...COVER PAGE DATE: OCTOBER 8, 2014 SUBJECT: PAPER 1 THE CANONS INSTRUCTOR: DR. NICKENS CHHI 301 SUBMITTED BY: JANET SHELTON-WHITE PAGE 1 The Hebrew Bible is divided into 3 sections Law, Prophets and the Writings of Wisdom. The Jewish canon has 66 books; there are 39 books from the Old Testament originally in Hebrew and some written in Aramaic. [1]The New Testament has 27 books, the 12 Minor Prophets are counted as one book, and the Apocrypha word that comes from the Greek word meaning hidden or concealed were not included in the Hebrew Bible. The Catholics considered these writings and canonicals, and Orthodox Churches considered some as canon to a lesser degree. The heretical teachers from Asia Minor author of Roman Canon of sacred books did not believe that the New Testament books superseded the Old Testament others were omitted and did not recognize 10 Pauline Epistles but accepted 13 Epistles. [2] The Latin Greek word Kanon (kav’wv) defined as a measuring rod or index list centuries later the secondary word for the Church to recognize the Scripture of the Bible. The disciples and the Jews used a Septuagint from Alexandria Egypt is the early Greek translation of the Old Testament dating to BC 250. In the 3rd Century BC included the deuteron canonical books. The New Testament books were not in existence until...
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...SECOND EDITION I/1ANAGEMEIVT AND POLICY James C.Van Horne \ STANFORD UNIVERSITY PRENTICE-HALL INC., ENGLEWOOD CLIFFS, NEW JERSEY F I NANCI AL M A N A G E M E N T A N D POLICY, 2nd EDITION James C. Van Horne © 1971, 1968 by PRENTICE-HALL, INC., ENGLEW O O D CLIFFS, N.J. All rights reserved. No part of this book m ay be reproduced in any form or by any m eans without permission in writing from the publishers. Library of Congress C atalo g C ard No.: 71-140760 Printed in the United States of America Current Printing (last digit): 1 0 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 13-315309-6 PRENTICE-HALL, INTERNATIONAL, LONDON PRENTICE-HALL OF AUSTRALIA PTY. LTD., SYD NEY PRENTICE-HALL O F CAN AD A, LTD., TO RONTO PRENTICE-HALL OF INDIA PRIVATE LTD., NEW DELHI PRENTICE-HALL OF JAPAN, INC., TO KYO 1 To Mimi, D rew , Stuart, and Stephen Preface Though significant portions of Financial Management and Policy have been changed in this revision, its purpose remains: first, to develop an understanding of financial theory in an organized manner so that the reader may evaluate the firm’s investment, financing, and dividend deci sions in keeping with an objective of maximizing shareholder wealth; second, to become familiar with the application of analytical techniques to a number o f areas o f financial decision-making; and third, to expose the reader to the institutional material necessary to give him a feel for the environment in which financial...
Words: 230115 - Pages: 921