...Rainbow Rowell’s debut novel, Eleanor and Park (2013) brings readers in the minds of two sixteen-year-olds who meet on a bus during the first day of school. Park is a half-Korean boy who lives in a loving family. On the other hand, Eleanor lives with her abusive stepfather, mom, and four younger siblings. The novel has received positive reviews and has received numerous awards, which includes Amazon's Teen Book of the Year and Goodreads Choice Award for Best Young Adult Book of the Year. Two misfits cross-over on their first day of tenth grade. In the beginning, they were strangers to each other. Over the days, day bonded together with the help of 80s music and comic books. They begin a relationship and promise to stay together despite all the problems they face—from social issues to family conflicts. However, an unexpected event forces their love to end and they depart their own ways. Park Sheridan is one of the novel’s protagonists. Park gets along with most students at his school, but he does not fit in with most of them. The boy’s personality is distinctly different from other students, even if the person is his close friend, for instance, his close friend Cal who often bugs Park to participate in activities “regular” students would take part in. Park is a bright young man since the story reveals that he is...
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