...PL 530 CHRISTIAN COUNSELING THAT REALLY WORKS COMPASS THERAPY IN ACTION BY DR. DAN MONTGOMERY PUBLISHED BY COMPASS WORKS, 2006 PAPER WRITTEN BY REV. STEVE BUSE MASTER’S IN CHRISTIAN COUNSELING PAPER PREPARED FOR NEWBURGH THEOLOGICAL SEMINARY AND COLLEGE OF THE BIBLE SUBMITTED FOR GRADING ON JANUARY 12, 2016 The book Christian Counseling That Really Works was a great book to read. It gives examples of twenty five techniques that one can use in counseling. The book talks about the compass therapy approach, which I thought would be a very helpful tool when working a counseling session. I am looking forward to putting some of these techniques into action in the years to come. The Compass Therapy combines counseling or therapy with Christian beliefs. A counselor must use good counseling techniques with Christ’s healing power. Study cases have shown the there are two polarities that make up a persons personality. These polarities are love/assertion and weakness/strength. These polarities make up what they call the LAWS of personality and relationships. These LAWS can help you choose between healthy and unhealthy personalities. The LAWS break down into four quadrants of a circle. The four quadrants are called love, assertion, weakness and strength. The circle represents boundaries. These boundaries separate people from the world giving each person their own...
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...The Blair Witch Project | A report for advertisement | | This report includes the marketing analysis of this project, including the PESTLE and SWOT analysis. It also includes the problems this project faced and solutions to them, with the comparison to some similar movie projects. | | | Submitted to Prof. SHAM SHARMA | | A presentation report for advertisement Submitted by: Name | Roll no. | Section | Ankit Tomar | 10 | FA2 | Deepanshu Tyagi | 13 | FA2 | Neha Srivastava | 19 | FA2 | Ritika Chhabra | 31 | FA2 | Vaishali Dhiman | 47 | FA2 | Acknowledgement Any accomplishment requires the effort of many people and this work is no different. We take this opportunity to thank Prof. Sham Sharma for providing us valuable guidance at various stages of my project. Well! We do not have any long list of names to give them any credit for this project report as the credit mostly goes to us. But as we are being humans by the time of our birth, we are also dependent. We owe our sincere thanks to the college faculties, who always believe that the last bencher is not capable of doing nothing, their criticism challenged us to prove them wrong. We like to thank all our colleges at IIPM, New Delhi who always do their best by helping us to enjoy the life at its peak by bunking the lectures and spending time with PVR cinemas. We like to remember the wisdom provided by GOOGLE and ALTAVIST.com, for their valuable suggestions and auto completion dialogue...
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...University of Miami Scholarly Repository Management Faculty Articles and Papers Management 1-1-2013 Team leadership: The Chilean Mine Case Terri A. Scandura University of Miami, scandura@miami.edu Monica M. Sharif Recommended Citation Scandura, Terri A. and Sharif, Monica M., "Team leadership: The Chilean Mine Case" (2013). Management Faculty Articles and Papers. Paper 13. http://scholarlyrepository.miami.edu/management_articles/13 This Book Chapter is brought to you for free and open access by the Management at Scholarly Repository. It has been accepted for inclusion in Management Faculty Articles and Papers by an authorized administrator of Scholarly Repository. For more information, please contact repository.library@miami.edu. Scandura, T.A. & Sharif, M.M. (In Press). Team leadership: The Chilean mine case. In C.M. Giannantonio & A.E. Hurley-Hanson (Eds.), Extreme Leadership: Leaders, Teams and Situations Outside the Norm (pp. XX-XX). Northampton, MA: Edward Edgar Publishing. TEAM LEADERSHIP: THE CHILEAN MINE CASE TERRI A. SCANDURA Department of Management School of Business Administration University of Miami Coral Gables, FL 33124 scandura@miami.edu MONICA M. SHARIF Department of Management School of Business Administration University of Miami Coral Gables, FL 33124 msharif@miami.edu 1 Team Leadership: The Chilean Mine Case Terri A. Scandura & Monica M. Sharif University of Miami Introduction The world watched...
