...Psychodynamic Theories Jayme Terrigno PSY/405 October 6, 2014 Patti Tolar Psychodynamic Theories According to "Good Therapy" (2014), “The psychological interpretation of mental and emotional processes—is rooted in traditional psychoanalysis and draws from object relations, ego psychology, and self psychology” (para. 1). Psychodynamic theories draw most of their information from the idea of the unconscious, especially in the development of early childhood. This paper will describe personality, discuss the mail tenets of the theories presented, discuss how each theory applies to personality and behavior, and discusses the strengths and limitations of each theory. The degree to which individual humans vary from one another, both physically and psychologically, is quite astonishing and somewhat unique among species (Feist, Feist, & Roberts 2013). Personality id the physical characteristics of a person and how it reflects toward others. Personality is the thoughts and feelings that each person holds and shows to others. It is collection of a person, but these pieces of each person tend to remain the unchanged through the years. Psychodynamic theory was developed by a Sigmund Freud, a well-known theorist, and in his own words, scientist. Sigmund Freud began to combine philosophical speculations with a primitive scientific method. As a neurologist trained in science, Freud began to listen to his patients to find out what...
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...Theories of Personality Aaron Poitra PSY/405 May 6, 2013 Edward Lopez PhD Theories of Personality Theories of personality generate a list of assumptions to coincide conflicting points of view. Early scientist had difficulty coming to an agreement on the source and motivation of personality. Personality theories were vulnerable to unique personalities of the scientists that created them. To evaluate some of the similarities and differences between the theories, a good start begins with Adler and Sullivan. Alfred Adler was the founder of individual psychology and its six tenets that describes the source for personality. Harry Sullivan founded interpersonal theory that gives significant importance to a social context “Without other people, humans would have no personality” (Feist & Feist, 2009, p.213). The two theories contain similarities and differences between them in regards to basic or underlying assumptions, deterministic views versus free will, and awareness of the self. Basic or Underlying Assumptions The basic or underlying assumptions of individual and interpersonal theories, share a social interest and social context respectively, as a source for personality development. Social interest by Adler explains individual connections to people around them. Society connects people together for safety, survival, and procreation. Individuals depend on each other as much as a child would depend on their parents. Likewise, Sullivan’s interpersonal theory...
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...Personality theory analysis Danielle williams psy/405 07/01/2014 Sharon Friedman Personality theory analysis Over a vast period of time many different phycologist have pondered the makings of the human personality. Not only did phycologist have to consider what makes up the human personality; these same brilliant minds came up with several various approaches to the human personality. Each one of the following positions or theories all touch basis on different developments of a person’s personality. Whether it is the dispositional approach that theorist state are key traits in development that make an individual unique to him or her, or the humanist/existential approach which focuses more on the evidence for the stability of genetically influenced personality, more specifically evolution and how it applies to the issues of ambition and leadership. Here we will describe the differences between dispositional personality and humanistic. In this essay we will discuss the role of personality in affecting situational behavior. Following this, examine the personality characteristics attributed to each theory in our approach. Finally, we will explain the interpersonal relational aspects associated with the theories selected. . A number of different theories have emerged to explain different aspects of personality. Some theories focus on explaining how personality develops while others are concerned with individual differences in personality. In the following we will review...
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...Freud vs Horney Freud and Horney, two who were crucial to psychology and the concepts of psychodynamic development. Although Honey started out as a firm believer and follower of Freud, she began to see some of his theories conflicted with how she saw them to be, causing some differences of opinions and eventually her departure from following his research. Freud and Horney both had their own theory about the psychosexual structure, which also included Feminine Psychology. According to Freud and the way he saw human biology, it is universally the same in its course of development, as was the conflicts that developed among the people that he observed, the same. Freud’s differences in views from Horney’s revealed his undervaluing of importance of certain roles played by some others relating to culture, environment, and human development past the point of puberty. Freud: Believed that an individual’s present behavior is determined by their infantile experiences that was a result to some degree by environmental influences. Freud stated that certain innate behaviors and the absence or lack of intimacy (sex) creates anxiety; individuals would utilize some defense mechanisms to compensate for their anxiety. Argument Horney: Believed that the growing child finds him or herself through life experiences, specifically through involvement and interaction with their family, which she found environment to be the most important foundation (Horney, 1950). Drive is the component she...
