...The quick brown fox jumps over the lazy dog From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia The phrase shown in metal moveable type, used in printing presses (image reversed for readability) "The quick brown fox jumps over the lazy dog" is an English-language pangram—a phrase that contains all of the letters of the alphabet. It is commonly used for touch-typing practice. It is also used to test typewriters and computer keyboards, show fonts, and other applications involving all of the letters in the English alphabet. Owing to its brevity and coherence, it has become widely known. Contents [hide] 1 History 2 Computer usage 3 Cultural references 4 See also 5 References History[edit] The earliest known appearance of the phrase is from The Michigan School Moderator, a journal that provided many teachers with education-related news and suggestions for lessons.[1] In an article titled "Interesting Notes" in the March 14, 1885 issue, the phrase is given as a suggestion for writing practice: "The following sentence makes a good copy for practice, as it contains every letter of the alphabet: 'A quick brown fox jumps over the lazy dog.'"[2] Note that the phrase in this case begins with the word "A" rather than "The". Several other early sources also use this variation. As the use of typewriters grew in the late 19th century, the phrase began appearing in typing and stenography lesson books as a practice sentence. Early examples of publications which used the phrase include Illustrative...
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...Quick Trip Quick Trip has established itself as a dominant company and through that process, has created a workforce that is full of happy employees. In this paper, I will attempt to answer some questions about how these employees and their attitudes affect their work environment and the customers that come in and out of their stores. I will also give some perspective on how other companies can learn from Quick Trip and their employees. Case Study Review The case study “QuikTrip: Staffed by Passionate and Compassionate People” (McCuddy), touches on Chester Cadieux’s journey of starting a small business and developing it into the “Forbes List” company it is. Cadieux not only built the $9 billion company, but he has made this a company that has made it onto Fortune Magazine’s “Best Companies to Work For” list. Cadieux says “We’ve been able to compete successfully because of our people. We hire better people, train them better, and pay them more. We are obsessed with keeping the stores clean and well-merchandised and with providing a rewarding customer experience overall.” (Quicktrip.com) Discussion Employee Attitudes and Emotions Influence on Work Behaviors. It appears that the average Quick Trip employee carries a positive attitude and their emotions are projected as the same. As described in the course readings, these positive emotions then directly influence employee work behaviors in a positive way. Also, through creating a positive work environment, the positive...
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...Quick quiz: Who developed a smartphone operating system first -- Apple or Microsoft? Of the two, who released a tablet first? In both cases, it was Microsoft, and the race wasn't even close. TheMicrosoft Tablet PC was announced in 2001, and tablets built to its specifications were released in 2002, eight years before the iPad first appeared. That same year, Microsoft Pocket PC 2002 was developed for smartphones. (It later became Windows Mobile, and now is Windows Phone.) Apple got around to building its first smartphone, the iPhone, five years later, in 2007. Apple has long been portrayed as the technology world's leading innovator, coming up with visionary ideas well before anyone else and creating entire product categories from scratch. Microsoft has been thought of as an unimaginative plodder, waiting for others to develop innovations, and then coming in with brute force and cornering the market with big marketing budgets and smart business moves. In fact, though, Microsoft has been out front on a number of occasions. It's not that it can't innovate. It's that it doesn't do a good job of turning innovations into market-changing products. Take the Tablet PC. At the time, it was certainly innovative. But Microsoft never figured out how to make a marketable product out of it, largely because the company thought about it as a traditional computer in a different form factor -- essentially a tablet-based Windows PC. In a press release at the time, Microsoft described it this...
