Europe in the 16th and 17th centuries was very prone to changes and reformation in religion, exploration, and an overall outlook on life. Along with these changes, different opinions about government and leadership took place as well. The Protestant Reformation occurred during Queen Elizabeth I’s reign. It converted Elizabeth along with other English citizens to different branches of Protestantism, creating controversy and allowing people to denounce Elizabeth for not only her gender, but now also for her religion. The Reformation made Elizabeth an easy target for criticism because it gave more reasons for people to be opposed to her. The ideas put towards Elizabeth were mainly judgmental and critical mainly because not only was she was a…show more content… For example, women during the 16th century were perceived as inferior to men intellectually, physically, and basically in every aspect in life. With Elizabeth as queen of England, she defied the gender barriers, which made many citizens of England extremely upset. Some believed that a woman in rule went “against all nature,” as John Knox stated in attempt his to prove how a woman could not in any way rule a country. Knox’s purpose of his protests against Elizabeth was to explain how Elizabeth’s rule was unrealistic and to make the people of England despise her and turn against her, causing there to be a new male leader in England. Additionally, women were not considered powerful enough to command men, which caused more troubles towards Elizabeth’s ruling, because men were reluctant to regard her as an official ruler. For instance, the bishops of England wrote a book during Elizabeth’s rule mentioning a woman’s role in the family. They stated how women are to always listen to their husbands and can never command or subject to them. This writing was written for the common people of England. This excerpt showed English citizens that women are not supposed to be in charge of men, and it is not suggested that women try to be more powerful than their male partners. Elizabeth’s reign was being criticized through this book excerpt because it is stating how men are supposed to