Jones and Demi Lovato (King, L. (2010). Experience psychology. New York, NY: McGraw-Hill.).
Sixth, Treatment for Bipolar disorder. Treatment is a combination of mood stabilizers antidepressants, and Psychotherapy. Mood stabilizers treat manic, depressive and mixed episodes (Diagnosis and Treatment of Bipolar Disorders in Adults). Many patients wonder if they have to take this medicine forever. That all depends on how stable the patient is. Most patients must take their medication for life but when the patient has only had one episode the doctor may tell them to only take their medication for a year then reevaluate if they still need it. Those who are pregnant or have other diseases may have to stop taking their medication. Diseases such as liver and kidney disease. Mood…show more content… After birth the mother will have to be out back on her mood stabilizer. Anti-depressants stop the feelings of suicide that patients may feel in their depressive manias. Doctors may also recommend psychotherapy. Psychotherapy, the treatment of psychological disorders, and comes in different forms individual, family and group. There are two different types of individual therapy cognitive-behavioral and interpersonal therapy. Doctors who specialize in cognitive behavioral therapy encourage patients focus on patterns of negative thinking about themselves, the world and their future. Interpersonal therapy specializes in helping patients understand their illness and how it that's their relationships. Family and couples therapy help educate family members on the patient's disorder. Self-help groups are where people with bipolar disorder can gather and talk about their feelings and attitudes about