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...DEPARTMENT - P FOODS Merlene Malcolm….Superintendent...481-5104 Noreen Wall…Assistant Superintendent...506-4408 REGISTRATION FORM (click here) ENTRY RULES (click here) Registration Deadline...NOON, SEP 24, 2015 Exhibit Drop off…1:00 PM - 5:00 PM, SEP 26 2015 Judging…10:00 AM, SEP 29 2015 Exhibit Pick-up…2:00 PM – 3:30 PM, OCT 4, 2015 NO MIXES ACCEPTED, ALL EXHIBITS MUST BE MADE FROM SCRATCH. SECTION 1 BREADS Bread scorecard: 30 Points......... Exterior, browning of crust, symmetry, Tenderness of crust, and volume. 70 Points……. Interior, texture, lightness, fineness, And Uniformity of crumb 100 Points Total 4/17/2015 PREMIUMS 1 2ND 3RD $5 $4 $3 ST Class No. 1. Loaf, yeast white 2. Loaf, Whole Grain 3. Loaf, quick bread 4. Loaf, sour dough 5. Loaf, cinnamon, yeast 6. Banana Nut 7. Pumpkin 8. Zucchini 9. Cheese 10. Coffee Cake 11. Coffee Cake, yeast 12. Rolls, yeast 13. Rolls, Cinnamon, yeast 14. Biscuits (6) 15. Biscuits, flavored (6) 16. Corn Muffins (6) 17. Flour Muffins (6) 18. Other Muffins (6) 19. Corn Bread (must be made from scratch SECTION 2 CAKES A portion of cakes must be left on display all week. No eggs or milk may be used in icing or fillings. Only 1/2 cake is required per entry. Cakes - Iced scorecard: 10 Points.........General appearance 15 Points..........Frostings and fillings 30 Points..........Texture (lightness, grain) 45 Points..........Flavor 100 Points Total 4/17/2015 Cakes - Not Iced scorecard: 25 Points..........General appearance 30 Points...
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...6.5 Quick Sort Implementation Next, recall that our goal is to partition all remaining elements based on whether they are smaller than or greater than the pivot We will find two entries: – One larger than the pivot (staring from the front) – One smaller than the pivot (starting from the back) which are out of order and then correct the ordering – I.e., swap them 1 7.6.5 Quick Sort Implementation Continue doing so until the appropriate entries you find are actually in order The index to the larger entry we found would be the first large entry in the list (as seen from the left) Therefore, we could move this entry into the last entry of the list We can fill this spot with the pivot 2 7.6.5 Quick Sort Quick Sort Example First, we examine the first, middle, and last entries of the full list The span below will indicate which list we are currently sorting 3 7.6.5 Quick Sort Quick Sort Example We select 57 to be our pivot – We move 24 into the first location 4 7.6.5 Quick Sort Quick Sort Example Starting at the 2nd and 2nd-last locations: – we search forward until we find 70 > 57 – we search backward until we find 49 < 57 5 7.6.5 Quick Sort Quick Sort Example We swap 70 and 49, placing them in order with respect to eachother 6 7.6.5 Quick Sort Quick Sort Example We search forward until we find 97 > 57 We search backward until we find 16 < 57 7 7.6.5 Quick Sort Quick Sort Example ...
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...Hello Class,My name is Dr. Natalie Johnson and I am your instructor and guide this semester for MATH 1314 - Functional College Algebra. I teach full time on the South Campus and apart from this course, I am also teaching several lecture courses at TCC. I'm looking forward to working and interacting with you this semester and I hope it will be a very successful one for you. You can find out more information about me, such as how to contact me, by clicking Contact Information tab.Make sure to print and read all the documents!Here is what you need to do: Step 1: Click on the titled "Syllabus" on your menu in blackboard, print it out.Step 2: Click on the titled "Student Registration" on your menu in blackboard, print it out 3CVAJ-CUCA6 course code. Reminders: It is important to let the students know a couple of things about ALEKS from the start:o Take the first assessment seriously and be honest about what you know and don’t know. This is not a graded test but instead a way for the software to learn what materials it can provide you to be successful.o After you have mastered all of the topics in a chapter you will automatically receive an assessment. This will ensure you have true understanding of the concepts. If you do not understand a topic it will be added back to your pie. KEEP IN MIND – this is a good thing. It will ensure that you have the necessary skills to pass the final exam. o Don’t cheat. ALEKS will catch this during your assessments!How to become a successful student...
