...El proceso de razonamiento inicia con los cinco sentidos, por lo que son la base de nuestro conocimiento racional. “De acuerdo a Aristóteles cuando los cinco sentidos trabajan juntos el intelecto estaría altamente organizado” (Mora). Por lo que cada sentido tiene una gran importancia por sí solo, pero se necesita de los todos los sentidos juntos para poder alcanzar un buen desarrollo cognitivo. En el libro “El perfume” Patrick Süskind nos muestra a través de la vida de un hombre que interactúa con el mundo casi de manera completa a través del sentido del olfato, dejándonos ver la importancia de este sentido para el ser humano y al mismo tiempo las repercusiones de solo centrarse en uno solo de los cinco. Jean-Baptiste Genouille, es el personaje principal de la novela “El perfume”, quien pose un sentido del olfato súper desarrollado y al mismo tiempo carece de olor propio. Con esto Patrick Süskind nos muestra reacciones tanto positivas como negativas en los personajes de la historia. Al principio en la vida de recién nació de Genouille, el sentido del olfato le salva la vida, ya que gracias a que al oler el pescado y reaccionar ha dicho olor, llamó la atención de las personas que lo rescataron. Posteriormente notamos una repercusión negativa del utilizar solo uno de los sentidos para hacernos un juicio de alguien, cuando la nodriza que se encargaba de Genouille ya no quiere cuidar de éste: “este niño me horroriza porque no huele como deben oler los lactantes.”(Süskind 17) Y...
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...hechas en el ejercicio y compara las respuestas dadas por ti a manera de auto-retroalimentación para tu aprendizaje. Este ejercicio es solo de retroalimentación, NO SE ENVÍA. Pregunta 1: Las estadísticas de la industria del perfume muestran que en los últimos cinco años el número de botellas de perfume vendidas disminuyó 30%, pero la cantidad de dinero gastada por los consumidores en perfumes no sufrió cambios. ¿De cuánto debe ser la elasticidad precio del perfume? Respuesta: La elasticidad precio del perfume es unitaria, dado que el gasto de los consumidores no se vio afectado por la reducción en el consumo de perfume. Pregunta 2: Las estadísticas de la industria del perfume muestran que en los últimos cinco años el número de botellas de perfume vendidas disminuyó 30%, pero la cantidad de dinero gastada por los consumidores en perfumes no sufrió cambios. ¿En qué porcentaje debió haber aumentado el precio? Respuesta: Cuando el gasto de los consumidores no se ve afectado ante cambios en la cantidad demandada, ello significa que la elasticidad precio del bien es unitaria. En ese sentido, si la cantidad de botellas de perfume vendidas disminuyó 30%, deberá ser el caso que el precio del perfume haya subido 30%. Pregunta 3: ¿Cómo se catalogan el gas natural y el diesel a partir del hecho de que la elasticidad cruzada del gas natural con respecto al precio del diesel sea de 0.4? Respuesta: Dado que el signo de la elasticidad cruzada es positivo significa que el gas natural...
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...de diciembre de 2008, había llegado el momento de que Flare Fragrances Co. lanzara su análisis final de sus iniciativas estratégicas para 2009 y el grupo de 10 empleados de ventas y marketing que estaba en la principal sala de conferencias de Flare podía ver por la expresión de su cara que la CEO, Joely Patterson, estaba decidida a lograr que 2009 fuera mejor de lo que había sido 2008. La crisis económica había golpeado los negocios de Flare. En 2007, las ventas habían subido 12%, ahora, menos de un año después, las cifras de fin de año estimadas por la Gerencia de Finanzas proyectaban un crecimiento de sólo 2% para 2008, una historia de recesión mejor que la que podían contar algunos negocios, pero no una tendencia que Patterson o los fundadores de la compañía quisieran repetir en el año que se aproximaba. Do No “Los felicito por sobrevivir en un clima económico duro y les doy las gracias por su esfuerzo laboral,” dijo Patterson al grupo. “Por muy buenos que hayamos sido, ahora tenemos que ser mejores. Estamos aquí para analizar el estudio que nuestro grupo de consultoría, Arlmont Associates, presentó el lunes. Como han leído, Arlmont sugirió que hay varias opciones estratégicas que ofrecen el mayor potencial de crecimiento. En este momento, yo prefiero las dos que Arlmont consideró como las más promisorias: primero, aumentar nuestros esfuerzos en el canal de drugstores*; y segundo, presentar una nueva marca de perfumes. Pero si no hacemos ninguna de las...
