...Quantitive and Qualitative Article Review Kristi Schneider Walden University NURS-4000 Res/Scholarshp Evid-based Prac2016 3-20-2016 Quantitive and Qualitative Article Review Quantitive and qualitative studies in research are an important aspect of the nursing profession. Researching and reviewing quantitive and qualitative articles is a process of systematic examination of materials to enhance, validate and learn new knowledge (Schmidt and Brown, 2012, p. 67). As Schmidt and Brown (2012) state, quantitive research design is used to predict relationships and explain relationships and causality whereas qualitative research design gives meaning to events of phenomenon’s (p.72). The purpose of this paper is to identify and interpret research questions, study designs, sample sizes and representativeness, the strengths and weakness of the designs, as well as results of data analysis of both quantitive and qualitative research designs. Overview of Quantitive Design Using the Research Study “A Bundle Strategy Including Patient Hand Hygiene to Decrease Clostridium difficile Infections.” Research Question The basis of a research question is to pose an interrogatory question that describes the variables and population of the research study (Schmidt & Brown, 2012, p. 72). In the article “A Bundle Strategy Including Patient Hand Hygiene to Decrease Clostridium difficile Infections.”, (Pokrywka et al., 2014), Pokrywka et al. (2014) present the research question; will the...
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...Individual Marketing Research Paper MKT-421 Individual Marketing Research Paper Kudler Fine Foods While developing the Kudler Fine Foods marketing campaign strategy it is critical to identify areas which will need additional marketing research. By identifying areas for needed additional market research, Kudler Fine Foods can better target its marketing strategy and tactics. By analyzing competitive intelligence, Kudler Fine Foods can better assess opportunities within its current marketing strategy. Background Kudler Fine Foods was founded in 1998 when its first store was built by Kathy Kudler. The company maintains its main base in San Diego, California and services the neighborhoods of La Jolla, Del Mar, and Encinitas. Each store has more than 16,000ft of modernized groceries and fresh organic specialty foods. Kudler Fine Foods prides itself on offering high quality foods, both domestic and imported. The company maintains specific strategic practices to introduce planning unrealistic goals and objectives. Although the company services a niche market in a minimal geographic area, the grocery industry is inherently competitive. The success of the company is attributed to its high standards in human resources and inventory control. By identifying additional areas for marketing research and analyzing competitive intelligence, Kudler Fine Foods will be able to expand its operations and establish more locations. ...
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...EXPLORING THE REFLECTIVE PRACTITIONER- ASSIGNMENT 1 “We teach to change the world.” (Brookefield, 1995: 1) This first section discusses reflection, as a teacher, why should I reflect upon my practice? What do I achieve? I feel that the process of reflection allows me to learn from my own experiences as a teacher, by providing me with a record of what I have done and an assessment of where I want to end up. Reflecting provides me with a focus for my teaching, where I constantly question what it is I am asking my students to do and why I am asking them to do it. So when I reflect, I not only challenge my own assumptions about what I do, I also identify areas where I feel that I could be lacking and possibly where I may be setting or working to standards that are too high and therefore unachievable by my students. There are many models that we can utilize to help us think reflectively. The Peters Model (1994) asks us to think of a particular situation we experienced and then to step back and allow ourselves to question the assumptions that we have made about that situation. Alternatively Brookfield suggests that we should use ‘critical lenses’, so that we look at a situation from our own viewpoint, from our colleagues’ viewpoint, from our students’ viewpoint and from a theoretical viewpoint. He calls these four viewpoints critical lenses and reminds us that, “A critically reflective educator knows that while meeting every one’s needs sounds compassionate and learner-centred...
