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Qualitative Research Studies

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This part focuses on the research designs, methods, sampling and data collection procedures for the study.
This study will be conducted in Mahalapye in the Central District of Botswana.
The study utilised the descriptive research design. According to Barbie (2010) descriptive design focuses on describing situations. The descriptive designs in a social research are geared to answer the “what, where, when and how” questions normally asked in research. Furthermore, Bickman and Rog (1998) also suggest that descriptive studies can answer questions such as “what is” or “what was.” This research design was therefore chosen as most of the questions in this study are the “what” questions. For instance the study will …show more content…
This study has adopted the qualitative research method in order to investigate the socio-economic survival experiences of unemployment among young women in Mahalapye. The qualitative research method gives a detailed and accurate description or rather a detailed picture of the situation under study (Barbie, 2007). According to Kreuger and Neuman (2006) qualitative studies are aimed at seeking an in depth understanding of the situation, events and problems as they occur in a natural setting thus helps the researcher to explore the situation further, as it allows for probing.
Qualitative research method uses a variety of techniques in gathering information namely; observation, face to face interviews and Focus Group Discussions (FDGs) (Engel & Schutt, 2010). This study will adopt the Focus Group Discussions. The study has adopted this technique so that accurate and insightful information can be gained from the respondents on the research topic. A focus group discussion (FGD) is a good way to gather together people from similar backgrounds or experiences to discuss a specific topic of interest.
3.5 …show more content…
Qualitative data analysis is an on-going and cyclic process that happens throughout the data collection stage of the evaluation project and carries over to the data entry and analysis stages. It encompasses such processes as coding, categorising and making sense of the crucial meanings of the phenomenon. As the researcher works with the rich descriptive data, then common themes or essences begin to emerge. All this is concerned with the organisation and the interpretation of information in order to discover any important underlying patterns and

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