...The Learning Perspective The Learning Perspective Personality psychology is the branch of psychology that studies people personality and their individual different. Personality refers to the person cognition, emotions, motivations, and behaviors people will use in different situation. This also refers to patter of thought and social behaviors especially over time. Your personality it is something that changed over time and adjusts and transform, it is the way the brain used mechanism and adapt to a new environment, it also predicts people reaction to situation. Carl Jung say that each person is motivate not only by experience but also the emotional, he understood that everything that a person can be and how a person is motivate is through the emotion an individual will experiences. In this paper we will discuss the assumptions, the strengths, the limitations, and the interpersonal relations using the perspective. The assumption/ Social Learning We all understand that personality is a broad and has a lot of history associated with it, it also understood all the major theory such as biological, the social learning, humanistic, evolutionary, perspective, behaviorist, and the psychodynamic. The assumption of the learning perspective is all behaviors are learning through the experience the individual goes through. This perspective see people being born as a blank slate, they don’t see that a person can be born with a personality structure (carver and Scheier)”. Now there...
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...outline is only a summary of highlights; all theorists, ideas, and concepts are not included. Because human behavior is complex and the social work profession is broad, numerous theories are utilized for social work practice at the micro-meso-macro levels. These theories focus on human growth and development, psychological and social functioning, and social service delivery. Some theories emphasize social and economic justice. All theories are value-laden and come out of a socio-historical context. Thus, all theories should be critiqued with attention paid to their cross-cultural applicability. DEFINITIONS: Theory—interrelated sets of concepts and propositions, organized into a deductive system to explain relationships about certain aspects of the world (e.g., the theories listed below). Perspective—an emphasis or point of view; concepts at an earlier level of development (e.g., a “strengths perspective”) or at a broader and higher level of abstraction (ex: a “humanistic perspective” or a “developmental perspective”) Paradigm—an archetype or mode of thought; a general way of seeing the world (e.g., “modernism” or “post-modernism”) Practice Model—a guide for practitioner interaction that operationalizes theory; includes concrete actions and techniques (note: some theories have more well-developed practice models than others) Dimension—a feature that can be focused on individually or separately, but can only be understood in relation to other features (as in “dimensions of human behavior”...
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...where individuals develop. For example Freud’s psychosexual stages are a discontinuous theory. There is also an issue of nomothetic vs idiographic; some theorists adopt a nomothetic approach while others adopt an idiographic approach. Individuals that adopt a nomothetic approach create theories based on what we share with others, and find general laws that can be applied to large groups of people, for example behaviourism is a nomothetic approach. On the other hand the idiographic approach goes into large detail for the individual to investigate why we are unique, for example Freud’s theory is an idiographic approach. There are six principle psychological perspectives which are applied to the understanding which includes; behaviourism, social learning, psychodynamic, humanistic, cognitive and developmental. These perspectives can be used to explain the development of individuals. Cognitive development starts when developing from when we are born. It refers to how intelligence, conscious thought and problem solving develop from infancy. As well as improving the ability to think, learn and reason. Jean Piaget...
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...Perspectives of Abnormal Psychology Ann Bacon Psy/410 Abnormal Psychology October 24, 2011 Kristi Lane University of Phoenix Perspectives of Abnormal Psychology What is abnormal psychology? Abnormal psychology is the branch of psychology that deals with behaviors that are not considered normal as well as psychological phenomena such as dreams and altered mental states, which have not been explained. The goal of this branch of psychology is to understand abnormal behavior as well as to determine how and if the behavior needs to be addressed and to develop a treatment plan that will help individuals. This branch of psychology also recognizes that there are many influences such as environmental influences on psychological development. The goal of many mental health professionals is not to force an individual to achieve normality but to help individuals who struggle with mental and emotional disorders to achieve fulfilling and active lives. However, to completely understand what abnormal psychology is we need to understand the origins of abnormal psychology as well as the challenges of defining and classifying normal and abnormal behavior. It is also important to understand how abnormal psychology evolved into a scientific discipline as well as the different viewpoints or models of abnormal psychology. The following paragraphs will hopefully help us to completely understand the branch of abnormal psychology. Origins of Abnormal Psychology The field of...
