: Arnold Vila Operations Specialist: Ilene Kahn Senior Art Director: Jayne Conte Cover Designer: Suzanne Behnke Cover Art: Fotolia © vuifah Manager, Visual Research: Karen Sanatar Permissions Project Manager: Shannon Barbe Media Project Manager, Editorial: Denise Vaughn Media Project Manager, Production: Lisa Rinaldi Supplements Editor: Kelly Loftus Full-Service Project Management: PreMediaGlobal Composition: PreMediaGlobal Printer/Binder: Edwards Brothers Cover Printer: Lehigh-Phoenix Color/Hagerstown Text Font: Palatino Credits and acknowledgments borrowed from other sources and reproduced, with permission, in this textbook appear on appropriate page within text. Microsoft® and Windows® are registered trademarks of the Microsoft Corporation in the U.S.A. and other countries. Screen shots and icons reprinted with permission from the Microsoft Corporation. This book is not sponsored or endorsed by or affiliated with the Microsoft Corporation. Copyright © 2011, 2009, 2007, 2005, 2002...
Words: 193467 - Pages: 774
...Fundamentals of Database Systems Preface....................................................................................................................................................12 Contents of This Edition.....................................................................................................................13 Guidelines for Using This Book.........................................................................................................14 Acknowledgments ..............................................................................................................................15 Contents of This Edition.........................................................................................................................17 Guidelines for Using This Book.............................................................................................................19 Acknowledgments ..................................................................................................................................21 About the Authors ..................................................................................................................................22 Part 1: Basic Concepts............................................................................................................................23 Chapter 1: Databases and Database Users..........................................................................................23 ...
Words: 229471 - Pages: 918
...TeA M YYe PG Digitally signed by TeAM YYePG DN: cn=TeAM YYePG, c=US, o=TeAM YYePG, ou=TeAM YYePG, email=yyepg@msn .com Reason: I attest to the accuracy and integrity of this document Date: 2005.07.04 23:45:43 +08'00' ������������ Want to learn more? We hope you enjoy this McGraw-Hill eBook! If you’d like more information about this book, its author, or related books and websites, please click here. HOW TO ACE THE BRAINTEASER INTERVIEW JOHN KADOR M C G R AW- H I L L N E W YO R K MADRID C H I C AG O SAN FRANCISCO MILAN SYDNEY LISBON TO RO N TO LONDON S A N J UA N MEXICO CITY SEOUL NEW DELHI SINGAPORE Copyright © 2005 by John Kador. All rights reserved. Manufactured in the United States of America. Except as permitted under the United States Copyright Act of 1976, no part of this publication may be reproduced or distributed in any form or by any means, or stored in a database or retrieval system, without the prior written permission of the publisher. 0-07-144606-0 The material in this eBook also appears in the print version of this title: 0-07-144001-1. All trademarks are trademarks of their respective owners. Rather than put a trademark symbol after every occurrence of a trademarked name, we use names in an editorial fashion only, and to the benefit of the trademark owner, with no intention of infringement of the trademark. Where such designations appear in this book, they have been printed with initial caps. McGraw-Hill eBooks are available at special...
Words: 77414 - Pages: 310
...This page was intentionally left blank This page was intentionally left blank Hands-On Ethical Hacking and Network Defense Second Edition Michael T. Simpson, Kent Backman, and James E. Corley ———————————————————————— Australia • Brazil • Japan • Korea • Mexico • Singapore • Spain • United Kingdom • United States Copyright 2010 Cengage Learning. All Rights Reserved. May not be copied, scanned, or duplicated, in whole or in part. Due to electronic rights, some third party content may be suppressed from the eBook and/or eChapter(s). Editorial review has deemed that any suppressed content does not materially affect the overall learning experience. Cengage Learning reserves the right to remove additional content at any time if subsequent rights restrictions require it. This is an electronic version of the print textbook. Due to electronic rights restrictions, some third party content may be suppressed. Editorial review has deemed that any suppressed content does not materially affect the overall learning experience. The publisher reserves the right to remove content from this title at any time if subsequent rights restrictions require it. For valuable information on pricing, previous editions, changes to current editions, and alternate formats, please visit www.cengage.com/highered to search by ISBN#, author, title, or keyword for materials in your areas of interest. Copyright 2010 Cengage Learning. All Rights Reserved. May not be copied, scanned, or duplicated...
Words: 185373 - Pages: 742
...Teach Yourself SQL in 21 Days, Second Edition Table of Contents: Introduction Week 1 at a Glance Day 1 Introduction to SQL Day 2 Introduction to the Query: The SELECT Statement Day 3 Expressions, Conditions, and Operators Day 4 Functions: Molding the Data You Retrieve Day 5 Clauses in SQL Day 6 Joining Tables Day 7 Subqueries: The Embedded SELECT Statement Week 1 in Review Week 2 at a Glance Day 8 Manipulating Data Day 9 Creating and Maintaining Tables Day 10 Creating Views and Indexes Day 11 Controlling Transactions Day 12 Database Security Day 13 Advanced SQL Topics Day 14 Dynamic Uses of SQL Week 2 in Review Week 3 at a Glance Day 15 Streamlining SQL Statements for Improved Performance Day 16 Using Views to Retrieve Useful Information from the Data Dictionary Day 17 Using SQL to Generate SQL Statements Day 18 PL/SQL: An Introduction Day 19 Transact-SQL: An Introduction Day 20 SQL*Plus Day 21 Common SQL Mistakes/Errors and Resolutions Week 3 in Review Appendixes A Glossary of Common SQL Statements B Source Code Listings for the C++ Program Used on Day 14 C Source Code Listings for the Delphi Program Used on Day 14 D Resources E ASCII Table F Answers to Quizzes and Excercises © Copyright, Macmillan Computer Publishing. All rights reserved. Teach Yourself SQL in 21 Days, Second Edition Acknowledgments A special thanks to the following individuals: foremost to my loving wife, Tina, for her tolerance and endless support, to Dan Wilson for his...
Words: 128515 - Pages: 515