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...Personality Overview You’re Name University of Phoenix PSY/405 Professor February 11, 2012 Personality Overview Theorists have discovered human behavior for many years. In dissimilarity these trait theories describe personality as it exist, “psychoanalytic theories of one’s personality helps to explain the differences among individuals by means of examining how these unconscious forces interchange with his or her thoughts, actions, and feelings. Psychoanalytic theory was discovered by our father of psychology Sigmund Freud” (Feist & Feist, 2009, para. 3). Many of Freud’s theories have placed in the field of medicine, religion, and anthropology. The theory of personality was discovered from Freud, and this has been one of the most persuasive and at, the same time, controversial, in the field of science. Melanie Klein gave some great contributions to the field and Klein’s relation theory, and Alder’s psychology theory. Both of these contributed his and her thoughts to the elaboration, exploitation, and elaboration to psychology. Alfred Alder Individual Psychology Alfred Alder (1870-1937) was in Freud’s inner circle and the first to leave. Individual psychology was Alder’s idea. “Instead of seeing behavior by unconscious forces, believed it is purposeful and goal-directed” (Bottome, 1939, p. 4). The ability to choose and create was Alder’s belief. He also believed that he or she has goals in life that provide a good source of his or her own motivations, especially...
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...References Feist, J, Feist, G.J, & Roberts, T.A, (2013). Theories of Personality, 8th ed.; New York,New York: McGraw-Hill Cover Photo - www.googleimages.com Photo of Carl Jung - www.simplypsychology.org Photo of Erik Erikson - www.pinstake.com Photo of Sigmund Freud - www.commons.wikimedia.org Image of Psychodynamic Approach - www.kaycounseling.co.uk | Psychodynamic Personality Brochure Shanta’ Boyd February 16, 2013 PSY/405 University of Phoenix | Psychodynamic Personality Psychodynamic cover.jpg | Personality Personality cannot be described with just one definition being that there are many different schools of thought. Personality can be described as: A pattern of traits and unique characteristics that provide consistency and individuality to an individuals behavior. Personality can also be formed through the consistency, hereditary, and an individual's experiences. An individuals perception of self and the world around them can also be make up an individual's personality. Behavior and Personality Their is a relationship between behavior and personality, but behavior isn’t personality. Psychodynamic Approach Famous theorist like Carl Jung, Erik Erikson, and Sigmund Freud, have all contributed to the psychodynamic theory of personality. Most theories, theories focus on the unconscious and consciousness of the mind as well as the development of ones personality based on their...
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...Klein vs. Erikson Debate Jamie Salas, Jessica Borrero, Melondy Moore, Reshunna Robbins, Roxanne Luck, Shayna Parks 6/29/15 PSY-405 Patti Toler Roxanne - In this debate we are going to argue the applications of Melanie Klein’s Objection Relations Theory and Erik Erikson’s Post-Freudian Theory in regards to their describing of individual personality characteristics along with interpersonal relations. Team Klein will begin the debate: Jessica - On the positive aspects of Klein’s object theory on individual personality characteristics is how an infant’s experience can shape their future personality. One is the object of the breast, which later perceives total control and this drives satisfaction called the id. According to Burch (1988), “Good experiences or phantasies of the breast are split off from bad ones and internalized”. These experiences help shape the relationship with others in adulthood. Interpersonal relations with the object of the breast create love, comfort and gratification towards the mother, and others. A tendency to relate these feeling with others can create a good structure of positive relationships and fantasy-like quality of life. Team Erikson will now oppose: Melondy - Klein did face some criticism from others about her theory and the techniques that she used. She started her study by working with children but found out that this technique had its downfalls due to the fact that the children were...
