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Racism In Harper Lee's To Kill A Mockingbird

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/There’s a lot different form of racism. It has affected millions of people worldwide, and is one of the deepest social problems in history. The history of what we call racism which is the discrimination of other groups on the basis of their different descent begins in the Early Modern Period.
Racism was really big in that small town. So bad that it got to point where people would just accuse some randman black man so raping her. But everyone knew that she was lying even the judge. During that time it was really bad for being accuse of doing that.
My main point of my paper is mostly Depression during that time. Because everyone was going through something during that time. Harper lee going to trial and all this. But the great depression was bad during this time.
Tom Robinson is black man being accused of raping a white women. The white woman name is Mayella Ewell. Tom is 25 years old with wife and a kid and everyone wants him to die. Mayella is only doing this for attention. She comes from a broken home, she didn’t go to school and she was just lonely. Atticus was tom’s …show more content…
She just had her father and didn’t even know mother’s name. She was just broken down child that didn’t get enough attention from home as a child from her parents. Her and friends were pretty much different except for their age. Everyone thinks that she deserves way better than what she has right because she didn’t have nothing growing up. Her friends would sorta help her out a little. But they was still really young. Victorica was the oldest, she was 21 years old. Mayella was super sad where it got to the point where she needed attention to keep going on. So she made up a story saying that that a black man had raped her . She accused Tom Robinson of rapping her and then all the attention came flying to her. And Mayella and the girl were down for that type of attention because the were white and they would believe them more than Tom because he was

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