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...To: James Barrett, From: Assistant Marketing Director Date: November 27, 2012 Subject: Amy’s Bread INTRODUCTION Here is the analytical report that you requested on November 18, 2012 to conduct research on www.amysbread.com in order to determine the feasibility of opening a retail operation in the Metropolitan area of New York. Amy originally went to school to study economics at St. Olaf College. Amy Scherber eventually followed her passion for baking and went to France where she learned old-fashioned baking techniques. Amy is actively involved in the community. Amy’s Bread offers a variety of artisan bread for 20 years. FINDINGS The webpage is organized into 6 main categories as follow: Locations, Menu, Wholesale, Shop, Press, and Our Story. Locations There are three retail operations located in Hell’s Kitchen, Chelsea Market, and The Village Each location is accessible by public transportation. Parking is only available in the Chelsea Market and The Village locations. Each of these locations are surrounded by pedestrian traffic in the busy city of Manhattan. Hell’s Kitchen: Chelsea Market: The Village: 672 Ninth Avenue 75 Ninth Avenue 250 Bleecker Street (Between 46th & 47th Streets) (Between 15th & 16th Street) at Leroy Street New York, NY 10036 New York, NY 10011 New York, NY 10014 212-977-2670 212-462-4338 212-675-7802 Hell’s Kitchen is the first location opened up by Amy in 1992. The small, cozy café seats 12 in...
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...The Reality of Quick Response (QR) in the Japanese Fashion Sector and the Strategy Ahead for the Domestic SME Apparel Manufacturers Nobby (Nobukaza) Azuma School of Management Heriot-Watt University UK E-mail: nobukaza@aol.com N.Azuma@hw.ac.uk Fax: +44-(0) 131-451-3498 Abstract Quick Response (QR) has long been perceived as the essential survival strategy of the textile and apparel (T-A) manufacturers in the developed economies against offshore competition. However, the regionalization of global economies and active governmental investment in the T-A industry in the offshore countries has allowed the offshore QR to become increasingly feasible. This changing facet of QR may spell out more lucrative opportunities for Japanese "apparel firms", which have predominantly in-house creative and marketing functions, to widen the scope and the scale of their fashion business operations, since the economic upgrading in the Pacific Rim will create a huge consumer market that shares similar fashion trends as in the Japanese market. However, the apparel firms' production shift offshore has, on the other hand, threatened the existence of the domestic SME apparel manufacturers that have traditionally served their apparel firms customers, now that QR is no longer the sustainable competitive advantage of domestic manufacturing. The purpose of this paper is to explore the levels of QR implementation, identifying the potential pitfalls and drawbacks of the current QR initiatives in the Japanese...
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...Here is an analysis of the time complexity of quick-sort in detail. In quick sort, we pick an element called the pivot in each step and re-arrange the array in such a way that all elements less than the pivot now appear to the left of the pivot, and all elements larger than the pivot appear on the right side of the pivot. In all subsequent iterations of the sorting algorithm, the position of this pivot will remain unchanged, because it has been put in its correct place. The total time taken to re-arrange the array as just described, is always O(n)1 , or αn where α is some constant [see footnote]. Let us suppose that the pivot we just chose has divided the array into two parts - one of size k and the other of size n − k. Notice that both these parts still need to be sorted. This gives us the following relation: T (n) = T (k) + T (n − k) + αn where T (n) refers to the time taken by the algorithm to sort n elements. WORST CASE ANALYSIS: Now consider the case, when the pivot happened to be the least element of the array, so that we had k = 1 and n − k = n − 1. In such a case, we have: T (n) = T (1) + T (n − 1) + αn Now let us analyse the time complexity of quick sort in such a case in detail by solving the recurrence as follows: T (n) = T (n − 1) + T (1) + αn = [T (n − 2) + T (1) + α(n − 1)] + T (1) + αn (Note: I have written T (n − 1) = T (1) + T (n − 2) + α(n − 1) by just substituting n − 1 instead of n. Note the implicit assumption that the pivot that was chosen divided the original...