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...institutions. The author further mentioned that students live on their own for the first time, away from friends, family or other familiar support networks, it is during this time that as students a result, when students begin tertiary study, they they enter not just one but oftenon several new, and potentially contrasting communities within the higher education institutions. Students are the most essential assets for any educational institute (Mushtag & Khan, 2012). They enrol at a higher education institution with the objective of obtaining registered qualifications and successfully complete this qualification. Academic success is the objective at which all hHigher education institutions need to address should address (Samaniego-sanchez, Gonzales, Aparicio, Nebot, Aranda, Lopez-jurado and Llopis, 2011). Every Higher education institution envisage to should deliver good educationquality education for every student who enrols with the institution in order to in both under-graduates and post-graduates qualification to meet academic success. Bourne (2005) stated that mentioned that Hhigher education institutions offer educational systems with a variety of qualifications that students believe have provided students them with the training, skills and competencies e for a particular occupations. Students are expected to master their respective fields of...
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...Why is client’s participation in social work so important? And which role can the university play to get the involvement of social service’s users? Examples from Zaragoza in Spain Tomasa Báñez, University of Zaragoza 1) Introduction With my presentation I would like encourage you about the importance of clients’ participation in social work and to present an experience of community work done using participatory action research methodology in Zaragoza (Spain). In the first place, I will present some reasons for clients’ participation in social work, both practical and philosophical reasons, to continue analysing the current situation on this topic in Spain and how we can improve client’s participation in social work and which role the university can play in this process. And I will finish my presentation with an example of clients’ participation, a participatory action research project which has been carrying out in Zaragoza since 18 years ago, with the partnership of practitioners’ social workers and lecturers of social work. 2) Why is client’s participation in social work so important? Clients’ participation in social work has traditionally been very important because of practical and philosophical or ideological reasons (instrumental and intrinsic reasons). Examining some classical authors in social work we can find both reasons for clients’ participation: practical and philosophical. Mary Richmond in her book Case Work underlined the importance of the clients’ participation...
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...Unlearning Deficit Ideology and the Scornful Gaze: Thoughts on Authenticating the Class Discourse in Education Paul C. Gorski Founder, EdChange Assistant Professor, Integrative Studies George Mason University http://www.EdChange.org gorski@EdChange.org December 2010 Unlearning Deficit Ideology and the Scornful Gaze 2 It is popular in the education milieu today to talk about the dangers of assuming a deficit perspective, approaching students based upon our perceptions of their weaknesses rather than their strengths. Such a perspective deteriorates expectations for students and weakens educators’ abilities to recognize giftedness in its various forms (Ford & Grantham, 2003). The most devastating brand of this sort of deficit thinking emerges when we mistake difference—particularly difference from ourselves— for deficit. If one concentrates best while sitting still it may be difficult to imagine that somebody else—a student or colleague, perhaps—concentrates more effectively while pacing or tapping a pencil. Similarly, if one always has lived among people who speak a certain language variation, such as what people commonly refer to as “standard English,” she or he might mistake somebody’s use of a different variation, such as the Appalachian variety spoken by my grandmother, as an indication of intellectual inferiority or, worse, deviance (Collins, 1988). Over the past ten or so years a critical discourse challenging the deficit perspective has emerged among educators....
