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Qat1 Task 3


Submitted By kfullen
Words 256
Pages 2
If a business wants to determine the optimale replenishment lot size, the use of the Economic Production Lot Model can be used. This model is a variation of the EOQ Model.
This model procides the most optimied approach of ordering as it considers, demand, available production, ordering cost, set up costs, and holding costs in order to develop the inventory to be ordered to maintain a minimum annual cost (Rendoer 2012). Company B Details Holding Rate: 6% HR: Holding Rate
Demand Units Per Year: 15,470,000 D: Demand
Expected Production: 910,000 EP: Expected Production
Production Cost Per Unit: $400.00 UPC: Unit Production Cost
Inventory Cost Per Unit: $200.00 ICPU: Inventory Cost Per Unit
*Holding Cost: $12.00 HC: Holding Cost * The holding cost is the per unit cost of inventory multiplied by the holding cost rate $200(.06) = $12.00 Process Description:
The optimal lot size per order is equal to the square root of the equation of the annual demand (D). It is multiplied by 2, then multiplied by the production set up cost (UPC).
Which is then divided by the holding cost (HC). Then demand (D) divided by epected production (EP), then subtracted by 1. The end result of the equation provides the optimal lot size order. The Equation:
You must follow the mathmatical order of operations; simplify and solve - numerator divided by the demoniator. Then find the sqaure root of the quotent; then round up to the nearest unit. This will be the final result of the equation.

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