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...洛杉矶 洛杉矶·攻略 ——遗落在人间的“天使之城” 关键词 费 天 用 数 好莱坞电影 湖人 迪士尼 比佛利山庄 5000元 4天 舒适 可乐 经济型床位 当地矿泉水 一顿饭 15元 100元 10元 100元 关于 · ABOUT 位于美国西海岸的洛杉矶拥有得天独厚的地理优势,地中海气候使得 洛杉矶除了冬天极少下雨,沙滩、阳光、海风就足以使这座“天使之城” 成为度假的天堂。 作为美国第二大城市,洛杉矶是美国的文化娱乐中心。几乎全世界的 观众都被大片中的“美国梦”洗脑,而洛杉矶,正是筑梦的地方。在好莱 坞的环球影城惊险骑行,参观著名电视节目的录制过程,游览优秀的电影 工作室,在盖蒂中心狂欢,或是陶醉在迪斯尼音乐厅,都是洛杉矶的专属 旅程。 洛杉矶的夜生活丰富多彩,可以观看顶级的演出节目,在小酒吧里狂 欢,或是边听音乐边聊天,而且还有机会同一些好莱坞炙手可热的明星面 对面,西好莱坞地区是酒吧和俱乐部集中的地方,热爱夜生活的人不要错 过。 因为昼夜温差很大,10到20摄氏度都是正常现象,去洛杉矶游玩的旅 客记得要多带件外套,以免晚上着凉。 舒适程度 物价指数 心愿单 · I WANNA…… 目录 · CATALOG 概述 亮点 有问必答 线路推荐 景点 活动 住宿 餐饮 购物 交通 出境信息 小贴士 背景 跟着它们去旅行 01 02 03 03 04 07 08 08 09 09 11 12 12 13 洛杉矶那些不可错过的小事 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 在拍摄《老友记》的房间里留影一张 近距离接触米老鼠和唐老鸭 去迪士尼音乐厅听一场表演 在斯台普斯球场为洛杉矶湖人队呐喊 逛一下UCLA的校园 日落时分坐车经过日落大道 踏踏圣莫妮卡海滩的浪花 亲眼看一下山上HOLLYWOOD的标志 印象 · IMPRESSION 相关攻略 zjyff7 光影在玻璃幕墙间闪烁,令你忍不住问自己:这是盗 梦空间吗?我是在自己创造的世界里吗?为什么一切 显得那么的不真实,所以才叫天使之城吗?因为天堂 本来就是不真实的吗?但洛杉矶的蓝天白云,加州温 煦的阳光,又把你拉回了现实的世界,对,这就是加 州!这就是洛杉矶! ——《美国洛杉矶之旅》 01 洛杉矶 亮点 · HIGH LIGHTS No.1 大片诞生的地方 No.4 看一场湖人主场赛事 湖人队图片 by The Official Site of the Los Angeles Lakers 来到洛杉矶湖人队的地盘,去斯台普斯球馆看一场湖人队的主场赛事 已然成为NBA球迷们的朝圣之旅。现场球迷的尖叫绝对能够震撼你的耳 膜,场上奔跑着的黄色球衣也会令你热血沸腾。 环球影城 by 凌哲贤 钟情于好莱坞大片的朋友一定不能错过环球影城。各种电影中出现的 场景在这里一一还原,特效的表演让观众目瞪口呆! No.5 艺术之旅 No.2 第一座迪士尼乐园 迪士尼音乐厅 by 颓圮的华年 不管是世界最为富有的艺术机构之一的盖蒂艺术中心,亦或是有强烈 的盖瑞金属片状屋顶风格的迪士尼音乐厅,“天使之城”也可以是艺术之 都。 迪士尼乐园 by 凌哲贤 在世界上最大的综合游乐场,回到唐老鸭和米老鼠的世界,像个孩子 一样尽情地体验纯粹的快乐。 No.3 圣莫妮卡海滩 No.6 “星”光熠熠 . 圣莫妮卡 by 凌哲贤 来到东海岸怎么能不去踩踩沙滩呢!吹着海风,喝点小酒,欣赏流浪 吉他手的演出,人间天堂也不过如此。 ...
