...Samantha Roberts Student Number: Word count: 1,289 There has been an ongoing paradigm debate between quantitative and qualitative research amongst social scientists for a number of years. Qualitative Research is a particularly new concept developed to obtain and analyse data however many researchers are yet to take a liking to this concept (Bryman, 1984). Qualitative research refers to studies that are conducted in natural settings and include participant observation, focus groups and in-depth interviews. (Whitley & Crawford, 2005). These techniques provide a strong insight into how participants view events and experiences to obtain a deeper meaning into the area being studied (Willig, 2001). Quantitative research focuses on the Scientific Method which is based on a series of steps that are followed systematically to acquire data such as experiments that are then analysed and presented into numerical form. This essay will examine both research paradigms while also determining the epistemological underpinnings that determines the methods used to collect and analyse data. Qualitative researchers are mainly concerned with the social world and the influence of events and experiences that has on an individual’s perspective of the world. These researchers are not concerned with answering a specific question, more so to develop a rich understanding of a certain topic mainly through the methods of in-depth interviews, participant observation and focus groups. In-depth interviews...
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...Quantitative and Qualitative Quantitative and Qualitative Research The purpose of this paper is a comprehensive comparison of quantitative vs. qualitative research techniques for MBA 5210 Business Statistics. The paper will weigh the relative merits and demerits of each providing interpretation of the potential applications of qualitative and quantitative research to various fields of study as per the requirements of the paper. Qualitative and Quantitative Overview Researchers have long debated the relative merits quantitative vs. qualitative research techniques have to offer field researchers. It is important that one understand the implications of each in order to weigh the relative importance and relevance of each to the field. Qualitative and quantitative methods have a long history of providing researchers with information regarding specific events, phenomena and subjects. The primary difference between the two forms of investigation is the methods each employs to uncover the ‘reality’ behind a given situation. These separate realities are explored below. Benz & Newman (1998) suggest that qualitative and quantitative research methods align in a continuum. Qualitative research derives its foundation in naturalistic philosophy, whereas quantitative research focuses on positivistic philosophy (Benz & Newman, 1998). Qualitative research is more likely to adopt an individual phenomenological perspective, whereas quantitative approaches tend to emphasize...
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...Both qualitative and quantitative methods of user research play important roles in research. Data from quantitative research—such as market size, demographics, and user preferences—provides important information for business decisions. Qualitative research provides valuable data for use in the design of a product—including data about user needs, behavior patterns, and use cases. Each of these approaches has strengths and weaknesses, and each can benefit from our combining them with one another. This month, we’ll take a look at these two approaches to user research and discuss how and when to apply them. Quantitative studies provide data that can be expressed in numbers—thus, their name. Because the data is in a numeric form, we can apply statistical tests in making statements about the data. These include descriptive statistics like the mean, median. Data from qualitative studies describes the qualities or characteristics of something. You cannot easily reduce these descriptions to numbers—as you can the findings from quantitative research; though you can achieve this through an encoding process. Qualitative research studies can provide you with details about human behavior, emotion, and personality characteristics that quantitative studies cannot match. Qualitative data includes information about user behaviors, needs, desires, routines, use cases, and a variety of other information that is essential in designing a product that will actually fit into a user’s life. These...
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...Qualitative and Quantitative Abstract Quantitative and qualitative research designs have many different points that lead them down different paths to achieve results. In this paper an argument will be presented to show a few of the differences among these designs. First the goal of investigation for both qualitative and quantitative research will be explained to give understanding of what the researcher hopes to find out. Then the data collection will be analyzed and compared to show the difference in results. Finally the focus the research of both designs will explain why they are effective and their downfalls in certain situations. Introduction Qualitative and qualitative research designs are respectably different in comparison along with the type of results found. Although qualitative research is rooted in the social sciences it is “research conducted in a natural setting that seeks to understand a complex human behavior by developing a complete narrative description of that behavior” (Davis & Smith, 2010, pp.50). Quantitative research on the other hand “is to determine the relationship between one thing (an independent variable) and another (a dependent or outcome variable) in a population” (Hopkins, W. G, 2008, pp.1). This paper will analyze the goal of the investigation, data collection, and focus of research on both qualitative and quantitative designs. These three issues concerning both research designs will be defined, compared...