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...nombres nunca han sido olvidados. Los héroes de esta historia albergaron el ideal humano de la libertad y la dignidad del hombre y vivieron noble y honradamente. Lo he escrito para, que aquellos que lo lean –mis hijos y los hijos de otros– adquieran gracias a él fortaleza para afrontar nuestro turbulento futuro y puedan luchar contra la opresión y la injusticia, de modo que el sueño de Espartaco llegue a ser posible en nuestro tiempo. PRÓLOGO A LA PRIMERA EDICIÓN No es tarea fácil para un autor que publica sus propias obras escribir lo que los editores llaman presentación; es decir, un llamamiento o reclamo para los lectores. Las frases altisonantes usadas en tales ocasiones surgen con mucha menos facilidad de la pluma de quien ha escrito el libro y sabe con qué esperanzas, dificultades y esfuerzos lo ha hecho. Ésta es la historia de Espartaco, que encabezó la gran rebelión de los esclavos contra la República romana en los años finales de ésta. He escrito esta novela porque creo que es una historia importante en el momento que nos ha tocado vivir. No se trata de establecer mecánicamente un paralelismo, sino de que de este episodio se puedan extraer esperanzas y fuerza, y resaltar el hecho de que Espartaco no vivió sólo para su tiempo, sino que su figura constituye un ejemplo para la humanidad de todas las épocas. He escrito este libro para infundir esperanzas y valor a quienes lo lean, y durante el proceso de su escritura yo mismo me sentí con más ilusiones y más coraje...
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...Compound Alangilan, Batangas city Perfume out of Flowers Rosal, Kalachuchi, and Rose Members: Aldwin John O. Sicapiro Darlene Mariel V. Plata Jodel L. Talabis Monica Cleo C. Panganiban Alyssa Keith M. Panganiban Owen Karl V. Santos Chapter 1 Background Study Introduction The beginning of perfume use can be traced back thousands of years to the early Egyptians. The first perfume we’re part of religious rituals. It was developed together with the first cosmetics, but they weren’t made to attract opposite sex; they were made the good will of the gods. The Egyptians were very spiritual people so they put containers of perfumes even in their tombs. After sometimes perfume use started becoming more personal. People started using perfume in their Baths. The oils helped to protect their skin from drying out in the hot climate. Perfume containers have always been attractive. The Egyptians treated their perfumes with great respect, and believed that only the best containers were good enough to hold them. Perfume making is passed on through the ages. When the Greeks and Romans moved in Egypt, they told the perfume oils and ointments the Egyptian used. So they quickly learned how to produce them, and started adding their own touches. Perfume makes it way around the world. The common problem in perfumes nowadays is sometimes it is very strong scented that it hurts in our noses. It also causes rushes, for those who has sensitive skin. Some perfumes smells good on the first application...
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...1. To illustrate how companies use various segmentation criteria, (a) Choose 3 brands of laundry detergents. Describe the benefit segments each brand is appealing to. • Tide "helps keep clothes looking like new." It's the all-purpose family detergent that is "tough on greasy stains." Tide with Bleach is "so powerful, it whitens down to the fiber." • OMO Blackwash is specially formulated to be tough on stains, whilst helping protect your black clothing and keep them looking black. • Fab® Fragrance Temptations Spice Allure and Sweet Indulgence uses a fine fragrance recommended by a world famous perfume house. • Cold Power Smart Shot combines the Smart Cap System which gets to the heart of the wash for outstanding results on whites and colours in cold water. (b) Choose 3 brands of women’s cosmetics. Identify the demographic and psychographic segments each brand is appealing to. Revlon MAC Chanel (c) Choose 3 brands of men’s cologne. Identify the demographic and psychographic segments each brand is appealing to. 2. Why are the following segmentation approaches not successful? a). Segmenting a market on the basis of personality should be based on behaviour b). Advertising Ski boards in Time Magazine. Should be advertised in a travelling magazine c). Developing an insurance plan for all quadruplets born in Hong Kong. Should be developing for all new borns – not just quad 3. Under what circumstances and for what types of products should a marketer...
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...A PROJECT REPORT ON “USER BUYING BEHAVIOR TOWARDS PERFUME” INTRODUCTION In this research we have survey the product performance and buying behavior of the fragrance of perfumes, which are used by people of all ages. During this research we have interacted with people of all ages who use perfume. After this research we came to know how people perceives these products on the variables like price, fragrance, advertisement, satisfaction, packaging, brand loyalty etc. We also came to know which particular brand of perfume is most preferred by people of different age groups. In this research we have surveyed that how frequently and how much perfume they use, whether they buy small, big or family pack. Trend of ongoing changes in their likings has been shown in the report. In this report we have tried to explain the entire research and facts product wise. Advantages of Marketing research Indicates current Market Trends Marketing Research keep business unit in touch with the current market trends and offer guidance for facing market situation with confidence. Pinpoints deficiencies in Marketing policies Marketing Research pinpoints the deficiencies as regards product, pricing, promotion, etc. it give guidance regarding different of marketing. They include product development, branding, and packaging. Explains customer resistance Marketing Research is useful for finding out customer resistance to company’s products. Remedial measures...
