...Grundtræningsprogram – 5 uger 1) Mine træningserfaringer er, at jeg i 8 år har danset på højt plan. Der er lige siden jeg var lille blevet taget udgangspunkt i, at jeg skulle kunne udvikle min krop mere på det smidige plan. Jeg træner smidighed 2-3 gange i ugen, for at jeg hver gang kan se fremskridt i mine øvelser. Hver gang kan jeg se mig selv forbedre, det at min krop kan strække sig mere end sidste træning, betyder for mig at jeg har gjort fremskridt. Jeg har i længere tid løbet en del, hvor jeg har prøvet at udvikle min udholdenhed til at kunne løbe længere. Efter en god løbetur går jeg meget op i at få mine muskler ud strækket så der er større chance for at forhindre skader ved spændte muskler. 2) Jeg vil dels gerne vedligeholde min smidighed samtidigt med at jeg øger min udholdenhed til at kunne løbe fra 5 km til 10 km inden for 3 måneder. 3) For at kunne opnå dette skal jeg ind og arbejde med noget aerob træning (interval) f.eks. hvis man løber med højpuls i 4 min, skal man holde pause de næste 2 min af gentagelser med 5-6 gange. For at blive en god løber skal man både have en god kredsløbskondition og stofskiftekondition. Stofskiftekondition opnår du ved lange træningsseancer imens man opnår kredsløbskondition f.eks. ved at lave interval træning eller bare løbe med høj puls i 20 min. 4) Selve træningsprogrammet Mit forløb i træningsprogrammet om at løbe fra 5-10 km varer 12 uger og derfor vil jeg gerne vise de første 5 uger af mit træningsprogram for at...
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...realiteten . Teksten "To Verdener" handler om en meget syg kvinde, der vil gøre alt for at blive helbredt. Kvinden opsøger en mand der sagde at hvis hun gjorde disse ting, ville sygdommen forlade hendes krop og gå over i en anden. "At binde en Kost af Edelweiss og vissen rude, af majsens brandknuder og kirkegårdsbregner, en lok af sit Hår og en splint af en ligkiste; den skulde hun så kaste efter et ungt fruentimmer, der var sundt og friskt og som kom hen gennem rindende vand" - Side 5, linje 39 Kvinden gør som den enøjede mand sagde og kaster buketten efter en ung rask kvinde. Vi møder hende igen samme sted som hvor hun kastede buketten et år efter, hun er nu helbredt. Men hendes dårlige samvittighed over at hun måske har overført sygdommen til en anden kommer efter hende og hun vælger at kaste sig selv i floden. Den unge kvinde hun troede hun havde overført sygdommen til, kommer sejlende forbi efter lykkelig og rask. J.P. Jacobsens forfatterstil er impressionistisk, han beskriver de triste og ulykkelige øjeblikke meget...
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...Growth: 11 2. Domestic Consumption and Per Capita Income: 12 Threats: 12 1. Global Recession: 12 2. Oil Prices: 13 3. Inflation: 13 c. Social Factors 14 Opportunities: 14 1. Per Capita Penetration 14 2. Demographics: Growing Middle Class and Urbanization 14 Threats: 15 1. Price Sensitivity: 15 d. Technological Factors 15 1. GAGAN – GPS Aided Geo Augmented Navigation 15 2. Google ITA Deal 15 3. Social Networking Sites 15 e. Legal Factors 16 1. Pilot Licenses 16 f. Environmental Factors 16 1. Geography 16 2. Carbon Foot Print 16 g. Security 16 3. Company Analysis 17 A. Revenues 17 B. Costs 18 C. Fleet Strategy: 18 D. Operational Efficiency 20 1. Load factors 20 2. RASK vs CASK 21 E. RISK MANAGEMENT 22 a. Enterprise Risk 22 b. Accounting Risk 22 c. Operational Risks 22 F. Competition 23 1. Market Share 23 2. Operational Parameters 24 3. Costs 25 4. Competition Outlook 25 4. Financial Forecasts 27 A. Debt 27 B. Revenues 28 C. Oil Prices 29 D....