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...purpose of this activity is to increase the students’ awareness of how AP exam readers grade from a rubric. Emphasis is placed on the definition of terms and the application of those terms. Units include: Introduction to Psychology Psychobiology Sensation and Perception Memory Learning Nature and Nurture of Behavior Developing Person Thinking, Language, and Intelligence States of Consciousness Motivation and Emotion Personality Stress and Health Psychological Disorders Therapy Social Psychology Unit: Introduction to Psychology Describe the different perspectives from which psychologists examine behavior and mental processes, and explain their complementarity. Your answer should include: ➢ Neuroscience ➢ Evolutionary ➢ Behavior Genetics ➢ Psychodynamic ➢ Behavioral ➢ Cognitive ➢ Social-cultural Rubrics Note: The application portion on the rubrics may include a variety of answers. This is simply an example of possible answers. The perspectives have more than one complement. |Term |Definition |Application | | | | | |Neuroscience ...
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...and developing an understanding of basic concepts of the discipline. Its major concerns include fostering capability to meet the challenges of self-discovery and effective participation in responding to the needs of society. With a vision to create a balance between society and the individual, the course intends to enable students in developing abilities needed for meeting the challenges and needs of the real world effectively. Along with it, students would also be encouraged to build a relationship with oneself, requisite for self discovery. To this end, the course emphasizes on building the conceptual foundations and acquiring psychological skills through classroom teaching/learning consisting of reflective as well as creative engagement in exercises, projects and hands on experiences. The teaching-learning of the programme would be organized through lectures, group discussions, experiential exercises, group projects, presentations, workshops and seminars. Students would be encouraged to connect to real life issues and participate in the programs and practices in the different social context. To this end practicum is incorporated as an important component in most of the papers with hands on training in the use of various research methods such as: laboratory experiments, field experiments, observation, testing, survey, interview, case study. The programme has three components i.e. Discipline 1(DC1), Discipline 2 (DC2) and Application courses (AC). While in DC 1 practicum is a key...
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...Borderline Personality Disorder: DSMDiagnosing and Empirically-Based TreatmentKelli RodriguezCapella University1 Borderline Personality Disorder AbstractThe DSM-IV is widely used in the mental health field. Some of its many uses include providinga common language among professionals about psychopathology and delineating criteria for diagnosing individuals with mental disorders. This paper explores the purpose, history, andlimitations of the DSM diagnostic approach. A case study is provided and the DSM-IV-TR isused to diagnosis borderline personality disorder. The disorder is described and an empirically- based treatment plan is offered.2 Borderline Personality Disorder Borderline Personality Disorder: DSM Diagnosing and Empirically-Based TreatmentThe APA (2000) Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders (DSM) is widelyused by mental health professionals. It provides a common language about psychopathologyamong clinicians, researchers, students, and other mental health professionals. Since its inceptioninto the field of mental health, it has made a huge impact on clinical practice, research, andeducation. Although it has advanced the field of mental health, there is still criticism of theDSM classification system. Despite its limitations, it continues to be considered an importantreference for mental health professionals. This paper will explore the DSM’s use within the fieldof psychopathology. Then it will be applied to a case study of a 15 year-old girl with...
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...------------------------------------------------- Social work theories 1.3 ------------------------------------------------- Characteristics of social work 1.4 ------------------------------------------------- Social work in a multicultural society 1.5 ------------------------------------------------- Social change goals in multiculturalism 1.6 ------------------------------------------------- conclusion INTRODUCTION Multiculturalism is one of the biggest issues in Nigeria where the population is over 150 million with multi-faceted ethnic and cultural differences which pose major constraints on the socio-economic development of the nation. Wong (2006 cited in Udebunu, 2011) asserts that multiculturalism appreciates and recognizes, without ignoring or turning blind side to the presence of variety of cultural groups coexisting in a particular society. Rather than conjuring a common identity for widely dispersed groups, multiculturalism describes the coexistence of numerous cultures, without anyone dominating the other. More explicitly, Garba (2011) sees it as appreciating, tolerating and promoting multiple cultures and identities situated within the confines of a community. Today’s world is characterized by multiculturalism mainly due to the urban population flow. Major world commercial centres accommodate peoples of...