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...Abstract To present a novice researcher's use of a reflective research diary in the quantitive measure of a mixed methods study and to recommend resulting changes to practice. Reflexivity is often regarded as a useful tool for ensuring the standard of qualitative research. Reflexivity provides transparent information about the positionality and personal values of the researcher that could affect data collection and analysis; this research process is deemed to be best practice. A reflective research diary also allows researchers to record observations about the research process. However, such diaries are rarely used in quantitative research and are even contraindicated. A reflective research diary maintained while conducting a retrospective audit of 150 hospice casenotes. A reflective research diary was written at the end of every research session to keep a detailed history of the research process and to critically reflect on the researcher's thoughts, feelings and observations on the day's work. This paper raises questions about whether reflexivity is appropriate in quantitative research, whether it has the capacity to add something of value or whether it endangers the robustness of the method. The authors consider the place of grounded theory's commitment to reflexivity in this mixed-methods study and discuss whether reflexivity offers any benefits to researcher development. Use of reflexivity had a positive impact on the progress of the quantitative measure...
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...arthritis pained reduced, tumors restricted and ulcers healed. (http://malunggayplant.blogspot.com/2011/05/introduction.html) Statement of the Problem This study aimed to determine the utilization of malunggay in making a rice cake. Specifically this study answered the following questions: 1. What are the quality characteristics of rice cake made from malunggay in terms of appearance, texture, color, moisture content, and flavor? 2. What is the overall acceptability of the product? Research Hypothesis There is acceptability in the quality characteristics of the five samples. Significant of the Study The outcomes of the study would benefit the following The Parents. This study would help them be enlightened on the importance of the malunggay on their health. The Young minds. This research study can contribute in creating new alternatives rice cakes derived from malunggay. Research studies like this develops the value of resourcefulness and open-mindedness to young researchers and it landed to the right plant, this will served...
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...Research Proposal On Judicial Corruption; The Great Hindrance Towards Ensuring Justice: A Critical Evaluation In The Present Context Of Bangladesh SUPERVISOR Biswajit Chanda Associate Professor Department of Law University of Rajshahi RESEARCHER Md.Salauddin Saimum Roll: 10119019 LL.B(4th Year) Department of Law University of Rajshahi University of Rajshahi DEPARTMENT OF LAW UNIVERSITY OF RAJSHAHI Introduction: Judicial corruption refers to corruption related misconduct of judges, through receiving or giving bribes, improper sentencing of convicted criminals, bias in the hearing and judgement of arguments and other such misconduct. Judicial corruption pertains to acts or behavior or attempts that impair either the search for or the submission of the truth in the delivery of justice. It covers any act or omission from any source, whether bribery, intimidation or any other act committed with the intent or reasonably foreseeable result that judicial or quasi-judicial orders, judgments and other issuances and judicial treatments will result in corruption. Judicial corruption includes the acceptance of patronage offered by people in power leading...
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...NUR131 Assessment Item 2. Research Workbook. Due Date: Week 10, Thursday May 13, 4pm Submission: Use the template provided in this workbook file. There are 16 questions. Type each answer into the space provided below the question. Attach a correctly completed assignment submission sheet and submit to FOSHE office (H block) by the due date and time. Objectives: The purpose of this assessment is for you to demonstrate your understanding of basic elements of the research process by applying concepts about the research process, and learning to read research articles. Instructions: How to answer the questions: You must answer each question using your own words. Do not use quotations as this demonstrates that you can find information but does not demonstrate that you understand a concept. Quoted material will not be counted in the answer that the marker is assigning marks to. Using resources to answer the questions: You are expected to use your prescribed textbook, other up to date research texts and journal articles about research methods and evidence based practice, as well as the 5 key research articles themselves (details below). It is not sufficient to transfer information from the set text (nor from other sources). Lecture notes are not an appropriate reference although they may lead you in the direction of an appropriate published source. Formatting the answers: You will see that there is a table box for you to...