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...Personality Overview Different theories permit different perspectives and because there are many personalities that vary tremendously from each other, different theories are needed for a greater understanding of oneself. How well these theories work and explain one’s personality can be seen best if two are chosen and are compared against each other. By doing so, one can learn more about their strengths and weaknesses, about their assumptions, limitations, and about what is taken into consideration when trying to provide an explanation about one’s personality. Certainly, the pick is not an easy one because there are so many interesting theories explaining why one is the way he or she is. However, when trying to discuss any kind of personality it is almost impossible not to stumble on the assumptions and propositions made by Sigmund Freud. Most likely is it due to the fact that he is still the best-known theorist concerning personality research, while at the same time, he is one who received plenty of controversy regarding his theory. Even more interesting when one is writing about Freud and his theory is when one chooses to compare it against another theory. By doing so, one can research a theory more deeply. In this case, the other theory is the psychoanalytic social theory developed by Karen Horney. By reading further, one shall see how each theory differs from one other. Based on the given information, one may be more likely to conclude which theory or perhaps both...
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...Business Agriculture and Technology Spring Semester January 05-April 08, 2015 Day Section Class Schedule 8:30-9:30 CSC 103 (Sec-A) SM #402 CSC 103 (Sec-B) MSS #407 CSC 103 (Sec-C) KD #408 CSC 103 (Sec-D) GM #421 CSC 103 (Sec-E) DAS #501 CSC 103 (Sec-F) PB #502 CSC 103 (Sec-G) DMAH #503 09:3510:35am CSC 103 (Sec-B) MSS #407 CSC 103 (Sec-C) KD #408 CSC 103 (Sec-D) GM #421 CSC 103 (Sec-E) DAS #501 CSC 103 (Sec-F) PB #502 CSC 103 (Sec-G) DMAH #503 CSC 103 (Sec-H) HR #606 ENG 101 (Sec-A) SR #607 ENG 101 (Sec-I) NZM #504 ENG 101 (Sec-J) ENG 101 (Sec-I) NZM #504 ENG 101 (Sec-J) ART 102 (Sec-N) KK #506 ART 102 (Sec-S) MAH #507 ART 102 (Sec-O) SAC #508 ART 102 (Sec-U) NKD #402 CSC 103 (Sec-H) HR #606 ENG 101 (Sec-B) SR #607 ENG 101 (Sec-D) ATMSA #405 ENG 101 (Sec-H) NF #603 ENG 101 (Sec-G) SR #607 ENG 101 (Sec-C) LAM#604 ENG 101 (Sec-D) ENG 101 (Sec-F) JU 10:40-1 ll:45l:40am 12:45pm CSC 103 CSC 103 (Sec-A) SM (Sec-I) #323 MSS#402 CSC 103 (Sec-J) MMR #520 CSC 103 (Sec-K) PB #521 CSC 103 (Sec-U) PPP #601 CSC 103 (Sec-T) DAS #602 2:00-3: 00pm CSC 103 (Sec-I) MSS #402 CSC 103 (Sec-J) MMR #520 CSC 103 (Sec-K) PB #521 CSC 103 (Sec-U) PPP #601 CSC 103 (Sec-T) DAS #602 ART 102 (Sec-H) MMI #403 ENG 101 (Sec-H) NF #603 ENG 101 (Sec-C) LAM #604 3:05-4: 05 pm ART 102 (Sec-A) NKD #403 ART 102 (Sec-B) KK #401 ART 102 (Sec-C) MMI #507 ART 102 (Sec-T) SAC #508 ENG 101 (Sec-N) SI #621 4:105:10pm CSC 103 (Sec-L) MAH #502 CSC 103 (Sec-M) MAB#503 CSC 103 (Sec-N) MSS #504 CSC 103 (Sec-O) DMAH #505 CSC 103...
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...http://homeworklance.com/downloads/acc-202-entire-course/ http://homeworklance.com/downloads/acc-206-entire-course/ http://homeworklance.com/downloads/acc-310-entire-course-week-1-5-latest/ http://homeworklance.com/downloads/acc-340-complete-course-material-wk-1-5-a/ http://homeworklance.com/downloads/acc-400-entire-course-final-exam-guide/ http://homeworklance.com/downloads/acc-407-entire-course-advance-accounting/ http://homeworklance.com/downloads/acc-423-entire-course/ http://homeworklance.com/downloads/acc-455-entire-course-asolution/ http://homeworklance.com/downloads/acc-556-entire-course-forensic-accounting/ http://homeworklance.com/downloads/acc-556-entire-course-forensic-accounting-2/ http://homeworklance.com/downloads/acc-557-complete-course-material/ http://homeworklance.com/downloads/acc-557-full-course-new-updated-2014/ http://homeworklance.com/downloads/acc-561-complete-course-material/ http://homeworklance.com/downloads/acct-212-financial-accounting-complete-course/ http://homeworklance.com/downloads/acct-504-accounting-finance-managerial-use-analysis/ http://homeworklance.com/downloads/acct-505-managerial-accounting-entire-course/ http://homeworklance.com/downloads/ajs-532-entire-course-week-1-6-complete-course/ http://homeworklance.com/downloads/ajs-582-entire-course/ http://homeworklance.com/downloads/bcom-275-complete-course-material/ http://homeworklance.com/downloads/beh-225-entire-course-weeks-dqs-assignments/ http://homeworklance.com/downloads/bis-155-complete-course-material/ ...