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...Proposing a Research Agenda for Swedish Sawmill Distribution Channel Challenges Åsa Gustafsson asa.gustafsson@lnu.se Lars-Olof Rask lars-olof.rask@lnu.se School of Engineering Linnaeus University, Växjö, Sweden Abstract Purpose; The purpose of this study is to identify distribution channel research needs given the variety of distribution channel challenges among Swedish sawmill companies. Design / methodology / approach; Explorative case study research Findings: The paper proposes a typology of sawmill distribution channel challenges, as well as aligns research needs with distribution channel type. The typology is based on i) number of sawmill units within the firm, in combination with ii) distribution channel heterogeneity. Significant management decisions and research needs are identified for the different types. Research limitations / implications; This research makes tentative statements regarding typology of sawmill distribution channel challenges and potential research needs in the Swedish sawmill industry with regards to the respective typology. However, further research is needed in order to validate these results. What is original/value of paper: This paper focus on the sawmill industry distribution channels, which is a neglected but important area for sawmill’s competitive advantage. The paper also contributes to research by applying contingency theory and typology as an approach to deal with the variety of sawmills distribution channel challenges. Keywords; Typology...
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...increase adherence were sought to assist in answering the question of what can be done to increase prescription adherence for overall improved patient health and preventive care. Reasons for a decrease in prescription adherence, beyond health literacy, were used as supporting evidence to lay ground work for future research efforts. This research seeks to prove that low health literacy is a leading cause of prescription nonadherence in the Medicare population and that more effort is needed from physicians and health insurance providers to eliminate this problem. Literature Review In their 2006 study, Gazmararian, Kripalani, Miller, Echt, Ren, and Rask analyzed pharmacy claims data for one year after the participant enrolled in a Medicare plan with prescription coverage to determine refill adherence (Gazmararian, Kripalani, Miller, Echt, Ren, & Rask, 2006). Participants were selected if they had a diagnosis code or were prescribed medication related to one of the following conditions: coronary heart disease, hypertension, diabetes mellitus, or hyperlipidemia. The short form of the Test of Functional Health Literacy in Adults (S-TOFHLA), a literacy test used to help determine the level of a patient’s health literacy, “was used to establish potential links between health literacy and prescription refill adherence” (Gazmararian et al., 2006). Although their results did not establish a direct link between low scores on the S-TOFHLA and prescription refill adherence, the results were unable...
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...TiNægsord eller biord? Oversæt. En virkelig flot fyr Hun mente bestemt, at hun havde set ham før. Hans øjne var grønne, og den smukt formede næse gav ham en usædvanlig profil. Håret var smart klippet og tøjet usædvanlig velsiddende. Hun tog derfor en rask beslutning: hun spurgte ham åbent, om han ville gifte sig med hende, og da han, i forbløffelse, sagde , TT “Hwa! gentog hun ligefremt og kækt sit frieri. Totalt overrumplet over hendes initiativ vidste han ikke, hvad han skulle svare, så han kyssede hende lidenskabeligt, og de levede lykkeligt til deres dages ende. 97 Tillægsord eller biord? i Oversæt At blive venner med døden reret og fornægtet Døden er et emne, der bliver undgaet, igno siger Pete og Lorna Larsson i deres i vores moderne samfund’, bog om emnet nyligt udkomne og overordentligt populære endnu en smitsom Nu om dage ser de fleste pa døden som blot sk er døden helt sikkert sygdom, der skal overvmdes Men fakti spørgsmal om tid uundgaehg Vi skal alle dø, det er kun et italer, bag lukkede For de fleste af os foregar døden pa hosp døre, for ikke at forstyrre de levende as for enhver pris Sa Døden ses typisk som noget, der skal undg mod døden, at Dr stærk er vores kulturelt bestemte aversion n Hospital, siger, at det Pete Larsson, kirurg ved Yale New Have emga en fuld me ikke er ualmindeligt selv for en læge at genn ansigt til ansigt med dicinsk uddannelse uden nogensinde at sta et dødsfald. l overladt til sygeple Selve dødsøjeblikket bliver det som...
