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Puppy Training Research Paper

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One of the best ways to help housebreak your puppy is using puppy training pads. Training your puppy is a tough job especially when you want them to use the bathroom. It is easier to train your puppies to potty at the right places with puppy pads. A lot of patience is required to housebreak your puppies. Training your puppy is important since it will teach him discipline and obedience.

The place for keeping the puppy training pads should be very accessible. Placing them near the corner of the house or near a bathroom door is better. It is important to make the puppies realize the importance of those pads.

To train them to use the bathroom is the one of the main reasons for using these pads. Both the pads and the bathroom must be used in a …show more content…
If your puppy is found urinating in the wrong place you can use these absorbent puppy pads and remove it with ease instead of using rags and other material.

your puppy will always use these pads once they are trained and you need to think about moving them closer to the bathroom. You should stop using the pads once he is trained and is going to the toilet where you want him to go.

Until your puppy has been totally housebroken these puppy training pads will be very helpful. Don't expect any immediate results from the training since it is a gradual process and you should keep working towards it without giving up.

Puppies have weak bladders and hence need to relieve themselves more often. Make sure that there are no obstacles that get in the way of where the pads are placed. With consistent training and patience you would be able to achieve complete house training for your puppy.

Puppy training pads can be purchased in different sizes from small to large compensating all breeds of puppies. Choosing the right size of pad for your breed of puppy is important. Pricing of these pads can also vary by a lot from cheap ones to expensive ones with the cheaper not being as good at

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