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Quiktrip Employee Reputation

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Question 1- Select a company that—in your opinion—has a good reputation. Using examples and other references, justify your opinion. Your discussion should also include many of the concepts we have reviewed in this week’s readings and lessons. These would include (but not be limited to) constituent groups, identity and image, and the Reputation Management Template. This should be more than just your own personal experience, and should be supported with more than just personal stories. For example, saying that “Company XYZ has a good reputation because I always enjoy going into their stores,” would not be providing ample support to your position.

The company I chose is QuikTrip because of my experience. QuikTrip customer services is always great. …show more content…
Employees are trained to provide the best customer service; In order to provide the best customer service, the employees are taught at orientation to provide assistance on an additional register when the customer to cashier ratio exceeds 3:1 and they have to greet everyone that enters their store. They are also trained to count change in their heads without relying on the register to check out customers quickly (Winslow 2015).

QuikTrip’s identity has changed over the years. In the beginning they were like all the other gas stations, now many of their stores serve fresh food made daily and its own bakery referred to as QT Kitchens. According to (Rivera 2011) this is “the new generation of QuikTrip”. QuikTrip is also planning to open up a new store without fuel in the Atlanta area, they want to be known for their convenience (NACS 2016).

I believe the overall image that customers have about QT is that, it’s just a gas station with good customer service. From what I gathered online, the media reports are all positive and based on the employee reviews most of the employees like their job. All of QT’s constituent groups help them rank on the top websites years in a row because most view QT in the same

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