...Purpose of a College Education College education is the basis of any person’s future life. The reason that most people go to college is to make them more marketable to future employers. But a college education is about much more than just the career of one’s. It is the building blocks for the rest of our life and will make people better, different then they are now. It is the key for many doors of their life. Today, in America, the purpose of a college education should be to make students well trained for the upcoming challenges and make them a better citizen by providing more electives subjects, by keeping trained and knowledgeable professors, and by providing best mentorship. Sara E. Keene has described about the community college and purpose of it in her article, “Higher Education and the ‘American Dream’: Why the Status Quo Won’t Get Us There”. She describes community college as the gateway to low-income and minority students’ realization of the “American Dream”. To her, remedial courses were the means of producing ethnic, gender, and class-based inequalities. Her life was dramatically changed after meeting two professors, Ted Hamilton and Paula Clarke, in one of the community college of California. She gets to know the importance of remedial courses. The mentorship of those professors leads to her academic success. After having enough training and internships, she started teaching in the same college in which she had changed her whole life. She had noticed that some...
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...In College at Risk, Andrew Delbanco claims that today's perspective on American Education is geared toward training brains for functional tasks. He claims that liberal teaching systems allow for students to attain well rounded educations for themselves rather than gaining an education with the purpose of fitting in the economy. The purpose of liberal education is to guide students in their journeys to finding what they are passionate about. Del Blanco applies rhetorical mechanisms to strengthen his points . To appeal to his audience-- which are college students, He concentrates on using credible sources and exemplary rationalities to effectively create plausible arguments. He structures his writing in timeline matter by introducing relative subtopics from history. Comparisons are made between the purpose of education throughout periods of times in American history. To support this Delbanco states that in colonial times liberal education was formed to provide opportunities for Americans to pursue happiness. This is related to medieval Roman education where happiness, or in other...
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...WHAT IS THE PURPOSE OF HIGHER EDUCATION What Is the Purpose of Higher Education Excellent Student English101 May 31, 2014 Melissa Davis 1 WHAT IS THE PURPOSE OF HIGHER EDUCATION 2 What Is the Purpose of Higher Education A higher education can be a difficult decision in your life, and while many high school students as well as adults struggle with this due to the cost. The purpose of a higher education outweighs the cost, offers greater earning potential and career. In the last 22 years, I have noticed a drastic change in the job market. In fact, more and more employers are requesting potential employees to have some form of education above high school. Truly, high school students and adults struggle with the decision to gain a higher education due to the cost. Indeed, while earning your degree can carry a hefty price tag, you shouldn’t let that distract you from seeing the bigger picture. There are a wide variety of financial aid options available that can help with the cost. For example, the federal government offers money, and your work may offer a tuition reimbursement program. Moreover, in a 66 page report, from Pew Research Center, it stated that, “An overwhelming percentage of college graduates then and now believe their college degree did or will pay off, despite the financial investment,” (Weinreich, 2014). Besides struggling with the cost, you must also consider the greater earning potential for someone that holds an education above high...
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...CITY UNIVERSITY OF PASAY College of Education THE STUDY HABITS OF SELECTED FIRST YEAR STUDENTS OF THE COLLEGE OF EDUCATION, BACHELOR IN SECONDARY EDUCATION, SECTION TWO (BSE1-2), IN MATHEMATICS A Research Presented to Dr. Bernardo G. Rivas of the College of Education’ City University of Pasay in partial fulfillment of the requirements of the course Action Research Major in Mathematics by Geraldine Halog Carisma 2013 CITY UNIVERSITY OF PASAY College of Education CHAPTER 1 THE PROBLEM AND ITS BACKGROUND INTRODUCTION “But the anointing that you are received from him abides in you, and you have no need that anyone should teach you. But as his anointing teaches you about everything, and is no lie – just as it has taught you, abide him” (1 John 2:27). Even the Almighty God has His own study habit in His time, like us, as a student, He also exert effort to study what type of generosity should He share to all of His servant and telling them to share also what did He did to all who believes in Him. Almost all of the students were saying that Mathematics is like a Herculean subject, but they don’t know that, they just need to exert a lot of effort, time and more practice in performing the problems in the above mentioned subject. We should also have more patience in solving problems. But, this subject challenges me since the day I loved this subject, because every time we met, it has a new idea that I adsorb for to understand it...
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...The Role of Community College The role of any institution is to set up their students for the challenges that they confront for the duration of their life. Community college should have both certificate programs- to make the students more skillful and four-year education- to explore the student’s mind in every area of education at economical prices. “College students bypassing degrees on purpose” by Eddie Small emphasis on skill building students, who chose to achieve marketable certificate rather than a four year college, due to fact of advantages such as quick education, economical, and increments. Currently, the direction of some community college is to provide short-term certificate. The reason to add more fleeting certification is developed...
