...Public Service Announcements (PSAs) are advertisements intended to raise awareness of a topic and to change public attitudes (rather than sell a product), often advocating better health practices or safety (Jess Dudley, 2013). The purpose of this study is to introduce two advertisements, one is smoking and another one is dunk drive. The paper is structured as follows: the first section will present the background which shows the perniciousness of smoking and dunk drive. The second part will show the content of the smoking advertisement, and the third part will introduce the target audiences and influence to people by AIDA. After that, the dunk drive advertisement will be presented. The first part of this advertisement will present the content. And then, this essay will introduce the adverting media of this advertisement and advantages. Finally, this essay will introduce the marketing ethics and segmentation. There are many reasons cause health hazards in recent years, such as smoking and drunk driving. Smoking is the main element of preventable deaths. Accounting to the research shows that about 80,000 people death in England in 2011 and nearly 9,500 children illness because of secondhand smoke (Jane Ellison, 2013). Additionally, excessive drinking is another threat, especially dunk driving. In 2012, there are 290 people dead cause by drinking, which occupied with 17 percent in all the road traffic accidents (Ray Massey, 2013). Thus, those two social advertisements were made...
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...Characteristics and Environments of a Human Service Organization Lorie Janovsky BSHS/462 June 11, 2012 Kara Coleman Characteristics and Environments of a Human Service Organization When an individual is seeking help with issues that may arise in their life, finding the right human service organization is essential. The object of this paper is to evaluate one human service agency’s mission and values, stakeholders influence on the agency, marketing and public relations of the agency, and value of diversity demonstrated within the agency. The agency chosen is The United Way of Central Massachusetts. The United Way of Central Massachusetts The United Way of Central Massachusetts made a commitment to improve the lives of people in the community (United Way of Central Mass, 2010). Their vision is to have “a world where all individuals and families achieve their human potential through education, income stability, and healthy lives” (United Way Worldwide, 2012). The mission of The United Way is “to improve lives by mobilizing the caring power of communities around the world to advance the common good” (United Way Worldwide, 2012). The United Way began back in 1887 by a Denver woman, a priest, two ministers, and a rabbi (United Way Worldwide, 2012). The organization was created “to serve as an agent to collect funds for local charities, as well as to coordinate relief services, counsel and refer clients to cooperating agencies, and make emergency assistance grants in cases...
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...Childhood Asthma This Ad Council uses two different partners. One is U.S. Environmental Protection Agency as Sponsors; another is The Barbarian Group as Volunteer Agencies. This campaign first launched in March 2001 and includes PSAs of all media types in both English and Spanish. This activity provides a simple technique for parents and caregivers to eliminate certain incentives to reduce asthma symptoms and prevention of asthma. The U.S. Environmental Protection Agency mission statement is as follows, “all Americans are protected from significant risks to human health and the environment where they live, learn and work; national efforts to reduce environmental risk are based on the best available scientific information; federal laws protecting human health and the environment are enforced fairly and effectively; environmental protection is an integral consideration in U.S. policies concerning natural resources, human health, economic growth, energy, transportation, agriculture, industry, and international trade, and these factors are similarly considered in establishing environmental policy; all parts of society -- communities, individuals, businesses, and state, local and tribal governments -- have access to accurate information sufficient to effectively participate in managing human health and environmental risks; environmental protection contributes to making our communities and ecosystems diverse, sustainable and economically productive; and the United States plays a leadership...
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...commit suicide, and engage in physical altercations (CDC, 2014). There are several risk factors involved with TDV. There is an increased risk for toxic relationships for teens who believe that physical violence is a constructive way to express anger in a relationship, use alcohol or drugs, have violent friends, have multiple sex partners, are depressed or anxious, have problems at school, or witness violence within their own home (CDC, 2014). Dating violence among teens is highly preventable and with the collective support of teens, families, health professionals, policy makers, and communities effective preventative implementation strategies can be develop to drastically diminish this issue. A major reason that TDV is such an important public...