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...[ WHITE PAPER ] [ PROMOTIONAL EFFECTIVENESS –THE CHANGING DYNAMICS OF MARKETING PROMOTIONS IN FMCG By: Martin Long – Head of Business Consulting IRI – UK ] EUROPEAN HEADQUARTERS: Eagle House, The Ring Bracknell, RG12 1HS Telephone: +44 (0)1344 746 000 [ PROMOTIONAL EFFECTIVENESS ] “It is clear that we are not in a traditional recession but actually are seeing a global economic realignment which will redefine our national economies after this downturn.” Thom Blishock – President of Consulting & Innovation – IRI In the current adverse economic climate, which is without precedent in recent history, manufacturers and retailers are being confronted with some painful realities around the current effectiveness of their promotional activities. As a result in the severe degradation of consumer confidence, marketers, category and brand managers are finding that the type of promotions that have served them well in the past, are no longer as effective. This traditional and rigorous analysis of “past events” limits its impact in a situation which is proving unique to most modern marketers and category managers. The fundamental challenge to be faced today revolves around recognising the need to use more focused and speedy methods of analysis to support brands, as part of a holistic organizational approach, rather than purely as a function Of marketing, sales or, in the context of retail, the buying department. Marketing mix modeling, forecasting, price driver reporting and various...
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...Unit 3 – P1 P1 – Describe the marketing techniques used to market products My chosen organisations are NHS which is charity and Tesco which is private P1 Ansoff matrix Strategic marketing planning tool that links a firm's marketing strategy with its general strategic direction and presents four alternative growth strategies in other words there is four strategic parts to ansoff matrix which i will explain what it is and what is the purpose or definition for it. These are the four strategic parts to ansoff matrix below: Market penetration: A measure of the amount of sales or adoption of a product or service compared to the total theoretical market for that product or service.by pushing existing products in their current market segments in other words allowing existing product to gain potential customer in its market segment. Market development: The expansion of the total market for a product or company by entering new segments of the market and also allowing developing new markets for the existing products, trying to target new customer with an existing product. Product development: The creation of products with new or different characteristics that offer new or additional benefits to the customer. Product development may involve modification of an existing product or its presentation, developing new products for the existing markets. Creating new products for an existing market for example iPhone which then developed ipad. Diversification: Diversification...
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...Assessment 4 P1 - explain different types of business information, their sources and purposes P2 - present complex internal business information using three different methods appropriate to the user’s needs P3 - produce corporate communications P4 - evaluate the external corporate communications of an existing product or service P5 - explain the legal and ethical issues in relation to the use of business information P6 - explain the operational issues in relation to the use of business information P7 - outline electronic and non-electronic methods for communicating business information, using examples for different types of audience. M1 - analyse different types of business information and their sources M2 - analyse the legal, ethical and operational issues in relation to the use of business information, using appropriate examples. D1 - evaluate the appropriateness of business information used to make strategic decisions D2 - evaluate the effectiveness of business information and its communication as key contributors to the success of an organisation, using examples to illustrate your points. Explain different types of business information, their sources and purposes Tesco has stores in 14 countries across the world. In the UK it is the grocery market leader it has about 30% of market share. This means that Tesco is the main supermarket leader in the shores of the UK. The key purpose of Tesco is to make profit. Tesco’s is the third largest retailer in the...
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...decisions are likely to be dependent; the use of a vehicle depends on its type and the type of vehicle chosen depends on its expected use. Since these decisions are made within the household, household data should be used for estimating the various components of gasoline demand. This paper provides an estimate of household gasoline demand in Canada by applying a detailed model to pooled time-series (1969-1988) and cross-sectional provincial data. The model recognises three major behavioural changes that households can make in response to gasoline priče changes: drive fewer miles, purchase fewer cars, and buy more fuel-efficient vehicles. In the model, fuel есопоту is treated in considerable detail. The two components of the fuel есопоту of new cars sold—the technical fuel efficiency of various classes of cars and the distribution of new car sales according to their interior volume rather than their weight — are estimated as functions of economic variables. Car manufacturers are assumed to improve the technical fuel есопоту according to their expectation of consumers[1] response to future changes in gasoline prices and general economic condi-tions. The next three sections of this paper discuss the model, the data, and the estimation results respectively. The...