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...Review of Marketing Research Review of Marketing Research VOLUME 1 Naresh K. Malhotra Editor M.E.Sharpe Armonk, New York London, England 4 AUTHOR Copyright © 2005 by M.E.Sharpe, Inc. All rights reserved. No part of this book may be reproduced in any form without written permission from the publisher, M.E. Sharpe, Inc., 80 Business Park Drive, Armonk, New York 10504. Library of Congress ISSN: 1548-6435 ISBN 0-7656-1304-2 (hardcover) Printed in the United States of America The paper used in this publication meets the minimum requirements of American National Standard for Information Sciences Permanence of Paper for Printed Library Materials, ANSI Z 39.48-1984. ~ MV (c) 10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 CHAPTER TITLE 5 REVIEW OF MARKETING RESEARCH EDITOR: NARESH K. MALHOTRA, GEORGIA INSTITUTE OF TECHNOLOGY Editorial Board Rick P. Bagozzi, Rice University Ruth Bolton, Arizona State University George Day, University of Pennsylvania Morris B. Holbrook, Columbia University Michael Houston, University of Minnesota Shelby Hunt, Texas Tech University Dawn Iacobucci, Northwestern University Arun K. Jain, University at Buffalo, State University of New York Barbara Kahn, University of Pennsylvania Wagner Kamakura, Duke University Donald Lehmann, Columbia University Robert F. Lusch, University of Arizona Kent B. Monroe, University of Illinois, Urbana A. Parasuraman, University of Miami William Perreault, University of North Carolina Robert A. Peterson, University...
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...Long Range Planning 33 (2000) 5±34 www.elsevier.com/locate/lrp SECI, Ba and Leadership: a Uni®ed Model of Dynamic Knowledge Creation Ikujiro Nonaka, Ryoko Toyama and Noboru Konno Despite the widely recognised importance of knowledge as a vital source of competitive advantage, there is little understanding of how organisations actually create and manage knowledge dynamically. Nonaka, Toyama and Konno start from the view of an organisation as an entity that creates knowledge continuously, and their goal in this article is to understand the dynamic process in which an organisation creates, maintains and exploits knowledge. They propose a model of knowledge creation consisting of three elements: (i) the SECI process, knowledge creation through the conversion of tacit and explicit knowledge; (ii) `ba', the shared context for knowledge creation; and (iii) knowledge assets, the inputs, outputs and moderators of the knowledge-creating process. The knowledge creation process is a spiral that grows out of these three elements; the key to leading it is dialectical thinking. The role of top management in articulating the organisation's knowledge vision is emphasised, as is the important role of middle management (`knowledge producers') in energising ba. In summary, using existing knowledge assets, an organisation creates new knowledge through the SECI process that takes place in ba, where new knowledge, once created, becomes in turn the basis for a new spiral of knowledge creation...
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...Contents Preface Acknowledgments Introduction 1 BRAIN POWER Myth #1 Most People Use Only 10% of Their Brain Power Myth #2 Some People Are Left-Brained, Others Are Right-Brained Myth #3 Extrasensory Perception (ESP) Is a Well-Established Scientific Phenomenon Myth #4 Visual Perceptions Are Accompanied by Tiny Emissions from the Eyes Myth #5 Subliminal Messages Can Persuade People to Purchase Products 2 FROM WOMB TO TOMB Myth #6 Playing Mozart’s Music to Infants Boosts Their Intelligence Myth #7 Adolescence Is Inevitably a Time of Psychological Turmoil Myth #8 Most People Experience a Midlife Crisis in | 8 Their 40s or Early 50s Myth #9 Old Age Is Typically Associated with Increased Dissatisfaction and Senility Myth #10 When Dying, People Pass through a Universal Series of Psychological Stages 3 A REMEMBRANCE OF THINGS PAST Myth #11 Human Memory Works like a Tape Recorder or Video Camera, and Accurate Events We’ve Experienced Myth #12 Hypnosis Is Useful for Retrieving Memories of Forgotten Events Myth #13 Individuals Commonly Repress the Memories of Traumatic Experiences Myth #14 Most People with Amnesia Forget All Details of Their Earlier Lives 4 TEACHING OLD DOGS NEW TRICKS Myth #15 Intelligence (IQ) Tests Are Biased against Certain Groups of People My th #16 If You’re Unsure of Your Answer When Taking a Test, It’s Best to Stick with Your Initial Hunch Myth #17 The Defining Feature of Dyslexia Is Reversing Letters Myth #18 Students Learn Best When Teaching Styles Are Matched to...
