...In the late 1700’s, the main conflict throughout the Atlantic was freedom to all. This period showed many views from different people in ways in which they tried to express the word. People in the America’s and eastern nations such as France were trying to rebuild their nations with an idea that all men are created equal, that they are given the right not from authority, but by birth. From the “Declaration of the Rights of Man and Citizen” in France which was their laws to give men freedom, to a wealthy man in Venezuela named Simon Bolivar who helped free his country from Spanish rule only to struggle with making his country a federation after the destruction, you see that freedom is hard to concur. Independence cannot only be observed individually. When trying to build a successful nation there are rights of groups of people that need to be examined as well. Freedom comes as a nation, not as a man. The idea of human rights began with the “Declaration of the Rights of Man and Citizen” in France. This declaration mapped out the individual rights of men, very similar to the Declaration of Independence in the United States. Most importantly, this document expressed that all men are born free and equal, and that their rights are not dependent on their social status. This controversial idea was the start of a revolution, not only in France, but reaching out to colonial empires all over the Atlantic. Many questioned the legitimacy of these rights and whether they truly...
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