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...Advertising & Promotion Pg 780 1. Compare and contrast the social and economic issues involved in the practice of advertising. Depending on the concerns that are going on in the communities that the consumers are living. Advertisers would need to support causes that could raise awareness as well as sponsor activities for those in lower socio economic conditions. Apple or Dell could donate computers, Burlington Coat factory, encourages the communities to bring in a coat to give to the less fortunate members of society. When a corporation is doing positive thing, the consumers feel better like raising awareness about social issues like stop smoking, drugs, see something say something campaigns 4. What is the role of the Advertising Council in encouraging social advertising? The Ad council is all about raising awareness on social issues. They have well organized systems in effect on keeping our society informed and in turned encourages the advertising industry to support a number of causes. When the advertising industry comes together to support these causes, the issues of society are addressed across the world. By enlisting volunteers from the advertising community, their numbers rose and so many great campaigns have been formed to make the world a better place. Advertisers want to be a part of these successful projects to show that they care more about issues affecting society 5. Why is substantiation considered the foundation of FTC enforcement. When there is claim...
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...Brianna Henderson Professor Katherine Kincer ENGL 1101 21 October 2014 She Couldn’t Say No Entering college comes with a new sense of freedom to do whatever a person wants. Partying and drinking, be it legal or illegal, is one of these freedoms. Its common, even encouraged and pressured that while out we partake in drinking and getting “wasted”. This has become a common stigma about college, and binge drinking has become a serious problem on all U.S. college campus. In an attempt to bring awareness of consequences of binge drinking Pennsylvania Liquor Control Board released a series of Public Service Announcements and launched a website to educate its target young audience to be careful while drinking. The public service announcements use very specific image and text placement, typography, and color to make their message evident in the still PSAs. In general when a person looks at something they scan left to right, top to bottom, or at least primarily in English speaking areas, as that is how we read. With this being so, the first things our eyes sees is (what appears to be) a young woman’s bare legs, slightly separated from knee down, and her underwear around her ankles. She is placed in a vulnerable looking position on a bathroom floor to express the terrible act that just happen. This image is large and takes up most of the ad’s space. The designer of this clearly wants the image to be seen as important and a driving point in the PSA. However, what appears to be the...
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...Smith (1986) 1. Introduction This paper reviews the various methods firms use to raise capital and the effect these methods have on security prices. Firms can raise external capital by selling several securities which they market in different ways. In terms of the theory of corporate finance, capital markets play a vital role in a firm’s investment policies. Therefore, it is critical to have an understanding of the various contractual procedures in the process of raising capital. To provide us with this understanding, this paper will look at the theory and evidence related to stock price reactions around announcements of differing security offerings, the contractual arrangements associated with the marketing of corporate securities and incentives for under-pricing in initial public equity offerings. 2. On the corporation’s choice of security to offer When contemplating the type of security to issue, the corporation must consider the reaction of the market to its announcement. Four generalisations are made when looking at the two-day common stock price reactions to the announcement of industrial and utility firms raising capital with various securities – * average abnormal returns are non-positive; * abnormal returns around the time of the announcements of common stock sales are negative and larger in absolute value than those observed with preferred stock or debt; * abnormal returns around announcements of convertibles are negative and larger...
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...Communication Process and Effects Term Paper Evaluation of a Public Service Announcement in Hong Kong Web Link of Video: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=n3Bsu_TB0Ug&feature=related Name: Mok Sin Yi, Sindy Student ID: 0045024 Date of Submission: 4th January, 2012 1 This paper discusses about the intended message, and various persuasive strategies being adopted in a public service announcement produced by the Hong Kong SAR Government. This selected public service announcement was produced for the Gambling Counseling Hotline Service (1834-633). It is a hotline service provided by the Hong Kong Home Affairs Bureau. The target audience of this PSA video is the problem and pathological gamblers. The PSA is produced in a hope that gamblers will call the hotline to seek for assistance in helping them to quit gambling. The underlying persuasive message of the PSA is that gamblers will disappoint and lose their family if they continue to be obsessed with gambling, they should call this hotline for assistance in quitting gambling. The PSA was creative in using metaphorical comparison to create irony in a gamblers’ confession. The man was portrayed as having more concern over gambling than his family. Different kinds of gambling, such as cards, horse racing, and soccer are used to correlate with his family members. The “Q” in the cards is compared with his wife, the horse is compared with his father, and the soccer player is compared with his son. Although he confessed...