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...of each option as well, and based on all these items, determine which option is the best for that particular situation. When analyzing a decision making of a business from an investment perspective it is important to assess it from both quantitative and qualitative information. Quantitative information refers to information that is can measure in number. It can be expressed in numerical terms including financial and non-financial information. The financial information is relating to monetary receipts and expenditures. For example, revenue, expenses, profit margins, taxes and so on. In the other hand, non-financial information means that the performance that is not expressed in monetary units, such as number of units produced, measurement of time required to make products, number of employees, number of quality return and etc. Non-financial performance measures are sometimes considered to be leading indicators of future financial performance, while current financial performance measures such as earnings or return on assets are commonly considered to be trailing measures of performance. Qualitative information refers to information that can't actually be measured, it relevant to a decision that cannot be expressed in numerical. Qualitative information is non-numerical information based on the quality of an item or object. It pertains to the description of something using our sense of sight, smell, taste,...
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...In this Discussion board I will discuss the differences between quantitative and qualitative research. You will be given the difference between a hypothesis and a null hypothesis, as well as the research method that uses the uses a hypothesis. I will explain the key elements needed to develop a well written set of hypotheses. You will be able to identify what I believe are the key elements of a well written set of hypotheses and research question. A definition of the term research question will be given. Do know the major differences between qualitative and quantitative research? After reading my post you will have a better understanding. Quantitative researchers seek to “explain the causes of changes in social facts, primarily through objective measurement and quantitative analysis” (Firestone, 1987, p. 16). Quantitative researchers use numbers to study the phenomenon or occurrence. A hypothesis is a tentative explanation based on theory to predict a casual relationship between variables (Course Materials, 2013). Whatever the hypothesis is predicting, the null hypothesis is proving the complete opposite. In my opinion a well-written hypothesis must contain key elements. First a hypothesis has to be developed. At development, research must be carried out. The research results will prove or disprove the hypothesis. However, to show that your data was not produced by random chance, the results of the hypothesis must be compared to the opposite of what is trying to be proved...
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...Qualitative Versus Quantitative Research Methods Martin Berkshire Indiana Tech Abstract This paper will discuss the varying thoughts of utilizing a qualitative approach to research versus a quantitative approach. It will look at scenarios from different aspects of the business world and compare the use of both approaches. Not all of the articles feel the same way about the research methods. Tauber (1987), is very clear on his take that qualitative research should be able to stand alone from quantitative research. While Carlson and Gold (2008), suggest that combining the two forms of research can lead to superior results. Qualitative Versus Quantitative Research Methods There are many types of definitions for the term Qualitative Data, according to Anderson, Sweeney, Williams (2008) “qualitative data is considered labels or names used to identify an attribute of each element.”(18) They go on to say that qualitative data can be either nonnumeric or numeric in nature and can use either the nominal or ordinal scale of measurement. The site BusinessDictionary.com defines qualitative data as “data that approximates or characterizes but does not measure the attributes, characteristics, properties, etc., of a thing or phenomenon. Qualitative data describes whereas quantitative data defines.” While the definitions of qualitative data vary, the definition of quantitative data remains fairly consistent. Quantitative data is defined as “numeric values that indicate...
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...* Qualitative approaches have been fully accepted in market research for several decades, proving their value in guiding the development of new products and services, in testing the communication of advertising, in exploring the meaning of consumer vocabulary, in gaining understanding of consumer motivation, etc. (Bailey, 2014) * Quantitative research is a means for testing objective theories by examining the relationship among variables (Polit and Hungler 2013; Moxham 2012). A variable is a factor that can be controlled or changed in an experiment (Wong 2014 p125). The word quantitative implies quantity or amounts. Information collected in the course of the study is in a quantified or numeric form (White and Millar 2014). This is referred to as statistical evidence (White and Millar 2014). * I would prefer to use a quantitative means of research due to the facts that support the research you are doing. The supporting facts help to validate the research you are doing. Polit, D.F. and Hungler, B.P. 2013. Essentials of Nursing Research: Methods, Appraisal, and Utilization (8th Edition ed.). Philadelphia: Wolters Kluwer/Lippincott Williams and Wilkins Wong, G. 2014. Research Questions. In V. Wright-St Clair, D. Reid, S. Shaw and J. Ramsbotham (Eds.), Evidence-based Health Practice. South Melbourne: Oxford University Press. White, L. and Millar, R.B. 2014. Quantitative Approaches. In V. Wright-St Clair, D. Reid, S. Shaw and J. Ramsbotham (Eds.), Evidencebased Health Practice...
