...Corporate Finance 1) Finance – providing and utilizing the money 2) Business Finance – means rising, providing and managing of all money to be used in. 3) Financing – means rising of funds or collecting of funds with a minimum cost. 4) Goals of financial manager – 1) Profit maximization 2) Shareholders wealth maximization. 5) Financial system – is the collection of markets, individuals, institutions, laws, regulations and techniques through which bonds, stocks and other securities are traded. 6) Market—it is a location where buyers and sellers meet to exchange goods and services. 7) Types of market – 3 types – Factor, Product and Financial market. *) Factor market – is the market which allocate factor of production – land, labor, management skill, capital and distribute income. *) Product market – is the market where consuming units purchases goods and services for consuming and make payment for them. *) Financial market – is an institutional set up created by society to channel savings and other financial services to those individuals and institution willing to pay for them. 8) Savings—savings are what is left from current income after consumption, expenditure and tax payment. 9) Investment – means future of fund to raise capital to produce goods and services and future production to raise income. 10) Debt market – it is the market where debt instrument are traded (loan, debt, debenture). It represents creditor ship. 11) Equity market— it is the market where...
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...WORLDVIEW PAPER INSTRUCTIONS Before you begin writing your paper, you should first consider which formatting style that you will be using. In this course, we allow you to choose the one that you are more familiar with, or the one that will ultimately be the style most often used within your major. This is a research paper, not a Discussion Board Forum, so it is expected that your paper will be formatted and cited using one of the following styles: current APA, MLA, or Turabian. Requirements: 1. Cover page – This is the first page to be included in your paper (Based on the formatting style that you will be using, see the sample papers in Blackboard). a. APA: For this course, a Summary or Abstract is not required. b. MLA: This format does not require a title page, but does require a specific format for student information. 2. Content pages – These pages will contain your content and fulfill the requirements as listed below. a. Be sure to complete the minimum word count for each Part (I, II, and III). i. Do NOT include the question as part of your word count. ii. Direct quotations must be short and limited. iii. Include your word count at the bottom of each section of the paper (Part I,II, and III). iv. NOTE: Submissions totaling fewer than 250 words will not receive credit. b. Quotations and material used from other sources must be cited using current APA, MLA or Turabian format. You must include in-text citations and a Bibliography/Reference or Works Cited...
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...Baron Muth 6/23/2016 PHIL3232-476 Take Home Test #1 Question 2 When a person becomes sick and they most likely cannot take care of themselves, they tend to seek out help. It is with this help , people come in the hopes of getting better and fighting off whichever ailments they are bothered by. The main person responsible for curing the patients, or rather help ease their ailments are the doctor. The doctor is responsible for making sure the person they are treating recieves the best care possible. In order to treat the patient, a relationship between the doctor and patient must be established. Each side of this relationship has a responsibility. The patient is repsonsible for trusting the doctors instinics and following their discretion to get well. In this relationship, doctor maintians their oath, expertise and professional responisiblites in seeing the patient overcomes whatever issue they are dealing with. An issue that can arise in a patient-doctor relationship is when the patient decides to refuse treatment. When a patient is not on board with the doctors regimen, it becomes difficukt to continue treating them. This confilct comes down to the classic debate between the physciains "oaths, expertise and professional responsibilites and the patients right to make decisins. If a person is not comfortable with the way their doctor is handling their case, or feels as if the doctor is wrong with the way they have been treated so far, the patient will and can refuse...
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...Marquita Shadley English 112 Professor Howell April 21, 2015 Education Crisis of America Education is the act or process of imparting or acquiring general knowledge, developing the powers of reasoning and judgement, and generally of preparing oneself or others for mature life. Now knowing the definition, one can understand more clearly how important having an education is to our future. So why is America facing this crisis? On February 18, 2015, the United States Department of Education stated that over 1.2 million students drop out of high school in the U.S. every year. That is about 7,000 students a day. Some are pointing to the current educational system for this dilemma. Change is needed soon before this crisis becomes worse. In this work the education crisis and the dropout rates were investigated. It was found that with the parents at home, the teachers at school, and resources within the community this issue can be resolved. Parents’ involvement with their children from elementary through high school is very detrimental to their child’s success. The way the teacher teaches a subject, and how they keep a student engaged in their work is very important to whether that child does well. Also, if children start using the resources in their community such as tutoring, after-school programs that help with homework, and summer camps that have reading programs things could improve. I hope this paper helps people to realize that yes parents and teachers...