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...RESEARCH PROJECT “What is the advantages and disadvantages of shopping online from the consumers’ perpectives” Report from: Ta Duc Tam Report to: Stella Kalfa 9 June, 2014 INTRODUCTION * Brief of the study For several centuries ago, traditional shopping which means that consumers go directly to the shop, then choose and buy goods, at last come back home with them is a dominant method in trade industry. Nowadays, the development of e-commerce is pushing the popularity of online shopping. Only by connecting your computer or smart phone with the internet, opening the website and searching for goods, you can easily get whatever you need. This new method is known as the new fashion of shopping. Currently, in China, about one of four consumers is online shopper; while, this number in Europe and Korea is two of three. ( Jia-xin, et al. , 2010). It is obvious that the trend of shopping through the internet is growing more and more quickly. * Research question The existing argument on whether shopping online is better than traditional shopping or not. Thus, my study will focus on answering the research question which is “ What is the advantages and disadvantages of shopping online from the consumers’ perpectives”. * Reseach objectives The overall purpose of the research is to analyze what is the differences between traditional shopping and shopping online. Moreover, the research also evaluates the advantages and disadvantages of shopping online, thus...
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...appreciated and taken into consideration. Abstract A large number of organizations that offer products today are experiencing returns; whether it is the return of a book from an online book store, the return of a television to the electronic retailer or a garment to a fashion retailer. How organizations handle product returns (reverse logistics) differs and also how much focuses each organization places on it, because after all; it is extremely difficult to actually make revenue on reverse logistics. Why spend time and money on it? This study focuses on comparing an electronic and a fashion organization, how they both are conducting reverse logistics in regards to e-commerce. This is of interest to examine and add to the literature based on research focusing on a comparison between two organizations of a different nature in terms of their reverse logistics. Furthermore, it was of interest to study how each organization operates internally. For...
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.... ReseaRching and WRiting a disseRtation a guidebook foR business students Colin Fisher second edition . Researching and Writing a Dissertation: A Guidebook for Business Students . We work with leading authors to develop the strongest educational materials in management, bringing cutting-edge thinking and best learning practice to a global market. Under a range of well-known imprints, including Financial Times Prentice Hall, we craft high-quality print and electronic publications which help readers to understand and apply their content, whether studying or at work. To find out more about the complete range of our publishing, please visit us on the World Wide Web at: www.pearsoned.co.uk . Researching and Writing a Dissertation: A Guidebook for Business Students Second edition Colin Fisher with John Buglear Diannah Lowry Alistair Mutch Carole Tansley . Pearson Education Limited Edinburgh Gate Harlow Essex CM20 2JE England and Associated Companies throughout the world Visit us on the World Wide Web at: www.pearsoned.co.uk First published 2004 Second edition 2007 © Pearson Education Limited 2004 © Pearson Education Limited 2007 The right of Colin Fisher to be identified as author of this work has been asserted by him in accordance with the Copyright, Designs and Patents Act 1988. All rights reserved. No part of this publication may be reproduced, stored in a retrieval system, or transmitted in any form or by any means, electronic, mechanical...
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...VINES Laboratory and eLearning on Retention of Learning Among Level II Student Nurses A Thesis presented to the Faculty of Institute of Nursing Far Eastern University By: BSN 118 Group 71 Balanay, Shara Jane; Lewis, Samantha; Lisay, Kathreen; Martinez, Nikka; Obar, Zharmaine; Patiño, Mary Caryl; Quigao, Abigael; Reyes, Laurice; Silang, Johnas; Taylor, Ivanna Jane; Uy, Ashley Chloè In Partial Fulfillment of the Requirement for The course in Nursing Research Far Eastern University September 2010 Abstract The study seeks to determine the difference in the learning retention rate of students exposed to either eLearning or VINES laboratory instruction. 88 students from Level II Institute of Nursing of the Far Eastern University were purposively selected for the experiment, specifically those without prior experience with the modules. Subjects were notified of the purposes of the research through an informed consent. The respondents, categorized randomly as either Group A or B and were given the same lessons thru eLearning or a simulated-hospital setting using VINES respectively. Mean scores gathered from the two groups were computed, with the difference evaluated using independent t-test. Significant difference was noted between the mean scores of students under Group A and B suggestive that VINES provides students greater advantage in learning retention than eLearning. Given the results, the researchers recommended the use of...
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