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...Qualitative vs. Quantitative Analysis When research is being conducted you must gather data. “Data are the facts and figures collected, analyzed, and summarized for presentation and interpretation” (Anderson, Sweeney & Williams, 2005, 5.) You must differentiate the type of data before you can analyze it. “There are basically two ways to go about an analysis, qualitative analysis and quantitative analysis” ("Difference between qualitative," 2011). “You can use both qualitative and quantitative reports to track the work performance of individuals, business units and your workforce as a whole” (Ciaran, John). Each type of data has its own advantages and many times analyzers use a combination of both types of data to make decisions. Qualitative and quantitative data are important to gather because they provide different outcomes. These are often used together when analyzing in order to get a full picture of a population. Qualitative data is either on the “nominal or ordinal scale of measurement and may be nonnumeric or numeric” (Anderson, Sweeney & Williams, 2005, 7.). This type of data focuses on interpreting raw data. This type of data is also known as “categorical” data. Qualitative data can be used to evaluate investments or other business opportunities. This type of data can also assist when it comes to decision making. Some believe qualitative analysis is “the foundation of a broad array of investment and financial decision-making methods” ("Qualitative analysis...
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...Qualitative vs. Quantitative Research Methods There are a number of observational methods when conducting research. Generally, they are split into either qualitative or quantitative methods. Qualitative methods collect data in which the data cannot be quantified. Quantitative methods collect data which is then statistically analyzed. Each method each has its own advantages and disadvantages. As Cozby (2009) indicates, qualitative research focuses on behavior in natural settings. Sample sizes are smaller however, more in-depth information is gathered (Cozby, 2009). This information, or data, is then interpreted by researchers (Cozby, 2009). As listed in Table 1, naturalistic observation or field observation is a type of qualitative research. Conversely, quantitative research focuses on “specific behaviors that can be easily quantified,” (Cozby, 2009). Numerical values are assigned to the responses in data collection, and as such can be represented in a statistical analysis (Cozby, 2009). Empirical research is considered quantitative research. Two examples of quantitative methods to study giftedness include case study method and sampling method. For example, a perceived gifted child could be identified and observed at several developmental points in his or her life. In this way, data on all behaviors and actions that supersede normal expectations could be noted and recorded. A good example of a qualitative method for studying giftedness is psychobiography (Tewksbury...
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...Qualitative and Quantitative Research- Module 2 DQ 1 Quantitative research is a process in which data is gathered systematically, analyzed and reported in numerical and statistical values in an attempt to explain what has been observed or hypothesis. The researcher is clearly aware of the specific information being sought prior to the initiation of the study and a data collection adheres to a specific, rigid framework. This system of research uses large groups for data collection and utilizes questionnaires, experimentation or other tools for this purpose depending on the subject being studied. This type of research is more accurate in the absence of variables with statistical outliers frequently discarded. The advantage of quantitative research is precise measurements from a large data bank. Data can be collected from many participants in a short amount of time and collated. A disadvantage to this that questionnaires for this type of research are often closed with only a few answer options from which to choose. Qualitative research is focused on subjective information. The interviewer is the primary tool for information collection however data can also be collected with other methods such as observation and questionnaires with open ended questions. This type of research utilizes a smaller population than that of quantitative research and can include focus groups as well as 1:1 interviews. The information obtained in this type of research often addresses the why...
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...QUALITATIVE AND QUANTITIVE RESEARCH DESIGNS. The qualitative analysis of an investment can include the company's business practices and ownership structure, management and incentive programs, research and development, products and services, competitive strengths and weaknesses, capital intensity, and accounting policies while the quantitative research on the other hand is conclusive in its use, as it tries to quantify a problem and understand how prevalent it is by looking for projectable results to a larger population. Why use quantitative research designs over qualitative research designs In the case of a new business, the aim of carrying out the research is to understand the consumers and market structure in relation to whether the business will actually be able to survive in the given area. Taking this into consideration, it will be advisable to make use of quantitative research designs over qualitative as; * It provides a measure of how many people think, feel or behave in a certain way in relation to the services or goods being provided by the company and statistical analysis is then used to determine the results. * This can aid in being aware of how many of the customers support a change in the company line, in terms of their product or services and if they support it so as to determine whether a business case for making the change should be put in place. * This would also analyze why the customers behave as they do and what barriers to the business there...
