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Rational Emotive Behavior Therapy Paper

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Rational emotive behavior therapy methods can be beneficially directed toward addressing both irrationalities in depressive thinking but also conditions that commonly coexist with depression such as anxiety, anger, panic, and a low tolerance for frustration. People who have experienced depression can use rational emotive behavior therapy to focus not on the event or circumstance in life that causes these feelings; instead, it is held beliefs that cause their feelings whether their emotions. David and Dryden (2008) state:
REBT can be applied to all major therapeutic areas: (a) individual, couple, family, and group therapy; (b) how it can be used with a broad range of clinical issues, including addictive behaviors, anxiety, borderline personality …show more content…
“It is a common but serious mood disorder. It causes severe symptoms that affect how you feel, think, and handle daily activities, such as sleeping, eating, or working. To be diagnosed with depression, the symptoms must be present for at least two weeks” (“Depression,” 2016, para. 1). Some forms of depression are slightly different, such as persistent depressive disorder, perinatal depression, psychotic depression, seasonal affective disorder, and bipolar disorders (“Depression,” 2013). Persistent depressive disorder, also known as dysthymia, lasts at least two years, the disorder may have incidents of major depression with periods of less severe symptoms ("Depression," 2013). Perinatal depression is a mild depression and anxiety symptom that only lasts two weeks usually happens after women give birth ("Depression," 2013). Psychotic depression happens when a person has severe depression, for example, hallucinations ("Depression," 2013). Season affective disorder happens during the months, for example, winter, summer, etc. ("Depression," 2013). Bipolar disorder is also known as mania or hypomania ("Depression," …show more content…
Cognitive methods has six techniques they are empirical disputations, functional disputations, logical disputations, rational self-statements, referencing, and cognitive homework assignments (Sacks, 2004). Empirical, functional, and logical disputations are socratic questions. Empirical is, “used to help clients evaluate whether their beliefs are accurate and conform to reality” (Sacks, 2004, p. 26-7). Functional is, “used to help clients examine the usefulness of their beliefs” (Sacks, 2004, p. 27). Logical is, “used to help clients evaluate the logic of their belief” (Sacks, 2004, p. 27). Rational self-statements are, “motivating rational expressions are formulated for clients to memorize, practice, and internalize” (Sacks, 2004, p. 27). Using rational self-statement technique with a depressed client is to motivate them with looking at a statement in a positive way, such as I failed, but I’m not a failure. Referencing is, “to bolster motivation, clients list the advantages and disadvantages of their unhealthy beliefs and behaviors” (Sacks, 2004, p. 27). Using referencing technique with a depressed client is to address something unhealthy, such as self-harm, what would be the advantages of self-harm and disadvantages of self-harm. Cognitive homework assignments are, “used to help clients identify pertinent irrational

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