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...Professor Pecquet Economics 201 Study Guide for Exam 1 Exam 1 covers Lectures 1-5 & Gwartney and Stroup chapters 1-5. Format: 40-55 multiple choice questions. You may also have some additional material from Monday’s lecture. Study advice: Try to prepare for the exam in advance in order to get enough sleep the night before. Get plenty rest the night before. This will help you to read the questions carefully. I estimate about 5% of the misses are due to careless reading. Study your assigned homework problems and blackboard quizzes. Use the handout that I prepared for you: Arbitrage & Speculation. Lecture 1 The Economic Approach Related Readings Chapter 1 Define Economics in two ways and understand the difference between each way. Know the meaning and relationship between the following concepts covered in the first lecture: scarcity, rationing/rules, competition and choice. Know especially the concept of opportunity cost and choice. Be able to work opportunity cost problems similar to cost of college and the alternative ways of travel problems that we did in class and on homework. Know the difference between normative and positive. Know the difference between positive sum games, zero sum games and negative sum games as discussed in the lecture. Economists use incentives to set up positive win-win games as in my classroom examples of Australia & golden content in trash. What is meant by the moral hazard problem? Understand...
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...Strategic Risk Management HSBC Market Risk Evaluation Table of contents 1. Introduction …………3 HSBC and Research Qestion……………………………………………………………3 2. Methodology. 3 3. Analysis 4 3.1Managing Risk at HSBC and SWOT Analysis 4 3.2Credit Risk 6 3.3 Market Risk 7 3.3 Operational risk 9 4. Discussion 11 Scenarios 11 5. Conclusions 12 5. Perspectives 12 6. References 13 7. Annex index 24 1. Introduction Starting with the early 90’s the focus on risk management has been increasing leading to a change in the business models adopted by different companies. The recent crisis has revealed that managing risk is not an option but a necessity, and it can be stated that lately the banking business is all about risk. HSBC Group HSBC Holding p.l.c was formed in 1991 and has its origins in The Hong Kong and Shanghai Banking Corporation, back in 1865. The group has its headquarters in London and it has around 8,000 offices in regions like: Europe, Hong Kong, the rest of Asia Pacific, including the Middle East and Africa, North America and South America. The main activities of HSBC are: Personal Financial Services; Commercial Banking; Global Banking and Markets; Private Banking. All group’s activities includes various risks: Credit risk, Market risk, Operational risk, Liquidity risk, Insurance risk, Residual value risk, Pension risk, Reputational risk, and Sustainability risk. Research Question ...
Words: 2578 - Pages: 11
...الفصل الأول التعريف بتقنيات التشفير وأمنية المعلومات 1-1:المقدمة ( Introduction ): إن أمنية المعلومات ناتجة من الحاجة إلى تناقل المعلومات الخاصة لكل من العبارات العسكرية والدبلوماسيـة. هذه الحاجة هي قديمة بقدم الحضارة نفسها. الأسبان القدماء مثلا, شفروا عباراتهم العسكرية. أما بالنسبة للصين, فانه يكفي فقط كتابة العبارات بلغتهم المعروفة والتي تعبر لغة خاصة, وذلك لان القليل من الناس يستطيعون قراءة الحروف الصينية. كانت قنوات الاتصال في السابق بسيطة جدا وكانت ترتب بأسلوب يعتمد في تامين السري على استخدام مراسلين موثوقين. تعتمد الأمنية لمثل هذا التنظيم على كل من موضع الثقة للمراسل وقابليته في أن يبقى محتفظا بالمواقف أو المواقع التي فيها يمكن أن تتعرض العبارات للانتهاك. بسبب اكتشاف أنظمة الحاسبات واستخدام شبكات الحاسبة الواسعة بين الدول, فان القرن العشرين قد غير بصورة ملحوظة مدى مفاهيم الحماية. في الحاسبات المبكرة ( الأولى), فان الأمنية الفيزيائية ومعها سياسة الاختيار الملائم للكادر العامل في الحاسبة كان كافيا لتامين الأمنية. لكن هذا أصبح غير كاف وغير مرن بعد اكتشاف أنظمة حاسبات المشاركة الزمنية (Time-Sharing) والتي تتألف من عدة محطات طرفية موزعة في مساحة جغرافية واسعة. من الجدير بالذكر أن امن وسلامة اتصال,ت الالكترونية في بدء ظهورها لم يكن هاما لان معظم المعلومات المخزونة فيها لم تكن ذات حساسية كبيرة, بعكس ماهي عليه اليوم, إذ كلما ازدادت وارتفعت قيمة المعلومات المخزونة في الحاسبات الالكترونية كلما ازدادت الرغبة لدى بعض الأفراد لمحاولة الوصول إليها من اجل التخريب أو من اجل الكسب غير المشروع بواسطة بيعها إلى الجهات الراغبة بذلك, لذا فقد أصبح امن هذه المعلومات على درجة...
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