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...Confessions of a COLLEGE STUDENT... ‘‘ ’’ MINDY DEUEL, 40 Kalamazoo Valley Community College fewer than 2 percent of Americans of traditional college age attended college. Today, new technologies and the information explosion are changing the workplace so drastically that in order to support themselves and their families adequately, most people will need some education beyond high school. College is so important that more than 67 percent of high school graduates (approximately 18 million students) attend. Because higher education can be essential to your future earning power and your overall well-being, we are committed to providing a set of strategies you can use to do your best. That’s what this book is all about. As you’re settling into your new college routine, we want to welcome you to the world of higher education. The fact that you are reading this textbook probably means you are enrolled in a first-year seminar or “college success” course designed to introduce you to college and help you make the most of it. In this chapter, we’ll discuss how you fit into the whole idea of college. We’ll consider why the United States has more colleges and universities than any other country in the world. We’ll also help you explore the purposes of college—many that your college might define for you. But even more important, we’ll help you define your purposes for being here and offer many strategies to help you succeed. So what is the college experience? Depending...
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...Confessions of a COLLEGE STUDENT... ‘‘ ’’ MINDY DEUEL, 40 Kalamazoo Valley Community College fewer than 2 percent of Americans of traditional college age attended college. Today, new technologies and the information explosion are changing the workplace so drastically that in order to support themselves and their families adequately, most people will need some education beyond high school. College is so important that more than 67 percent of high school graduates (approximately 18 million students) attend. Because higher education can be essential to your future earning power and your overall well-being, we are committed to providing a set of strategies you can use to do your best. That’s what this book is all about. As you’re settling into your new college routine, we want to welcome you to the world of higher education. The fact that you are reading this textbook probably means you are enrolled in a first-year seminar or “college success” course designed to introduce you to college and help you make the most of it. In this chapter, we’ll discuss how you fit into the whole idea of college. We’ll consider why the United States has more colleges and universities than any other country in the world. We’ll also help you explore the purposes of college—many that your college might define for you. But even more important, we’ll help you define your purposes for being here and offer many strategies to help you succeed. So what is the college experience? Depending...
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...What is the purpose of an undergraduate education? Should high school graduates spend the time and money to further their education at a university rather than entering the workforce? Charles Evan Hughes states that the purpose of a college education is: “the development…of the capacity to appreciate what has been done and thought… freedom from tyranny of ignorance, and… intelligence served by learning” (Hughes). I agree with Hughes, though I feel as if there is more to be said about the purpose of a college education. Last year we read The Great Gatsby, a novel by F. Scott Fitzgerald. Without a foundational education up to this point, I would have never understood the insightful symbolism within the book. The green light that changes from hope to reality, the billboard representing the eyes of God watching the corruption of the American dream fly by; none of these would be apparent to me now without the “capacity to appreciate” that Hughes mentions. In absence of this capacity, we would miss the deeper meanings represented throughout art, culture, and entertainment, without which this world would seem empty....
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...Professor’s Name Course Date The things someone does after learning in College or University is the most important thing than even the place where this person goes. People do not overrate someone’s purpose for going to the university or college. What a person chooses to do with his or her education is the most important thing. What people do not really understand is the purpose of the education they get. What is better, is it getting good education so that one has the necessary life skills or to just get a degree and then later land on a high paying job? Around the country, there are very many state schools which all offer excellent education. In the schools you can find many classmates from various states who have a similar burning urge to get education like you. (Mead, 832). Education in these state schools aims at a few things in transforming an individual. The education gained can be to nurture a person’s thought to various issues so that one can think critically. The education received is also important in exposing to an individual to the various accomplishments that man has done on earth (Ken, 437). Education also develops in a person an ability for an individual to respond intelligently to a question after listening to the question in an active manner (Ken, 437). If someone wishes to come out with the good gained in education in a college then Rebecca Mead will be in support of the college education the individual is very ready to know new things by learning so that he...
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...Is College For Everyone? Daverick Aguilar RES/351 July 14, 2014 Is College For Everyone? Introduction I understand this is a business research paper, but I’d like to write about things that, I believe, are questions that make me think or topics that I feel passionate about. With that being said, I am writing about the true importance of college degrees. The businesses involve college or the education system. What is the American Dream? Originally, the American Dream is every individuals’ right to pursue happiness and a better life for themselves and their future generations. Today, that achievement is still alive however it now has a new definition. For the most part, the American Dream today is defined through tangible, material things. My personal belief still lies with the original, but since I have expensive taste it does involve material things. Now my question is how do I achieve this so-called American Dream? I understand that education is important and that along with education comes with a comfortable salary, but I believe in the possibility to achieve my ambitious desires through various forms that don’t involve a college degree. In this research, I delve into the importance of college degrees in today’s society along with considerations of oppositions. Article 1 – Why Go To College? State the purpose of the business research The purpose of this business research article discusses the achievement of the American Dream through the acquisition of a college...
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...“The purpose of primary education is the development of your weak characteristics; the purpose of university education, the development of your strong.”- Nevin Fenneman The primary education-high school education is a process of gaining general knowledge while college education is a process of building in-deep knowledge, decision-making abilities, critical thinking, and self-management mentally for mature life. Therefore college education is very important to me because it provides me invaluable knowledge for my personal abilities for growth; meaningful and useful experience; and especially higher career opportunities. Firstly, college education equips me from invaluable and in-depth knowledge to obtaining qualities, skills for myself to grow. College theory and practical courses, assessments, tests, homework encourage me to read, to do research , to think and to ask questions as well as to discover new ideas and information. All these assets will help in contribution for my development and growth. “College is a small introduction to what life will be like after college, on a personal and professional level. Most importantly college helps to gain knowledge in personal responsibility. Personal responsibility is a state of being that enables you to hold yourself accountable for your actions and make independent choices.” Therefore college education gives me strength, power and confidence in my life because it helps me know how to analyze problems, be able to figure out suitable...