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...zlohrasbi@gmail.com Website: https://edocs.uis.edu/alohr1/www Introduction: Welcome to OPM 5202 Operations Management .It is a great pleasure to have all of you in my class. I have been at University of Illinois Springfield in USA for 31 years and served as a Chair of Department of Business Administration , MBA director and Chair of Management Department for several times and my work was recognized last May at the University of Illinois Springfield Faculty Recognition.I taught in graduate and undergraduate online and on ground many different courses such as Production and Operations management, Project Management, Computer Software Application in Business, Service Management, Inventory Management…etc. and I have done a number of consulting for private and public services and presented many research papers at a local and national level. In this class I will share my life time experiences and teachings with all of you. My goal is you learn the course materials and be able to apply the topics, computer applications and techniques in the real world. For more information please see my website: https://edocs.uis.edu/alohr1/www (listed above). OPM5202 Operations Management (3 Credits) Prerequisites: OPM5201 Course Description: This course helps students to develop the skills and concepts needed to ensure the ongoing contribution of a firm's operations to its competitive position. It helps them to understand the complex processes underlying the development and...
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...firm-specific information (stock prices, bond prices, financial statements, corporate events, etc.) is observable to researchers. Through asset selloffs, the parent company takes out part or whole of assets in the wholly owned divisions or subsidiaries and sells to third party for cash or distribute the ownership shares to existing shareholders as stock dividend so that the new entity’s operation is separate from the parent’s. In a spinoff, a new corporate is created and its shares are transferred to existing shareholders on a pro rata basis and publicly traded on stock exchanges which may or may not be different from where the parent is listed. In contrast to non-cash-involvement characteristic of a spinoff, an equity carveout is an initial public offering (IPO) of a portion of the parent company to outside investors in exchange for cash. Usually parent firms hold a minority interest in the carved-out subsidiaries. Other than corporate restructuring characteristic as shown in a spinoff, an equity carveout transaction also involves management’s financing decision since cash plays a role in. In general, spinoff and equity carveout are regarded as the reversed transactions of stock offer and cash offer in merger deals, respectively. A rich body of previous research activity has been made on spinoff and equity carveout and brought about fruitful results. However, little has been done as to comparing these two corporate restructuring mechanisms...
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...the Medical and Dental Council Act No XVI of 1980, on 9, 1980 is empowered to look after: (a) Public interest-by Maintaining Proper Medical/Dental Standards. (b) Medical/Dental Education in the country. (c) Maintain a register of qualified Medical/ Dental Practitioners qualifying from duly recognized institutions or recognized dentists registered as per section 15 (3) of the act. (d) Take such disciplinary actions which may be required for criminal convictions of serious professional misconduct of a Medical/Dental practitioner. The Council is not an Association or a Union for protecting professional interests. This booklet will only deal with code of Medical Ethics which the Council expects the registered Medical/ Dental practitioners who are duly registered by the Council to follow (or obey, these are general guide lines only and the Disciplinary Committee reserves the right of judging each individual case on merits. The following general advice given by professor Saundby to Medical/ Dental practitioners will be found exceedingly valuable: ''The duty that a medical/ dental man owes to the profession of which he is a member is one of the highest he is called upon to fulfill, as his obligations to his country can alone be allowed to have greater claims upon him. He should cherish a proper pride in his calling and disparage it neither by act nor word, but endeavor to increase the public esteem in which it is held by good and worthy deeds. His life should be discreet and sover, avoiding...