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...Smells like Advertisement Advertisements are a hooking device for many people. They manipulated their intending audience into purchasing products that most people do not need but are convinced otherwise. In this case, both advertisements are similar in product but differ in the audience that is being targeted and in the method they approach or lure the intended audience. Many woman and men buy all types of perfumes in order to attract a suitor. Since the sense of smell is the strongest of all our senses, it triggers our memories and makes people unforgettable and associated with a particular smell. Men’s colognes attempt to replicate a musky smell, while women are usually sweet smelling like a fruit or flower. These colognes and perfumes come in wide varieties of smells and brands and thus are very competitive in the advertisement field to capture the attention of their potential customers. The first one is the “Promesse” advertisement about a French perfume. The advertisement is composed of a young couple in a warm embrace. However, they seem to be separated by a small barrier as they lean forward their lower bodies are as far away from each other as possible. It seems that the simple and almost unnoticeable barrier diminishes the potential sexual scene and reduces it to an innocent encounter between a man and a woman. The man is dressed is a black suit, juxtaposing the white dress of his counterpart. His profile and joyful expression on his face mirrors the one of...
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...Wash compared to being wrapped in a silky soft pashmina surrounded by the blend of white orchid milk and warm vanilla essence. Incidentally, ‘pashmina’ is said to be the finest cashmere wool. It would be difficult to say that this is a strong comparison. Cashmere wool, vanilla and orchid milk are a tough sell when compared to body wash. On the other hand, the comparison does provoke a strong desire to actually be wrapped in pashmina while inhaling the warm essence of vanilla and orchid milk, white orchid milk nonetheless. The smooth supple feel of the body wash could be compared to the feel of cashmere. Textures are easily compared so I could imagine the feeling on the skin may be similar. Fragrances too can be duplicated and used in perfumes, shampoos, and body washes. A direct and believable association can be made there. Vanilla is a somewhat familiar fragrance as it is used in cooking as well. Orchid milk however, is another story. I suppose orchids are popular and may be a recognizable smell. Orchid milk though perhaps not so recognizable. I think perhaps the figure of speech could relate more specifically to cashmere as opposed to pashmina. Cashmere is more recognizable when referring to fine wool. Perhaps the reference to orchid milk is to compare the smooth soft feel as well. However, the ‘blend’ of orchid milk and warm vanilla suggests fragrance. So simply referring to orchids and vanilla essence may be a better choice. Using the orchid milk and ‘warm’ vanilla essence...
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...Sultanate of Oman Ministry of Manpower AL Buraimi Vocational Training Centre Business: Perfumes shop "Modern sustainability" Submitted to: MRP.Senthil Khumar, M.B.A Instructor, sales and marketing Submitted by: Aisha Suliman AL-Gaithi Roqaya Salim Al-Alawi Submitted on: Feb.2016 Introduction Perfume is a mixture of fragrant essential oil and aroma compounds, fixatives, and solvents used to give the human body, objects, and living spaces a pleasant small. Perfume is associated in many cultures with the sensual and romantic side of life. 1-What is your business type? Perfumes shop 2-When started the business? I began the business in 2011, and almost tried several projects, but a nearly two years I settled on the fat and wood Oud and perfumes with different types try to add as well as activity such as clothes, shoes and others door diversification and win customers, but with Omanisation law and calculate expenses and salary Omani employee with the number of working hours and the system of leave and decided to change the plan links and delete activity clothing and perfume only run activity and the piece has already been almost seven months ago and praise be to Allah. 3-Why you establish this business? I chose this project to my sense that I could invent and creative in this area with enjoy. 4-Are there any competitors for your business in same location? I don’t find any competitor in same draft area. But however, including...
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...http://businesspartnerr.blogspot.com/2013/03/eugene-schueller-loraal.html Eugène Schueller (L'Oréal) 15.58 No comments L'Oréal, one of the largest companies in France, is the world's largest manufacturer of high-quality cosmetics and perfumes, producing such well-known brands as Lancôme, Ambre Solaire, and Cacharel. Its total sales are &Dollar;2.4 billion ahead of those of its closest competitor, Unilerver, an more than double those of Revlon and Shiseido. It boasts a world-wide distribution network as well as the industry's highest research-and-development budget and the largest cosmetological laboratories in the world. L'Oréal's story begins in turn-of-the-century Paris, at a time when women of the demi-monde dyed their hair, their choice restricted to fiery red or coal black. In 1907, Eugène Schueller, a young chemist, began to concoct the first synthetic hair dyes by night in his kitchen and sell them to hair salons in the morning under the brand name Auréole. His strategy was successful; within two years he established the Société Francaise des Teintures Inoffensives pour Cheveux, which soon afterward became L'Oréal. In 1912, the company extended its sales to Austria, Holland and Italy and by 1920 its products were available in a total of 17 countries, including the United States, Brazil, Chile, Peru, Equador, Bolivia, and the Soviet Union, and in the Far East. At this stage, L'Oréal consisted of three research chemists and ten sales representatives...