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...Solutions to Quick Quizzes Chapter 1 1. There are many possible answers. 2. There are many possible answers. 3. The three principles that describe how the economy as a whole works are: (1) a country’s standard of living depends on its ability to produce goods and services; (2) prices rise when the government prints too much money; and (3) society faces a short-run tradeoff between inflation and unemployment. A country’s standard of living depends largely on the productivity of its workers, which in turn depends on the education of its workers and the access its workers have to the necessary tools and technology. Prices rise when the government prints too much money because more money in circulation reduces the value of money, causing inflation. Society faces a short-run trade-off between inflation and unemployment that is only temporary. Policymakers have some short-term ability to exploit this relationship using various policy instruments. Quantity of Clothing Produced the frontier), point B is an inefficient point (inside the frontier), and point C is an infeasible point (outside the frontier). Microeconomics is the study of how households and firms make decisions and how they interact in markets. Macroeconomics is the study of economy-wide phenomena, including inflation, unemployment, and economic growth. 2. An example of a positive statement is “a higher price of coffee causes me to buy more tea.” It is a positive statement because it is a claim that describes the...
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...February 22, 2013 Week 6 Assignment Macroeconomics Quick Check: Page 180 1. Using the information in this chapter, label each of the following statements true, false, or uncertain. Explain briefly. a. The original Phillips curve is the negative relation between unemployment and inflation that was first observed in the United Kingdom. True: According to the reading on page 161, it says the same thing. b. The original Phillips curve relation has proven to be very stable across countries and over time. False: According to the reading on page 161, it states that the relation broke down and in most countries there was both high inflation and high unemployment. c. The aggregate supply relation is consistent with the Phillips curve as observed before the 1970s, but not since. False: According to the reading on page 171, it states that the relation has held quite well, but there are signs of warnings. d. Policy makers can exploit the inflation-unemployment trade-off only temporarily. Uncertain: I am not quite sure if this is true because I could not find in the reading about this being false or true. e. In the late 1960s, the economists Milton Friedman and Edmund Phelps said that policy makers could achieve as low a rate of unemployment as they wanted. Uncertain: According to the reading on page 170, Friedman and Phelps argued that the appearance of a trade-off between inflation and unemployment was an illusion, which it did disappear in the next...
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...QUICK REFERENCE GUIDE I) Security Sign on to computer Sign off the computer Display all work areas AMADEUS JI3115TS/SU JO* JD GALILEO SON/ZAW SOF OP/W* ABACUS / SABRE SI* SO* *S* WORLDSPAN BSI$0001XX/GS BSO$ B$ II) Information and Help Display index of information chapters Request help GGAIS HE GG* H/ or HELP F*FOX F*FOX/CAR HELP GRS HELP III) Encode and Decode City - encode City - decode Country - encode Country - decode Airline – encode Airline – decode Aircraft equipment – encode Aircraft equipment – decode City record DAN JERSEY DAC NYC DC FINLAND DC AU DNA IBERIA DNA EI DNE FOKKER DNE 744 GGAPTLHR .CE JERSEY .CD NYC .LE FINLAND .LD AU .AE IBERIA .AD EI .EE FOKKER .ED 744 .CR LHR W/-CCLONDON W/*LON HCCC/INDIA HCCC/IN W/-ALKINGFISHER W/*IT W/EQ-BOEING W/EQ*744 NA KC/JERSEY KD/JER 4C*FINLAND 4C*F KAC/IBERIA KAD/EI NOT APPICABLE HELP EQP747 NOT APPICABLE IV) Scrolling Move down Move up Move bottom Move top MD MU MB MT MD MU MB MT MD MU MB MT MD MU MB MT V) Printing Print all fields of the BF Print ticket, itinerary and MIT for all passengers Print ticket only Create electronic ticket WRA/ TTP/INV/IBPI TTP TTP/ET P-*ALL TKP TKPDTD TKPET DIT¥DPI W¥ETR¥DPE W¥DPE W¥ETR JTXXXRR/*A EZT EZEL#HV#DR#*IX EZE VI) Air Availability Display availability for today Display more availability Display availability by date & time Display availability by Airline Direct link to carrier ANZRHLON MD AN18JULZRHCPH1400...