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...theorists do, psychologists focus on how individual characteristics may interact with the social environment to produce a violent event. However, rather than focus on the biological basis of crime, psychologists focus on how mental processes impact individual propensities for violence. Psychologists are often interested in the association between learning, intelligence, and personality and aggressive behaviour. In this section of the report, we briefly review some of the major psychological perspectives that have attempted to explain violent behaviour. These perspectives include the psychodynamic perspective, behavioural theory, cognitive theory and personality theory. We will also explore the possible relationship between mental illness and violence. Social learning theory Social learning theory is a theory that attempts to explain socialization and its effect of the development of the self. There are many different theories that explain how people become socialized, including psychoanalytic theory, functionalism, conflict theory, and symbolic interaction theory. Social learning theory, like these others, looks at the individual learning process, the formation of self, and the influence of society in socializing individuals. Social control theory gained prominence during the 1960s as sociologists sought differing conceptions of crime. It was during this period that Travis Hirschi put forth his innovative rendering of control theory, a theory built upon existing concepts...
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...PYC4802/101/0/2015 Tutorial letter 101/0/2015 Psychopathology PYC4802 Year module Department of Psychology IMPORTANT INFORMATION: This tutorial letter contains important information about your module. CONTENTS Page 1. INTRODUCTION ..................................................................................................... 3 1.1 Turorial material ....................................................................................................... 4 2. PURPOSE OF AND OUTCOMES FOR THE MODULE ......................................... 4 2.1 Purpose ................................................................................................................... 4 2.2 Outcomes ................................................................................................................ 4 3. LECTURER(S) AND CONTACT DETAILS ............................................................ 6 3.1 Lecturer(s) ............................................................................................................... 6 3.2 Department .............................................................................................................. 7 3.3 University ................................................................................................................. 7 4. MODULE-RELATED RESOURCES ....................................................................... 7 4.1 Prescribed book.....
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...INTRODUCTION TO PSYCHOLOGY Definition Psychology is an academic and applied discipline that involves the scientific study of mental functions and behaviors. Psychology has the immediate goal of understanding individuals and groups by both establishing general principles and researching specific cases, and by many accounts it ultimately aims to benefit society. In this field, a professional practitioner or researcher is called a psychologist and can be classified as a social, behavioral, or cognitive scientist. Psychologists attempt to understand the role of mental functions in individual and social behavior, while also exploring the physiological and neurobiological processes that underlie certain cognitive functions and behaviors. Psychologists explore concepts such as perception, cognition, attention, emotion, phenomenology, motivation, brain functioning, personality, behavior, and interpersonal relationships. While psychological knowledge is often applied to the assessment and treatment of mental health problems, it is also directed towards understanding and solving problems in many different spheres of human activity. The majority of psychologists are involved in some kind of therapeutic role, practicing in clinical, counseling, or school settings. Many do scientific research on a wide range of topics related to mental processes and behavior, and typically work in university psychology departments or teach in other academic settings (e.g., medical schools, hospitals)....
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...History and Philosophy of Social Work - 50 Paper S1: 02 Psychosocial Dynamics of Human Behavior - 50 Paper S1: 03 Methods of Working with People: Micro-Approaches - 50 Paper S1: 04 Social Welfare Administration - 50 Paper S1: 05 Research Methodology - 50 Paper S1: 06 Man & Society - 50 Paper S1: 07 Concurrent Field work three days in a week - 50 Total - 350 SECOND SEMESTER Paper S2: 01 Approaches and fields of Social Work - 50 Paper S2: 02 Human Growth and Development - 50 Paper S2: 03 Methods of working with People: Macro Approaches - 50 Paper S2: 04 Management of NGO’s and Disaster Relief Services - 50 Paper S2: 05 Statistics and Computer Application - 50 Paper S2: 06 Dynamics of Socio-Political Institutions and Organizations - 50 Paper S2: 07 Concurrent Field work (three days in a week) -50 Total - 350 M.A. in Social Work (Part-I) Preamble: 1. There shall be six theory papers of 50 marks each and field work of 50 marks as paper seventh out of 50 marks, 38 marks shall be devoted to semester paper and 12 marks shall be fixed for class/home assignments. 2. The format of the theory paper shall be the same as it is being following by the university. 3. Evaluation procedure shall be as per university norms. FIRST SEMESTER Paper S1: 01 History and Philosophy of Social Work (50) Unit – I Meaning, objectives and scope of social work; Role and functions of social work – Welfare versus development orientation; ...