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...Assignment 2.4 Quantitative research: The capacity to segregate contrasts in material jolts, for example, surfaces, is generally and naturally debilitated after stroke. Appraisal of material segregation is mongrel rently traded off by measures that are not quantitative and institutionalized, don't assess dynamic touch sensibility, or are not suitable for utilization in clinical settings with stroke patients. In this manner, a test that tended to these constraints was produced. The Tactile Discrimination Test obliged subjects to segregate contrasts in finely evaluated plastic furrowed surfaces utilizing a three-option constrained decision outline. Test-retest rely capacity, taking into account a specimen of 35 stroke patients, was high (r = 0.92), and changes of the size of 27 percent spatial build (PSI) can be identified with 95 percent certainty, which is sufficiently exact for clinical checking. A coordinated sets investigation of 50 stroke and 50 healthy subjects found that typical execution scores were contained inside the 3-46 PSI range. The progressive basis of irregularity was characterized as 46 PSI, with a zone of instability from 31 to 61 PSI. The test differentiated very much disabled execution with respect to typical benchmarks. These outcomes support the use of the Tactile Discrimination Test as a quantitative, institutionalized measure proper for testing stroke patients in clinical settings. Reference: School of Psychological Science, La Trobc University, Melbourne...
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...Running head: QUANTITATIVE AND QUALITATIVE RESEARCH METHODS PAPER Quantitative and Qualitative Research Methods Paper Obbie Brown University: Course: Tutor: Date: Appropriate Academic Research An appropriate academic research can be defined as the research and the experimental developments which comprise creative works which are conducted on a systematic basis with an aim of increasing the pool of an individual’s or a group’s knowledge. The knowledge could include the in-depth knowledge of mankind, culture and the society. The stock of knowledge is then used to devise alternative solutions to the existing problems (Brew & Lucas, 2009). Quantitative Research Quantitative form of research is predetermined and involves a large number of respondents. It involves objective measurements which are both quantitative and are statistically valid. Quantitative research entails hard and objective data. Quantitative research seeks to quantify data and generalize the results from the predetermined sample to the target population. It also aims at measuring the incidence of various views and opinions in a given sample (Balnaves & Caputi, 2001). Qualitative Research Qualitative research involves the collection, analysis and interpretation of data through the application of the observatory techniques as well as listening to peoples’ opinions. While quantitative research entails the counts and measures of phenomena, the qualitative research...
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...NGHIÊN CỨU ĐỊNH TÍNH VÀ NGHIÊN CỨU ĐỊNH LƯỢNG Sự khác biệt giữa phương pháp nghiên cứu định tính và phương pháp nghiên cứu định lượng. |Phương pháp nghiên cứu định tính |Phương pháp nghiên cứu định lượng | |1/ Đinh nghĩa : | | |- NCĐT là phương pháp thu thập dữ liệu bằng chữ và là phương |NCĐL là phương pháp thu thập dữ liệu bằng số và giải quyết quan hệ| |pháp tiếp cận nhằm tìm cách mô tả và phân tích đặc điểm của |trong lý thuyết và nghiên cứu theo quan điểm diễn dịch. | |nhóm người từ quan điểm của nhà nhân học. | | |2/ Lý thuyết: | | |- NCĐT theo hình thức quy nạp, tạo ra lý thuyết, phương pháp |NCĐL chủ yếu là kiểm dịch lý thuyết, sử dụng mô hình Khoa học tự | |nghiên cứu định tính còn sử dụng quan điểm diển giải, không |nhiên thực chứng luận, phương pháp NCĐL có thể chứng minh được | |chứng minh chỉ có giải thích và dùng thuyết kiến tạo trong |trong thực tế và theo chủ nghĩa khách quan | |nghiên cứu. | | |3/ Phương hướng thực hiện: ...
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