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...Outline: RESEARCH 1) NATURE AND SCOPE OF RESEARCH 1.1) Definition – purposive, systematic and scientific process of gathering, analyzing, classifying, organizing, presenting and interpreting data for the solution of a problem, for prediction, for invention, for the discovery of truth, or for the expansion or verification of existing knowledge, all for the preservation and improvement of the quality of human life. 1.1.1) History of Research Historical records reveal that there is no written document on the beginning of business research as an organized business activity, but this is definitely of modern origin. During the Middle Ages, the merchant families of Fugger and Rothschild prospered in part because their organizations enabled them to get information before their competitors did. These studies were unsystematic, but considered to be well organized during that time. In 1879, more by accident than foresight, N. W. Ayer and Son conducted a crude but formal market survey, to measure markets for agricultural machineries, manufactured by Nicholas-Shepard Company. This market survey is probably the first real attempt at business research in the United States. The Curits Publishing company is generally conceived to have formed the first formal business research department with the appointment of Charles Parlin as manager of the Commercial Research Division of the Advertising Department in 1911. His original idea was that advertising space could be sold more effectively...
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...CHAPTER 12 Feminist Therapy Co-authored by Barbara Herlihy and Gerald Corey INTRODUCTION History and Development KEY CONCEPTS View of Human Nature Feminist Perspective on Personality Development Challenging Traditional Roles for Women Principles of Feminist Psychology THE THERAPEUTIC PROCESS Therapeutic Goals Therapist’s Function and Role Client’s Experience in Therapy Relationship Between Therapist and Client APPLICATION: Therapeutic Techniques and Procedures The Role of Assessment and Diagnosis Techniques and Strategies The Role of Men in Feminist Therapy FEMINIST THERAPY APPLIED TO THE CASE OF STAN SUMMARY AND EVALUATION Summary Contributions of Feminist Therapy Limitations and Criticisms of Feminist Therapy FEMINIST THEORY FROM A MULTICULTURAL PERSPECTIVE Contributions to Multicultural Counseling Limitations for Multicultural Counseling WHERE TO GO FROM HERE RECOMMENDED SUPPLEMENTARY READINGS REFERENCES AND SUGGESTED READINGS 340 SOME C O N TE M P O R ARY FEMINIST T H E R AP I STS Feminist therapy does not have a single founder. Rather, it has been a collective effort by many. We have selected a few individuals who have made significant contributions to feminist therapy for inclusion here, recognizing full well that many others equally influential could have appeared in this space, Feminist therapy is truly founded on a theory of inclusion. member of the board of trustees of the last two. In recent decades...
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...Knowledge Area Module VI Contemporary Issues and the Ethical Delivery of Health Services Student: Harold Taitt, harold.taitt@waldenu.edu Student ID # A00293212 Program: Ph.D. Health Services Specialization: Health Management and Policy Faculty Mentor: Dr. Robert Hoye, robert.hoye@waldenu.edu Faculty Assessor: Dr. Jim Goes, jim.goes@waldenu.edu Walden University May 10, 2013 Abstract Breadth Component In this age of rapidly evolving technological advances, many of the legal and ethical issues that are challenging the delivery of health care and the health care profession are new. As we confront the legal, moral, and ethical aspects of health care, we are seldom faced with decisions that require or are resolved by simple right or wrong answers (Edge & Kreiger, 1998). In the Breadth component of KAM VI, I focus on several ethical theories and how those theories influence the way ethical issues and concerns are addressed and managed in the allocation and delivery of health care services. I critically assess and evaluate those theories, concepts, and derivative principles as they impact important decisions and the implications of those decisions within the context of social change and with special emphasis on health care management and policy. In addition, I discuss the key assumptions on which the selected theories are constructed, compare and contrast the writers’ interpretations across theories, and conclude by providing a critical commentary on the merits of the selected...