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...Evaluate the claim that Person-Centred Therapy offers the Therapist all that he/she will need to treat clients. Contents Introduction Carl Rogers. Background and Influences Theoretical Constructs Strengths and Weaknesses Conclusion Notes References Introduction In this essay I will be discussing the viability of Person-Centred Therapy as an exclusive method of treatment for clients. Without an appreciation of this approach it would be difficult to judge the merits of the claim as laid out in the main essay title. Therefore I will begin with an introduction to Carl Rogers, his background and influences. In this essay I will explore the main theoretical constructs. Following on from this I will look at the advantages of this approach and consider its success in treating psychological disorders. Although Carl Rogers inspired many, he was not without his Critics. Therefore I will include the difficulties and doubts expressed by other Practitioners in order to get an opposing viewpoint. I will end with my evaluation of the claim itself and the reasons why I have arrived at my conclusions. Carl Rogers Background and Influences Carl Rogers was born in Illinois, Chicago, in 1902. His parents were middle-class, respectable and hard-working. His Father was a Civil Engineer and his Mother a stay-at-home housewife. Carl was the fourth child in a family of six children. Rogers’...
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...Cognitive-Behavioral Therapy and Social Work Values: A Critical Analysis A. Antonio González-Prendes, Ph.D. Wayne State University aa3232@wayne.edu Kimberly Brisebois Wayne State University Journal of Social Work Values and Ethics, Volume 9, Number 2 (2012) Copyright 2012, White Hat Communications This text may be freely shared among individuals, but it may not be republished in any medium without express written consent from the authors and advance notification of White Hat Communications Abstract Increasing numbers of clinical social workers use cognitive-behavioral therapy (CBT) in their practice. This article analyzes how CBT fits with social work values and in particular with social justice. We propose that CBT is a good fit with the values of the profession and make suggestions for areas of improvement. Keywords: cognitive-behavioral therapy, social work values, social justice, social work practice 1. Introduction In a day when evidence-based practice has become so important to the social work profession, cognitive-behavioral therapy (CBT) has become one of the most frequently used forms of psychotherapeutic intervention. Extensive research supports the effectiveness of CBT approaches for a wide range of psychosocial issues (Dobson & Dobson, 2009; Granvold, 2011). It is one of the most widely researched and published models of therapy, with more than 325 published outcome studies that validate its efficacy (Butler, Chapman, ...
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...Leadership: Inherent or developed? Gary Mason Regent University June 26, 2016 Leadership: Inherent or developed? Introduction Leadership is required in nearly every aspect of our lives; it is so important that leadership, and the traits that make up leadership, have been studied extensively for decades. In industry the viability of the organization depends so heavily on leadership that many companies fail, not due to a poor product, or bad marketing but simply due to poor leadership since “…leadership…may affect work team processes and results”. (Santos, Caetano, & Tavares, 2015, p. 470) Although “nearly $15 billion is spent yearly…” (Prager, 2016, p. 30) on leadership development programs “study after study says leadership development is not effective, senior leaders don’t believe it works”! (Prager, 2016, p. 30) With the amount of money being spent on leadership development, clearly there is a belief that it is possible to train someone to become a leader. Still, “86% of HR and business leaders see leadership shortfalls as a top-three issue”. (Prager, 2016, p. 32) If leadership development is important enough to spend $15 billion dollars a year to provide, yet 86% of business leaders and Human Resource officers still consider the development of leadership skills a significant issue because of remaining shortfalls in leadership in spite of the investment, there is plainly a disconnect. But, what attributes or skills are recognized as good leadership traits? According...
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