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...ECFS895 Private Equity Investment AFC Term 1 CBD 2015 Dept of Applied Finance and Actuarial Studies Contents General Information Learning Outcomes General Assessment Information Assessment Tasks Delivery and Resources Unit Schedule Learning and Teaching Activities Policies and Procedures Graduate Capabilities Changes from Previous Offering Important Notice Standards Required to Complete the Unit Satisfactorily 2 2 3 3 7 8 10 10 12 15 15 15 Disclaimer Macquarie University has taken all reasonable measures to ensure the information in this publication is accurate and up-to-date. However, the information may change or become out-dated as a result of change in University policies, procedures or rules. The University reserves the right to make changes to any information in this publication without notice. Users of this publication are advised to check the website version of this publication [or the relevant faculty or department] before acting on any information in this publication. http://unitguides.mq.edu.au/unit_offerings/52041/unit_guide/print 1 Unit guide ECFS895 Private Equity Investment General Information Unit convenor and teaching staff Lecturer (Sydney/Melbourne) Stephane Chatonsky stephane.chatonsky@mq.edu.au Contact via Email Unit Convenor / Lecturer Roger Casey roger.casey@mq.edu.au Contact via Email Credit points 2 Prerequisites (Admission to MAppFin or PGCertAppFin or GradDipAppFin) and ECFS866 Corequisites Co-badged status Unit description This...
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...Ebooks Mandatory and elective modules The books are supplied in Adobe Digital Editions. To access on more than one device you will need to set up an Adobe ID (free). We have noted that different broadband speeds impact on how quickly the book downloads, opens and can be accessed in full. Do not be deterred by a ‘no entry icon it is just working in the background. To download Adobe Digital Editions http://www.adobe.com/uk/solutions/ebook/digital-editions/download.html To get an Adobe ID http://adobe.ly/1EEvqTT If you are a Mac user and are experiencing problems opening the ebook view Mac troubleshooting When you download a book please do so on your main computer. It is then easier to link other devices. The book(s) will save on Microsoft to Documents, My Documents, My Digital Editions. To move them to another device there are a variety of options depending on what device you have. There are apps that can help such as Bluefire that will facilitate this and also allow you to make notes, change fonts, change background colours etc. [Other apps are available and you may already have then installed on your devices.] http://www.bluefirereader.com/index.html You can access an Adobe Digital Editions App for an iPad. For an iPhone there is not currently an App but you can use Bluefire Reader to either synchronise with Dropbox or you can email them to an account that the iPhone uses. http://www.bluefirereader.com/using-library-books.html#lb_dropbox With...
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...A Quick Reference to C Programming Language Structure of a C Program #include(stdio.h) /* include IO library */ #include... /* include other files */ #define.. /* define constants */ /* Declare global variables*/) (variable type)(variable list); /* Define program functions */ (type returned)(function name)(parameter list) (declaration of parameter types) { (declaration of local variables); (body of function code); } /* Define main function*/ main ((optional argc and argv arguments)) (optional declaration parameters) { (declaration of local variables); (body of main function code); } Comments Format: /*(body of comment) */ Example: /*This is a comment in C*/ Constant Declarations Format: #define(constant name)(constant value) Example: #define MAXIMUM 1000 Type Definitions Format: typedef(datatype)(symbolic name); Example: typedef int KILOGRAMS; Variables Declarations: Format: (variable type)(name 1)(name 2),...; Example: int firstnum, secondnum; char alpha; int firstarray[10]; int doublearray[2][5]; char firststring[1O]; Initializing: Format: (variable type)(name)=(value); Example: int firstnum=5; Assignments: Format: (name)=(value); Example: firstnum=5; Alpha='a'; Unions Declarations: Format: union(tag) {(type)(member name); (type)(member name); ... }(variable name); Example: union demotagname {int a; float b; }demovarname; Assignment: Format: (tag).(member name)=(value); demovarname.a=1; demovarname.b=4...
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