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Racism In Mark Twain's The Adventures Of Huckleberry Finn

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The Adventures of Huckleberry Finn a great book. Also called the most racist novel ever. is it racist i don't think so. Others say the book is racist because the book states the n word 217 times by a white man. In my eyes when twain wrote this book he did not care what people were going to think thats why the book turned out as great as i did. most authors think too much about what other people are going to think. when twain wrote the book its was made in 1884 during slavery the word nigger was used very heavily. People focused how much the N word was used but didn't look at how a slave was a friend with a young white boy at the time.
The author of Huckleberry Finn Mark Twain some say he is racist some say he is just a great author. Is mark twain racist? Most people who read the book say OH! he is racist because he uses the n word and he is white to me he was just creating a good book during a slavery time. A white boy friends with a slave you will never find that in 1884 but in this book …show more content…
Should the book be taught in schools? The book is being taught and read in schools all around the world including mine. some people are not comfortable reading the book because of its use of the n word. Some critics laid the groundwork for the universal inclusion of the book in school conclusions by declaring in great although they predated the current generation of politicized english professors this way clearly a political act because the entry of huck finn into classrooms sers the term of the discussion of racism and american history and sets them very low all you have to act in the interest of his humanity. I think the book is how you make it honestly. there is nothing wrong with the book in my eyes. i don't believe or think the author was a racist. I feel if they call this book racist every book with the n word white or black author should be

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