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...individual and systemic in nature. There are many types of intervention options that are conflicting in nature; some promote a clinical setting while others tout community-based approach involving many types of adults in raising awareness. Studies show that cumulative exposure to multiple forms of victimization represents a substantial source of mental health risk and costly health care costs from high utilization rates. There is a $103.8 billion cost of child abuse and neglect of more than $33 billion in direct costs for foster care services, hospitalization, mental health treatment, and law enforcement while indirect costs of over $70 billion include loss of productivity, as well as expenditures related to chronic health problems, special education, and the criminal justice system (Tanzer). In 2008, nearly 3.3 million referrals for alleged child abuse and neglect of approximately 6 million children were filed with child protection service agencies (NCANDS). Among the most prominent barriers of diagnosis are nondisclosure and delays in disclosure of child abuse in the field of child protection. Research has...
Words: 841 - Pages: 4
...Critical Deconstruction This advertisement used the gender roles of marriage at the time to encourage the use of Black Label beer. The wife is shown as a “busy bee,” running around the house and doing all types of work. Yet, when the man comes home from his day on the job, it is expected that she wait on her husband by bringing him a beer and encouraging him to relax. Black Label created a commercial that appealed to the public at large because the American ideal was a career husband and housewife. The norms and common goals of society were depicted in the husband-wife relationship shown by Carling in this ad. Creative Deconstruction Carling Black Label beer had a jingle that greatly represents the assumed roles of gender in marriage during the 1950’s. It was assumed that a man served as the financial provider and maintained a work day, typically of a 9-5 white collar position (as signified by his collared shirt and carrying a newspaper). Men are shown later in the...
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...You can join any of the following NSE Market segments. a. Market for issuing shares 1. Main Investments Market Segment (MIMS) 2. Alternative Investments Market Segment (AIMS) b. Market for issuing bonds 3. Fixed Income Securities Market Segment (FISMS) These are the listing requirements in the NSE;- 1. Main Investments Market Segment (Mims) The Minimum Eligibility Conditions and Listing Requirements for the Main Investment Market Segment (MIMS) are: 1. Company to be listed must be a company limited by shares and registered under the Companies Act (Cap 486) as a public limited company. 2. Company must have a minimum authorized, issued and fully paid up share capital of Kshs 50 million and net assets of Kshs 100 million before the public offering of shares. 3. Shares to be listed must be freely transferable and not subject to any restrictions on marketability or pre-emptive rights. 4. Company must have published audited and financial statements (complying with international accounting standards) for an accounting period ending on a date not more than 3 months prior to the proposed date of the offer. 5. If more than 3 months will have elapsed since the end of the company's last accounting period for which audited financial statements have been prepared and the proposed offer date, then the company must prepare a set of un-audited interim financial statements for the period following the end of the financial period. 6. The...
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...Comparison Paper NUR 408/ Instructor: Amy Reagan University of Phoenix Sharo V. Dennis October 11, 2010 Introduction The demand for public health nursing and community health nursing is currently on the rise. However many people do not know how to utilize the abundant amount of information and knowledge available throughout this nursing specialty. There are some people that don’t know that it exists, or they are unaware of the services that PHN provides. This paper focuses on the history of public health nursing, local public health information, the differences between public health nursing and community health nursing. As a result, the author wants the reader to be able to differentiate between the two nursing specialties. Local public health information The Memphis/Shelby County Health Department is the ideal place to find public health information in Memphis, TN. It is there that one can find information on current health facts i.e., H1N1 (symptoms and side effects) west nile virus and other illnesses, public announcements, updates, recalls, general wellness checkups, health concerns and vaccinations (for children and adults). The Memphis/Shelby County Health Department is the best place to encounter the workings of the public health nurse. In addition to the above information, The Memphis/County Health Department can provide information on encountering disasters, readiness and preparations for those disasters (MSCHD, 2010). History of Public Health ...
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