...RE: REPORT ON SENSITATION ACTIVITIES OF IODINE STUDY Reference is made to the above subject. As requested I carried out two days on community sensitization on the impending Iodine/ anemia study to be conducted at Thantwe School. Day 1 Thursday 21st April 2011 I Called the Chinini NHC (Mkhuzo, Chinini, Mayengo and Kamkwamba villages) to assemble at Chinini village and I presented the facts about the study. The attendees consisted mainly of women. They were active in the discussion and confessed to have heard of the coming study. They had a few questions were I easily answered using the leaflet and information gained during the meeting the day before (e.g. will all the children at the school be used, What activities will be done etc).The only question asked will wasn’t given a clear answer is when they asked if Chikando staff will actively participate in the activities when they come. I informed them I would get back to them with the answer because I wasn’t too sure. Most attendees expressed gratitude that their school was chosen. When asked if anyone would refuse their child to partake, no negative answer was registered. Day 2 Friday 22nd April 2011 On this day which was a Good Friday, most the Thantwe NHC (Chakwaba, Zala and Chisaba villages) went to the nearest Catholic Church to celebrate Good Friday .I used that platform and before the end of the service was given time to give health education on the study. Most people had heard of it and were quite conversant with...
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...CONNECTION PRESENTS: BEER BASH NORVAN CAFE' INCLUDES: FOOD WHILE IT LAST SLIGHTLY HIGHER AT DOOR Cost $10 Admit One Friday Fri 13310 E. 8 MILE DETROIT, MI 48205 JUNE 20, 2015 9 pm to 2 pm Cost $10 Admit One Friday Fri 13310 E. 8 MILE DETROIT, MI 48205 JUNE 20, 2015 9 pm to 2 pm JUNE 20, 2015 9 pm to 2 pm Cost $10 Admit One Friday Fri 13310 E. 8 MILE DETROIT, MI 48205 JUNE 20, 2015 9 pm to 2 pm Cost $10 Admit One Friday Fri 13310 E. 8 MILE DETROIT, MI 48205 Friday Fri 4567 Main St. Arcadia, CA 98052 Friday, June 22 7pm Cost $5 Admit One A Ticket to the Benefit Concert at Fourth Coffee Featuring Mikael Sandberg Admit One Friday Fri 4567 Main St. Arcadia, CA 98052 Friday, June 22 7pm Cost $5 Admit One A Ticket to the Benefit Concert at Fourth Coffee Featuring Mikael Sandberg Admit One Friday Fri 13310 E. 8 MILE DETROIT, MI 48205 JUNE 20, 2015 9 pm to 2 pm Cost $10 DETROIT CREOLE CONNECTION PRESENTS: BEER BASH NORVAN CAFE' INCLUDES: FOOD WHILE IT LAST SLIGHTLY HIGHER AT DOOR Admit One Friday Fri 13310 E. 8 MILE DETROIT, MI 48205 JUNE 20, 2015 9 pm to 2 pm Cost $10 DETROIT CREOLE CONNECTION PRESENTS: BEER BASH NORVAN CAFE' INCLUDES: FOOD WHILE IT LAST SLIGHTLY HIGHER AT DOOR Admit One Friday Fri 13310 E. 8 MILE DETROIT, MI 48205 JUNE 20, 2015 9 pm to 2 pm F Cost $10 DETROIT CREOLE CONNECTION PRESENTS: ...
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...Decision Making Process Katrina Graham Management Theory and Practice July 26, 2013 Edgar De Jaegher I was working at a collection company. The job entailed us calling on customers and collecting on past due loans. The job does require crazy hours because of the times that you are allowed by law to call the customer when collecting a debt. We were required to work Monday and Tuesday from 11 am to 8 pm, Wednesday and Thursday from 9 am to 6 pm, Friday from 9 am to 4 pm and every other Saturday from 10 am to 2 pm. This work schedule was already hectic and taking up a lot of my time. I had another job offer from another collection agency but I didn’t accept it because I am loyal to a company I work for. Without notice, the company made us work from 12-9 on Monday and Tuesday, 9-5 on Friday and 10-4 on Saturday without any extra benefits or pay. The other agency that offered me a position paid more money and the work schedule was 10 am to 7 pm Monday through Thursday and 9-3 on Fridays and no weekends. The hours were more convenient and the pay was better and those were the determining factors when I decided to change jobs. I would use the same steps in making any important decisions and it would still be the same. When you use critical analytical thinking you can make a better and more rational decision because it gives you the chance to consider all your...
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...he long weekend tipsheet... fireworks, splash pads, picnics, a fishing pond! find your camp | read our top picks this week | meet your neighbours TODAY’S THE DAY! we’ll see you WeeFestival Family Day at The Barns for stories, music, performances and fishing! the little paper proudly sponsors WeeFestival – Toronto’s first international arts festival dedicated to early childhood 13_06_weefestival_enhanced my little city our favourite places, people and things to do > back story 13_06_cover_large every cover has a story... my child | my city east these are the families in the neighbourhood... the tipsheet 5.07_juju08_ninaplus our best picks for the weekend... other mothers you have to look at this > om_ks_fall_backtoschool "Why is the world so messy?" asks Willow. “We generate as much trash as we do in part because we move at a speed that requires it. I don’t have time to take care of the stuff that surrounds me every day that is disposable, like coffee cups and diapers and tea bags and things that if I slowed down and paid attention to and shepherded, husbanded, nurtured, would last a lot longer. I wouldn’t have to replace them as often as I do. But who has time for that? We keep it cognitively and physically on the edges as much as we possibly can, and when we look at it head-on, it betrays the illusion that everything is clean and fine and humming along without any kind of hidden cost.” ― Robin Nagle om_ak_fall_corn little paper parents ...
