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Quality of Professional Management Education


Submitted By rakhidutta
Words 3771
Pages 16

Quality of Professional Management Education in Bhubaneswar: An Assessment from Student Point of View


Rakhi Dutta
Asst Prof. Srusti Academy of Management, Bhubaneswar

The twin cities of Bhubaneswar and Cuttack together have around forty-five colleges and institutions offering postgraduate programs in management. Some of them run as autonomous bodies or universities, some are affiliated to Universities, some have got approval from AICTE and some have tie-ups with other national and international bodies. The paper is based on an exploratory qualitative research undertaken in the cities of Bhubaneswar and Cuttack among postgraduate students of management from around 15 colleges and is an attempt to enumerate the deficiencies they perceive in their education. The research has primarily focused on education delivery and covers the curricular and teaching-learning aspects along with certain other areas which affect students. The paper also gives some suggestive measures to take care of these deficiencies.

“Assessment in this spirit does not concern assignment of grades or evaluation of whether instruction was effective. It’s assessment designed squarely to feed into the learning process and make the learning stronger.
David N. Perkins, Making Learning Whole: How Seven Principles of Teaching can Transform Education

Introduction With supply outstripping demand for engineering and management seats, India may stop new professional colleges coming up from 2014. This firm stand was taken recently at a meeting of the All-India Council for Technical Education, the country’s inspector which grants permission to new professional technical colleges. The decision follows requests from several states that want the Council to reject fresh proposals for more colleges. While many states wanted the AICTE to immediately stop accepting

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