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... • Attention is given to the “relational unconscious” which is “experientially familiar” • Awareness comes through “not knowing” and , instead, “wondering together” References: • Psychodynamic Presentation. (2014). Retrieved from http://ncsss.cua.edu/res/docs/field/PsychodynamicHBSE.pdf • Cherry, K. (2014). Psychology Center. Retrieved from http://psychology.about.com/od/psychologystudyguides/a/personalitysg_3.htm • Google. (2014). Retrieved from https://www.google.com/search?q=psychodynamic+theories&rlz=1T4RNVL_enUS574US575&source=lnms&tbm=isch&sa=X&ei=chU_VJX5CsSpyATEkIG4CA&ved=0CAkQ_AUoAg&biw=2102&bih=906&dpr=0.65 Psychodynamic Brochure By: Stephanie Cotton PSY 405 in Prof. Morris October 13, 2014 1. [Google, 2014] Psychodynamic Brochure BY: Stephanie Cotton PSY 405 in Professor Phillip Morris October 13, 2014 1. [Google, 2014] Personality Psychology Personality Psychology is the center of a portion of...
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...Jung was a follower of Freud and his theory held some similar traits. This theory includes the conscious, the personal unconscious and the collective unconscious. Carl Jung believed we are motivated by images passed down by our ancestors as well as our repressed experiences. The things we inherited from our ancestors he named the collective unconscious. His theory is full of past events and future expectations. Images we inherit from our ancestors are called archetypes. Personal unconscious holds repressed thoughts of one individual. Consciousness is a very small piece of personality. Jung believed personality comes from mostly unconscious. Just like Freud, Jung’s theory is hard to prove or disprove. Jung was a follower of Freud and his theory held some similar traits. This theory includes the conscious, the personal unconscious and the collective unconscious. Carl Jung believed we are motivated by images passed down by our ancestors as well as our repressed experiences. The things we inherited from our ancestors he named the collective unconscious. His theory is full of past events and future expectations. Images we inherit from our ancestors are called archetypes. Personal unconscious holds repressed thoughts of one individual. Consciousness is a very small piece of personality. Jung believed personality comes from mostly unconscious. Just like Freud, Jung’s theory is hard to prove or disprove. Carl Jung- Analytical Psychology Carl Jung- Analytical Psychology Adler-Individual...
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...Sigmund Freud PSY/405 Sigmund Freud Personality Overview While Sigmund Freud’s theories were and still are extremely controversial and highly criticized, he was one of the most influential psychologists of his time. Freud’s theory of personality, developmental stages, and defense mechanisms are a few of his contributions to psychology. To further understand Freud is to also understand why his theories are criticized. His contributions and theories have brought up much debate, but have also paved the way for new theories. Theory of Personality Structure “Freud’s greatest contribution to personality theory is his exploration of the unconscious and his insistence that people are motivated primarily by drives of which they have little or no awareness” (University of Phoenix, 2009, p. 23). Before the 1920’s, Freud’s model of personality and mental life consisted of the conscious and unconscious mind; which described our thought processes and opened exploration of the unaware mind. Freud believed that people’s behaviors were motivated by things they were unaware of. Freud’s personal experiences, his readings, and exploration of his dreams influenced his understanding of human personality. Through exploration of his dreams, Freud came up with the belief that humans are motivated by things which they are unaware of. For instance, childhood memories that have been suppressed and later cause behaviors that are unexplainable. The suppressed memories are motivations for behaviors...
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