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...The Beauty industry is a major industry, made up of different sectors. One of these sectors include cosmetics. Some may say that out of all the sectors in the beauty industry, cosmetics is the most dominant. The free enterprise helps entrepreneurs to start their own make-up brand in the cosmetic industry, but it also creates a lot of competition between make-up brands, and it seems like every day there is a new make-up brand coming out. One of the most popular and highly successful brand is Fenty Beauty created by Robin Rihanna Fenty. Fenty Beauty is a new make-up brand created by artists/entrepreneur Robin Rihanna Fenty. Fenty Beauty first dropped at the end of 2017, since then there has been wide success all around the world. There...
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...The aroma of sea buckthorn oil is reminiscent of wet wood and just a little herbal. This oil is rarely used for its aroma, but it has many therapeutic benefits. Sea buckthorn seed oil is a very unusual essential oil in that it is almost always taken internally. This oil offers phenomenal benefits as a dietary supplement for enhancing the immune system; supporting cardiovascular, brain, and liver health; and for fighting many diseases. Sea buckthorn seed oil is rich in vitamin E and omega-3, which are only found in minute traces in the sea buckthorn berry oil. On the other hand, sea buckthorn berry oil has many topical uses and is rarely used internally. The best way to use both types of sea buckthorn oil is to find sea buckthorn whole berry and seed oil, or to mix the two in a 1-to-1 blend for your own use. This way, the oil can be used both topically and internally. About Sea Buckthorn Seed Essential Oil Sea buckthorn seed oil is extracted from the seeds of the Hippophae rhamnoides shrub, with the berry pulp discarded. There is also whole berry buckthorn oil that includes both the seeds and pulp, as well as oil that is just taken from the pulp of the berries. The seed oil is dark amber and is more reddish in color than the berry oil (which is more orange). You will often find sea buckthorn seed oil or the whole berry and seed oil in soft gel capsules for easy internal use. Be very careful to look for cold-pressed and pure oils. Benefits of Sea Buckthorn Seed Essential Oil...
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...Flare Fragrance Company, Inc is of the most successful and the leading producers of Women’s fragrance in U.S. They are also No.4 player in the U.S. Women’s fragrance market. They are only concentrating on the women products like perfumes. Due to recession they are force to face difficulties and challenges in company’s growth. Problem Identification The important problem that faced by the Flare Fragrances Company is its growth rate. In 2007 they have the growth rate of 12%. But compared to 2007 they have only 2% growth rate in 2008. The difficult environment situations are created growth challenge for this company. Another problem facing that they are only best sellers in the mass market only. Their sales are not good in prestige department stores, drugstore chains and other channels including internet also. Alternative Scenarios After the completion of market research by the consulting group, Arlmont Associates giving two options to increase the growth of Flare Fragrance Company, Inc in 2009. First one is increase the effort in drugs store channels and the other one is introduce a new perfume brand Savvy. After considering all factors we can select any one of the following option. • Expansion of business into Drugstores Channels • Launching a New Brand Savvy • Launching a Premium Brand Targeting at Prestige Group Analysis When implement the expansion of drug store channel, there is a chance of damage the relationship...
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...Individual Project Since childhood I have been fond of scents. Perfumes fascinate me, how one scent sets a personality and gives each person their own distinct smell. I truly wish to be a perfumist one day. The career I believe I will most likely have in the forthcoming future will be the owner of a small perfume and cosmetics business. The idea of the business is to let the customers pick their own scents and mix and match with other preferable aromas, therefore creating unique perfumes for themselves. Section 1: The leadership requirements for a business owner would be being able to balance micro and macro management. The skills that are required are sales experience and customer service. In order to please the customer one has to have sufficient knowledge in engaging with customers. Once you are able to engage enough with your customers you can build trust and after you have built trust, your sales will reach heights. Section 2: Strengths that my leadership would have, would be the balance between micro and macro management. Such as time, inventory and schedule. The weakness would be the atmosphere, how the upper management controls the staff. Sales quota not being reached is also a weakness. To over come the weakness, many different methods would be used such as incentives that would come out from the profit of the inventory sold. Section 3: Career is a lifelong relationship and to me a career holds the ability...
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