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Purchase Intention and Word of Mouth


Submitted By dita2310
Words 7930
Pages 32
IOSR Journal of Business and Management (IOSR-JBM) ISSN: 2278-487X. Volume 7, Issue 2 (Jan. - Feb. 2013), PP 101-109

Brand Love: Mediating Role in Purchase Intentions and Word-ofMouth
Muhammad Yasin1, Amjad Shamim2

(Department of Business and Economics, Foundation University Islamabad, Pakistan) (Lecturer, Department of Business and Economics, Foundation University Islamabad, Pakistan)


Abstract: The objective of this research is two fold. First is to determine the impact of brand experience, brand trust and affective commitment on purchase intentions. Second is to ascertain the mediating role of brand love in the relationships of purchase intentions and word-of-mouth. The data was obtained from 265 cell phone customers from Islamabad and Rawalpindi cities of the Islamic Republic of Pakistan. Simple random sampling technique was used for the collection of data and the data was analyzed in SPSS 15.0 where correlation and regression analyses were performed. Results indicate that brand experience, brand trust and affective commitment have significant positive impacts on purchase intentions. In this relationship, the intensity of the impact of affective commitment is quite high as compared to other variables. Other results revealed that purchase intentions significantly predict brand love and word-of-mouth, and brand love also significantly predicts word-of-mouth. And finally, brand love has partial mediation affect in the relationship of purchase intentions and word-of-mouth. Keywords - affective commitment, brand experience, brand trust, brand love, cell phone



Brand love – a vital marketing concept got a confined consideration by marketing scholars in the recent decade (Bergkvist and Bech-Larsen, 2010). In spite of the fact that this area has been very narrowly discussed, there are some researchers and

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