Words: 34918 - Pages: 140
...ADOLESCENT AND EPRODUCTIVE YOUTH REPRODUCTIVE EALTH HEALTH IN PHILIPPINES Status, Issues, Policies, and Programs POLICY is funded by the U.S. Agency for International Development under Contract No. HRN-C-00-00-00006-00, beginning July 7, 2000. The project is implemented by Futures Group International in collaboration with Research Triangle Institute and the Centre for Development and Population Activities (CEDPA). Photos selected from M/MC Photoshare at www.jhuccp.org/mmc. Photographers (from top): Lauren Goodsmith, Tod Shapera, and Reproductive Health Association of Cambodia (RHAC). Adolescent Reproductive Health in the Philippines Status, Policies, Programs, and Issues C. A. Varga Consultant I. Zosa-Feranil POLICY Project January 2003 POLICY Project Table of Contents Acknowledgments ......................................................................................................................................iii Abbreviations .............................................................................................................................................iv 1. Introduction......................................................................................................................................... 1 Terminology and age categories............................................................................................................... 2 Data...........................................................................
Words: 13450 - Pages: 54
...Colorado at Boulder Aamodt, M. G., & Kimbrough, W. W. (1982). Effects of group heterogeneity on quality of task solutions. Psychological Review, 50, 171-174. Abbey, D. S. (1982). Conflict in unstructured groups: An explanation from control-theory. Psychological Reports, 51, 177-178. Abele, A. E. (2003). The dynamics of masculine-agentic and feminine-communal traits: Findings from a prospective study. Journal of Personality and Social Psychology, 85, 768-776. Abele, A., Gendolla, G. H. E., & Petzold, P. (1998). Positive mood and in-group—out-group differentiation in a minimal group setting. Personality and Social Psychology Bulletin, 24, 1343-1357. Aberson, C. L., Healy, M., & Romero, V. (2000). Ingroup bias and self-esteem: A meta-analysis. Personality and Social Psychology Review, 4, 157-173. Abougendia, M., Joyce, A. S., Piper, W. E., & Ogrodniczuk, J. S. (2004). Alliance as a mediator of expectancy effects in short-term group psychotherapy. Group Dynamics: Theory, Research, and Practice, 8, 3-12. Abraham, A. (1973a). Group tensions as measured by configurations of different self and transself aspects. Group Process, 5, 71-89. Abraham, A. (1973b). A model for exploring intra and interindividual processes in groups. International Journal of Group Psychotherapy, 23, 3-22. Abraham, A. (1974-1975). Processes in groups. Bulletin de Psychogie, 28, 746-758. Abraham, A., Geffroy, Y., & Ancelin-Schutzenberger, A. (1980). A method for analyzing group interaction: Development...
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...critical theory today critical theory today A Us e r - F r i e n d l y G u i d e S E C O N D E D I T I O N L O I S T Y S O N New York London Routledge is an imprint of the Taylor & Francis Group, an informa business Routledge Taylor & Francis Group 270 Madison Avenue New York, NY 10016 Routledge Taylor & Francis Group 2 Park Square Milton Park, Abingdon Oxon OX14 4RN © 2006 by Lois Tyson Routledge is an imprint of Taylor & Francis Group, an Informa business Printed in the United States of America on acid‑free paper 10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 International Standard Book Number‑10: 0‑415‑97410‑0 (Softcover) 0‑415‑97409‑7 (Hardcover) International Standard Book Number‑13: 978‑0‑415‑97410‑3 (Softcover) 978‑0‑415‑97409‑7 (Hardcover) No part of this book may be reprinted, reproduced, transmitted, or utilized in any form by any electronic, mechanical, or other means, now known or hereafter invented, including photocopying, microfilming, and recording, or in any information storage or retrieval system, without written permission from the publishers. Trademark Notice: Product or corporate names may be trademarks or registered trademarks, and are used only for identification and explanation without intent to infringe. Library of Congress Cataloging‑in‑Publication Data Tyson, Lois, 1950‑ Critical theory today : a user‑friendly guide / Lois Tyson.‑‑ 2nd ed. p. cm. Includes bibliographical references and index. ISBN 0‑415‑97409‑7 (hb) ‑‑ ISBN 0‑415‑97410‑0 (pb) 1. Criticism...
Words: 221284 - Pages: 886