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...MGNT 3650 June 12, 2011 Chapter 1 Closing Case-IKEA How has the globalization of markets benefited IKEA? Globalization of markets has benefited IKEA by making it easy to expand into different countries. Now that the whole world has excess to the internet, everyone is basically wearing and listening to the same things. This is very beneficial to IKEA because there isn’t a lot the company has to do with the style they originally started in Sweden. With the globalization of markets it makes it easier for customers to buy products from IKEA online or at the warehouse with their country “social” demographics and culture in mind. “The worldwide success of a growing list of products that have become household names is evidence that consumers the worlds over, despite deep-rooted cultural differences, are becoming more and more alike - or, as the author puts it, "homogenized." In consequence, he contends, the traditional MNC's strategy of tailoring its products to the needs of multiple markets may put it at a severe disadvantage vis-a-vis competitors who apply marketing imagination to the task of developing advanced, functional, reliable standardized products, at the right price, on a global scale.” How has the globalization of production benefited IKEA? This has saved IKEA time and money. IKEA has producers to supply each of its big markets; it helps by knowing the styles of each market. For example the producer for...
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...Seminar 4: Electrolux AB: Managing Innovation. Problem Essay Group 10: Victoria Gruener, Christophe Vigier , Jiamei Chen, Xavier Cordova, Maria Isabel Durá, Marta Pérez 1. Problem definition: Electrolux AB is the second largest kitchen and home appliances company worldwide. Anton Lundberg and Joakim Rask, the Vice presidents of this company, clearly layout two main areas of concern for the company concerning innovation. They must find a manner to foster collaboration across continents and functions to improve the innovation method and create a culture of innovation wherein change is perceived by everyone in the company as an opportunity rather than a threat. The history of Electrolux is comprised of many mergers with and acquisitions of numerous companies. As such, the company has not only to compete in an evolving market, but it is also forced to address many internal organizational issues as well. 2. Diagnosis: In order to achieve innovation as a strategic source of differentiation, it was necessary to foster collaboration across geographies and functions, which was a challenging task for Electrolux AB because of its organizational structure based on a productcentric approach and the presence of silos in the whole organization. It was also necessary to create an innovation culture within the company, ...
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...Caset linclon electric company 1. Hvorfor er de suksessfulle? * Insentivsystemer; betaler for * Klart strategi, kostnadsleder. * Personer som ikke er produktive, slutter fordi de ikke tjener nok. Siden det er bonusbasert * Kundefokus; god kvalitet, god pris, om de har et problem prøver ledelsen og løse det. De vil finne den beste løsningen til kundene siden. * Sterk trening av de ansatte, promosjon * amerikansk drøm; du trenger ikke starte med en utdanning, men om du jobber hardt så kan du nå til topps. En amerikansk kultur. * Lønnsakkord gjør at du jobber mer, som gjør at bedriften tjener mer, produktiviteten går opp og det er rettferdig. Du tjeneretter hva du gjør. * Sluttårs bonuser gir økt motivasjon innsats og produktivitet * De har også en garanti på sin ansettelse, som gjør at de blir involvert og forpliktet. 2. Potensielle problemer * Om de ikke jobber bra, vil de ikke få bonuser, og da vil de fleste slutte, siden de bonusene er det som gjør dem produktive. * Ingen fagforbund. * Problemet med at du er slik forpliktet, er at du må godta overtid, også jobbing hele døgnet * Stress, konflikter * Produksjonen må måles, fordi det at de er garantert arbeid, kan føre til at det produseres mindre eller for mye? * Jobbgarantien, kan føre til reduksjon i fleksibilitet. Det er også slik at de får ikke inn nye mennesker, som kan føre til at det ikke kommer inn teknologi eller ny kunnskaper. * Sterk...
