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Rational Basis Test Paper

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Rational basis test is used by the courts to determine if most forms of discrimination have evidence that those who challenged the law or action demonstrated treating other citizens poorly. On page 155, The American Government gives an example “ Since letting blind people operate cars would be dangerous to others on the road, the law forbidding them to drive is reasonably justified on grounds of safety”; So this is allowed even though its discriminating against the blind. Some colleges and universities don’t admit students who do poorly on their test scores and don’t meet the standards of college and universities are looking for. Colleges and universities know what they are seeking for in a student and deny these students access to the college and universities they applied for.

According to The American Government textbook a intermediate scrutiny is “ Discrimination based on gender or sex” that is closely examined. The government is required to “ Demonstrate that treating men and women differently is “ substantially related to an important governmental objective(page 155).” The government has to put evidence together to figure out why it was okay for for an individual to treat men and women as unequal. On page 155, The American Government textbook mentions “ In the 1980s and 1990s, the courts ruled that states could not operate …show more content…
According to page 155, The American Textbook that the strict scrutiny is “ The burden of proof that is on the government to demonstrate that here is a compelling governmental interest in treating people from one group differently from those who are not part of that group.” That will give interest at stake and cannot give an alternative means to accomplish it’s goal. Strict scrutiny wasn't always the legal basis for the supreme court in 1944 the Japanese Americans of World War 2 had

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