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Quality Management in Middle Bank


Submitted By maloel
Words 516
Pages 3
Operations Management Assignment

Quality Management in Middle Bank

Table of Contents

Quality Management in Middle Bank

I. Introduction 2
II. Literature 3
III. Current Situation 4
IV. View 6
V. Conclusion 8
VI. References 9

I. Introduction

Hong Kong is one of the leading financial centres in the world. Therefore, a sound and professional banking system is a prerequisite for its economic development and success. At the end of July 2003 there were 135 licensed banks in operation (statistics provided by HKMA). Among these licensed banks, the Middle Bank is one of the local banks that provides a variety of banking products and services for personal and corporate customers. In the face of a formidable challenge in increasing competition, re-regulation, and thin margins, the bank believes that it must improve service quality in order to sustain competitive advantages.

This paper is an attempt to analyze the use of Total Quality Management throughout this medium-size local bank. It aims to achieve profit growth through cost-efficiency and differentiation. In fact, excellent service, as a consequence of adopting TQM, contributes to both.

II. Literature

According to Corsby 1979, quality is defined as ‘conformance to requirements’ or “fitness for purpose or use” as defined by Juran 1993. In fact, traditional quality management believed that it would be rather costly to achieve a low non-conformance level and the optimal total quality costs will only be sustained at non-zero non-conformance rate. This can be explained by the total quality costs that associated with managing quality - prevention costs, internal / external failure costs and appraisal costs.

As depicts from the graph on the left, the total quality cost reaches its highest when the non-conformance rate is zero whilst minimum cost is achieved at a non-zero level.

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