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...Rettie, Brum COTIM-2001 Proceedings From E-Commerce to M-Commerce Editors: R .R. Dholakia, L. Kolbe, A. Venkatesh, & P. Zoche Kingston, RI: RITIM, University of Rhode Island, 2001. ISBN: 0-965440-2-6 M-COMMERCE: THE ROLE OF SMS TEXT MESSAGES Ruth Rettie, School of Marketing, Kingston University, United Kingdom Matthew Brum, MBA student, Kingston University, United Kingdom Email contact: R.Rettie@Kingston.ac.uk ABSTRACT This paper explores the marketing role of SMS text messages. While Internet based m-commerce has been disappointing, commercial applications for SMS are developing rapidly. The conceptual framework compares SMS to telemarketing and email marketing, and describes the key features of this new medium. Five distinct SMS business models are identified and discussed. We used quantitative research among mobile users to assess attitudes to SMS marketing. Most respondents were concerned about junk messages and wanted to control incoming messages. Initial attitudes to advertising in text messages were negative, but many were prepared to accept advertising in exchange for discounts or promotional offers. INTRODUCTION The development of Internet based m-commerce has been disappointing: restricted sites, slow download, small screens, and the limited number of handsets, currently constrain commercial development. At the same time companies are beginning to recognize the potential of SMS (Short Message Service) text messages, as a low cost, high impact ...
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...Ans 1: In the 1990’s the scenario for the aviation sector changed after the LPG policy by the Indian Government. Earlier, the aviation sector was under the control of Government. Later many airlines like East west airlines, ModiLuft, Damania Airways, Gujarat Airways and Span Air came into emergence, but only Jet airways and Sahara Airlines survived. Air Deccan in 2003, with the concept of low cost carrier came changing the aviation industry. Thus SpiceJet, a rebirth of ModiLuft, entered market with fares as low as Rs.99 with its first flight commencing between Delhi-Ahmedabad- Mumbai. It targeted the cost conscious customers and had high utilization factor by being more time in air. It received competition from its peers, IndiGo, JetKonnect, Kingfisher Red etc. Employee shortage, poor infrastructure, high cost of ATF were some of the factors affecting the operations of SpiceJet. Ans 2: In 1930’s Tata group launched its first airlines as Tata Airlines. In 1953, Air corporations Act was reformed and nationalization of airlines took place. The existing airlines, were merged and called Indian Airlines Corporation for domestic services and Air India for international services. After the LPG policy by 1994, there were 6 private players in the aviation sector but only 2 survived by the end of 2003 i.e. Jet airways and Sahara airlines. The entry of first LCC of Air Deccan, proved to be a turning point in the aviation sector. Special discounts, check fares, promotional fares, web...
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...Uddrag af: H.G ”Den Højes tale” (”Hávamál”), dvs. Odins tale, er det længste af eddaens digte. Det består af 164 strofer, som imidlertid er så forskelligartede med hensyn til såvel versemål som indhold, at der uden tvivl snarere er tale om en samling af mindste seks forskellige digte. Nedenstående uddrag stammer fra det første og største deldigt, som omfatter i alt 77 strofer. Det menes at være norsk og gå tilbage til førkristen tid. De fleste af de ordsprogsagtige strofer har sandsynligvis allerede været kendt i det 9. århundrede. Digtet giver råd om moral, levevis og omgang mellem mennesker og munder ud i en tale om livets højeste værdier. Tilværelsen anskues køligt og nøgternt – ofte ud fra en nyttemoral: hvad der gavner, er godt; hvad der skader, er ondt. Miljøet er (stor)bondens. Den, der modtager rådene, bærer våben, rider til tingmøde, færdes til søs langs kysten og besøger sine venner. 15 Fåmælt og sindig bør fyrstens barn og kampdjærv kendes; munter, glad bør hvert menneske gå til den dag, han dør. 16 Ukæk mand tror, at han ej dødes, skyr han blot fejgt fjender; men alderdom sparer ingen mand, om han end sparer spyd. 36 Bo er bedre, om lidet end, fri gør selv fattigt hus; om to geder kun og tovraftet gård, det er dog bedre end bøn. 37 Bo er bedre, om lidet end, fri gør selv fattigt hus; blodigt er hjertet, skal med bøn man vinde sig hvert måltid mad. 38 Fra sit våben skal ingen på vej og mark fjerne sig et fjed; ...
