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Psycho Opening Scene Analysis

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From the extreme close-up of the black hole, there is a quick cut shot and then a fade-out from Marion’s eye. The camera is slowly moving away from her eye in a swirl-like motion as if it were copying the way the water and blood flow into the drain.
Once the camera is at a medium frame of Marion, the camera does another cut-shot back to the shower head and then rapidly focuses back to Marion’s face. Her final expression that is depicted not only places the audience in shock but it places them in the scene and has them sense the same taunting feeling that Marion’s face gives off to them during her final appearance. This last view of Marion’s character was not only dramatic and horrifying but it was also the most taunting shot since it set the …show more content…
These instructions prevented anyone from entering the theater once the movie began, and the audience could not reveal any details about the film. This included the terrifying surprises that the film had in store (Younker). Hitchcock’s goal was to have his film grab the audiences’ attention, and place them in the abnormal psycho world.
Even after 52 years, Psycho is still talked about and viewed today due to its incredible job with the motion pictures in every scene. As Ebert says, “What makes Psycho immortal, when so many films are already half-forgotten as we leave the theater, is that it connects directly with our fears.” Hitchcock’s build of suspense in his pictures most definitely sets the fear for everyone, which leads to the intolerable pitch of exhilaration throughout the film due to the surprising images that one comes …show more content…
One particular film that has been known to have flared up the “craze” in this genre was Wes Craven's 1984 film, A Nightmare on Elm Street. The storyline unfolds with four teenage kids, Tina, Rod, Glen and Nancy. Each character illustrates several different characteristics of a typical teenage. Tina is seen as the Barbie blonde, Rod is Tina’s drugged boyfriend with a criminal record, Glen is Nancy’s sweet boyfriend and Nancy is the “final girl” who is innocent, vulnerable, self-sacrificing and charismatic. All four characters are a part of a small town in Springwood, Ohio. In this town long ago, held a child molester and murderer named Freddy Krueger. Freddy went on a killing-spree and murdered twenty kids from that neighborhood during Nancy’s mom’s early adulthood. When he was caught, he was burned to death by the town due to his cruel actions and all that was saved was his creepy gloves which had sharp knives sticking out of it. The story of Freddy was held in secrecy since it was an inhumane event that occurred in that town. However, the haunting song about him which young children would sing while playing the game of jump rope still stuck around – “1 & 2 Freddy’s coming for you!, 3 & 4 better lock the door, 5 & 6 grab your crucifix, 7 & 8 gonna’ stay up late, 9 & 10 never sleep again.” No one knew where the song came from, but like any other it was

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