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...AN ASSESMENT OF INTERNET UTILISATION IN SELECTED AGRICULTURAL COLLEGES IN PLATEAU STATE, NIGERIA by * Akpokodje, Edore T. MInf.Sci, + Akpokodje, Vera MInf.Sci. *Federal College of Animal Health and Production Technology, P.O. Box 1, N.V.R.I., Vom, Plateau State, Nigeria. e-mail: eakpokodje@yahoo.com Tel.: 07035052210 Corresponding Author + System Unit, University of Jos Library, Plateau State, Nigeria. e-mail: veraforlive@yahoo.com Tel: 08036357386 ABSTRACT The study investigated the patterns of Internet use among students of agriculture in some selected colleges of agriculture in Plateau State, Nigeria. A well structured questionnaire was distributed among the 128 HND students of agriculture in colleges of agriculture in Plateau State. Statistical Package for the Social Sciences (SPSS) 17.0.1 was used in analysing the data. The present study demonstrates and elaborates the various aspects of Internet use such as; most frequently used place for internet use, purpose for which the Internet is used, use of Internet services, problems faced by users and satisfaction level of users with Internet facility provided in the colleges. The study results revealed that 78.1% of the respondents use the Internet for research, 45.3% access the Internet at a cyber café, slow access speed is the major problem faced by users(48.8%), students between the ages of 20 to 25 years of age spend more time on the Internet...
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...level of education at colleges over the globe. There could be many reasons behind this inclination but among the major causes, the increasing cost of higher education is the most important one. Hypothesis: “The high admission cost and tuition fee have turned away potential college students leading to a decrease in number of enrollments in higher educational level.” Introduction: In the contemporary world, college degree has become indispensable credential to survive in the workforce. But with soaring costs of higher education not every potential student has been able to afford the luxury of being a graduate. Over half of college students have shown concern regarding the payment of their college fee. This is the highest this number has been since 1971 (Marill and O’Leary 64-66, 93). Also the increasing trend of unemployment over the entire globe has helped in tightening the terms and conditions for college student debt. Although the financial aids have helped the students a lot in pursuing their desired professions but still this number is much smaller than the number of students affected by the high education cost. Although the decreasing number of entries in colleges can mainly be attributed to high cost of education, but there are many other factors which play important role in the current decreasing trend. Whatever the reason may be behind the declining interests of prospective students in choosing their desired field or applying at their desired college, the results...
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...Raj Marfatia Kadel/Marfatia 1 English 0802-24 Prof. Lauren-Elise Kadel 11/16/13 Paper Three- Draft One Technological Education College is an educational institution or establishment. American college is a place that has changed vastly over time. Andrew Delbanco, the author of College What It Was, Is and Should Be, describes the modifications of technology that has changed throughout time. One of the most prominent reasons that college has changed so vastly is due to the advancement of technology. Most college students either have a smartphone or access to Internet. The Internet is an electronic communications network that connects computer networks and organizational computer facilities around the world. The creation of the Internet has changed Delbanco’s viewpoint completely. Delbanco believes that there is no true discussion or argument a student can have with each other and also takes away the experience of interpersonal communication with one another. All college students, however, need to have an understanding of how the Internet works due to the advanced world in which we live in today. Technology has played such an important role in colleges and indeed changes the nature of college. It is evident that technology, specifically the Internet, is more beneficial to the idea of the proper purpose of college, which is ultimately to attain an earnest job. Kadel/Marfatia 2 In modern classrooms, students are not the only ones who use Internet; professors also...
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...Tesco | Richmond Upon Thames College | Type of organisation:Tesco is a multi-national food retailer, based in 12 different countries. The organisation began as a stall in the London’s East End in 1919, 10 years later the first official store opened in Edgware, North London. They now not only sell food products, but also provide customers with a banking and insurance service. Tesco’s were the first supermarket to produce a Value range that launched in 1993, now Tesco’s Finest and Everyday Value range are the two largest food brands in the UK (1).Sector: Tesco’s is a plc (Public Limited Company) meaning you can publicly buy shares on the stock exchange. Tesco’s belongs in the private sector as it is owned by its shareholders, not the government. Tesco’s is also a part of the tertiary sector as they provide a service. In February 2015 Tesco’s had a turnover of £62,284.00m making it a widely successful business.Size and scale:Tesco’s is the largest supermarket retailer in the UK, with several chains including: Metro, Express, Home plus and Extra. As well as the UK you can also find a Tesco store in a further 11 countries including; India, Poland and Ireland. There are over 3,500 Tesco stores in the UK alone with over half a million members of staff working for them. Purpose of the organisation: | Type of organisation:Richmond upon Thames College is a public educational facility, located in Twickenham...
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