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...The Effect of Videogames on Student Achievement BY JONATHAN CRATON Introduction In the past few decades, interactive electronic media has grown from virtual non-existence to one of the primary means of entertainment for college students. In more recent years, the Internet has completely changed the landscape of electronic media from something individual and static into something with the potential to be interactive and social. This article examines the effects of increased student usage of traditional video games as well as online games. The demographics of the typical game player will be examined along with effects on the individual development and sociological perceptions. This article will also look at the potential education utility of video games and the effect of games on student engagement and social development. The College Gamer Recent data from UCLA’s Higher Education Research Institute provides useful information about video game usage on college campuses. The data show that most college students have played video games, many play them regularly, and a small percentage use them as a primary means of entertainment and leisure. In the 2009 Freshman Survey, around 1% of respondents admitted to playing over 20 hours of videogames per week. Over 35% of the respondents stated that they play at least one hour per week. There is an enormous gender disparity in the amount of time spend on videogames. While less than 1 in 50 incoming freshmen women played more than 10...
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...Tiger Airways Holdings Limited Third Quarter Results 26 February 2010 Quarter ending 31 December 2009 Disclaimer The information contained in this presentation (the "Information") is provided by Tiger Airways Holdings Limited (the "Company") to you solely for your reference and may not be retransmitted or distributed to any other person. The Information has not been independently verified and may not contain all material information concerning the Company or its subsidiaries. Please refer to our annual reports for an audited and more complete report of our financial performance and position. None of the Company or any of their members, directors, officers, employees or affiliates nor any other person accepts any liability (in negligence, or otherwise) whatsoever for any loss howsoever arising from any use of this presentation or its contents or otherwise arising in connection therewith. This presentation contains statements that constitute forward-looking statements which involve risks and uncertainties. These statements include descriptions regarding the intent, belief or current expectations of the Company with respect to the consolidated results of operations and financial condition, and future events and plans, of the Company. These statements can be recognized by the use of words such as "expects", "plans", "will", "estimates", "projects", or words of similar meaning. Such forward-looking statements do not guarantee future performance and actual results may differ...
Words: 1901 - Pages: 8
...Hvad er antibiotika? Hvordan virker antibiotika? Hvordan bruges antibiotika? Rationel anvendelse af antibiotika forudsætter, at lægen har en begrundet mistanke om, at patientens tilstand skyldes en bakteriel infektion. Undertiden er det kliniske billede tilstrækkeligt, men ofte er der behov for, at mistanken styrkes gennem fx mikrobiologisk diagnostik eller måling af inflammationsparametre. Ved en række infektioner er der spontan helbredelse, hvor antibiotika ikke forkorter sygdomsperioden, eller hvor anvendelsen af antibiotika ikke er nødvendig for at forhindre, at der opstår komplikationer til infektionen. Antibiotisk behandling forudsætter ideelt mikrobiologisk diagnostik med henblik på at identificere den kausale mikroorganisme. I almen praksis er dette kun rationelt i få tilfælde (fx ved påvisning af hæmolytiske streptokokker af gruppe A i svælget eller mikroskopi/dyrkning af urin). I de fleste tilfælde er diagnosen alene baseret på det kliniske billede, selv om måling af inflammationsparametre i visse tilfælde kan hjælpe i den diagnostiske proces. På sygehuse bør der derimod ved mistanke om en bakteriel infektion, altid foretages relevant mikrobiologisk diagnostik. Hos den akut syge og påvirkede patient kan resultatet af mikrobiologisk diagnostik ikke afventes. Her er det livreddende at starte bredspektret antibiotikabehandling så hurtigt som muligt (inden for få timer). Hvad er antibiotika? • Antibiotika er det navn, man bruger, om den slags medicin, som...
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