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Psychodynamics Case Study Harry's Suicide

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To help Harry overcome his anxieties non-pharmacological approaches could be used which would also reduce the risk of an emergency readmission. The National Institute of Health and Clinical Excellence (NICE) (2009) state in their guidance low-intensity psychosocial interventions such as: structured group physical activity programme; group-based peer support programme; individual guided self-help or computerised cognitive behavioural therapy can be used to help overcome anxiety. Out of the low-intensity psychosocial interventions two would be beneficial for Harry; a structured group physical activity programme and individual guided self-help. These would come in the form of pulmonary rehabilitation and group cognitive behavioural therapy.
Anxiety and …show more content…
For Harry the main reason of his anxiety is his increasing dyspnoea. To help combat this upon Harry’s discharge he would be referred to a pulmonary rehabilitation service. Pulmonary rehabilitation uses a strong evidence base and a multi-disciplinary team to maintain patient’s independence in the community (Prigmore and Margerson, 2010). This programme runs over a 6-8 week period educating patient’s techniques on breathing and how to clear the airways (Currie and Douglas, 2011). Professional contact is mainly with a physiotherapist and for Harry could include benefits such as up to 12 months improved dyspnoea by increasing his exercise tolerance and increasing the skeletal muscle strength. Bellamy and Booker (2004) explain the vicious cycle of COPD in which anxiety from dyspnoea leads to panic which in turn leads to abstinence from physical activity causing muscles to decondition. For Harry this is a pertinent intervention and showing the cycle of inactivity could reinforce the message of how anxiety related dyspnoea can affect other areas of his life (British Lung Foundation, 2013). The NICE (2010) recommend that pulmonary rehabilitation should be provided to

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