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...per church service each Sunday. As I looked around during his speech everyone seemed to be tuned in and listening to him speak as he spoke. The similarities of the audience, is that most of them attended with their families. * During the week the Pastor runs through his speech multiple times by himself and then Friday and Saturday he rehearses with the rest of the staff. As a pastor he knows that his audience is made up of all ages, so he tries to incorporate things that the younger kids can understand as well. * The Topic of the speech was about how impatient people are. * Thesis of the speech was being impatient can potentially make us harm others even if we don’t mean too. * The Main Points extracted from the speech were: how impatient driving makes us break the law, the retail season we are facing on how people harmed people for the bargains of black Friday because they were impatient, and the Advent season is supposed to be the season of waiting. * Support Materials in this speech were effective. He used stories from the news on how people were impatient and harmed others to get what they wanted faster during the black Friday sales. He also narrated a story out of the bible describing the impatience of people back then. * The Speaker’s Delivery was really good. He was very clear, and when there was a strong point or...
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...January 2014 Sunday Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday Saturday 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 First day of classes 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 NO CLASSES City of Milwaukee: M L King Day 23 24 25 Bryant & Stratton College Day 26 27 28 29 CENSUS 30 CENSUS 31 CENSUS POP IN EVENT Day: 11:30-12:30pm EVE: 4:30-5:30pm February 2014 Sunday Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday Saturday 1 CENSUS 2 CENSUS 3 CENSUS 4 CENSUS 5 CENSUS ENDS 6 Random Acts of Kindness Week 7 Random Acts of Kindness Week 8 Random Acts of Kindness Week Random Acts of Kindness Week Random Acts of Kindness Week Random Acts of Kindness Week Random Acts of Kindness Week 9 Random Acts of Kindness Week 10 Random Acts of Kindness Week --I 11 STUDENT RECOGNITION CEREMONY 5:30pm 12th FLOOR 12 First Quarter 13 CJ CLUB MEETING 4pm - Room 208 VALENTINE PARTY Day:11:30-12:30pm EVE: 4:30-5:30pm 14 15 Valentine's Day 16 17 18 NO CLASSES Presidents' Day 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 HEALTHY LIVING 11:00am - 12:30pm 26 27 28 March 2014 Sunday Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday Saturday 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 Midterms 13 14 15 16 17 18 Last day to Withdraw for grade ‘W’ 19 20 ...
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...Peoples Club of Nigeria International World Convention July 19-20, 2013 Hosted by Dallas Fort Worth Branch ASSIGNMENT SHEET REGISTRATIONS: 1. FRIDAY EVENING (5pm to 9pm) a. Linus Ayozie b. Desmond Imoh c. Chris Nwanmuo d. Obie Ifediora e. Polycap Ohakwe f. Clive Anyanna g. Dr. Elijah Ukoha 2. SATURDAY MORNING (8am to 11.30am) a. Linus Ayozie b. Desmond Imoh c. Chris Nwanmuo d. Obie Ifediora e. Lawrence Oliobi f. Polycap Ohakwe g. Dr. kingsley Ajoku h. Chief Livinus Ibezim RECORDERS: (Friday and Saturday Nights) a. Dr. Stephen Mbah b. Paul Nwoke c. Chris Ogbuehi d. Paul Onyabor (Friday night only) e. Chris Anyaibe f. Lawrence Oliobi (Saturday night only) COLLECTION AND GATHERING OF MONEY (Friday and Saturday Nights) 1. Chief Linus Ayozie 2. Desmond Imoh 3. Chris Nwanmuo 4. Dr. Elijah Ukoha 5. Obie Ifediora (handling & distribution of Brochures) 6. Mathew Anoka (Friday night) 7. Felix Ezeonye (Friday night) 8. Emeka Elegonye (Friday night) 9. Emma Chidozie (Friday night) 10. Emma Udenkwo (Raffle Tickets Friday & Saturday nights) 11. Linus Okpara (Saturday night) 12. Livinus Ibezim (Saturday night) 13. Lawrence Oliobi (Saturday night) 14. Atty. Frank Odueze (Saturday night) 15. Borniface Anakwuo (Satuday night) 16. Dr. Nnamdi Durugbo (Saturday night) ...
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...March 2015 March 2015 How Lucky You Are When you live in a country, as privileged as either England or Denmark, it is easy to get caught up in the insignificant details of your everyday life. Being forced to get out of bed at 7AM every morning can feel like the purest form of torture. And losing your mobile phone, at a party last Friday, is certainly a close equivalent to the end of the world. It is very easy to forget how grateful we truly should be, just to have a place to call our home and this is exactly what Debi Alper illustrates in her short story “How Lucky You Are” from 2010. In the story we meet the rebellious 16-year-old by the name of Max, who is tired of being told what to do. Instead he spends his days ditching school to smoke cigarettes outside the UK Borders Agency Building, where he one day accidently bumps into the Iranian girl called Ishraqi. They end up spending an eye-opening day together, where they quickly grow quite fond of each other. Ishraqi is however ripped out of Max’s life, as quickly as she originally entered it, when she is deported from England leaving Max behind with nothing but a photo to remember her by. The end is the beginning of this particular short story, as its outcome is revealed to the reader in a reverse chronological order. Max is sitting in his bedroom looking at the photo of him and Ishraqi, unsure of whether she is just another “figment of his twisted imagination”. There is no way of knowing what events have transpired...
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...”Sorry for Disturbing You” By Richard Knight A A common perception of our society is that friends come and go, but you will always have your family for better or worse. Sadly that does not count for all. In the short story, “Sorry for Disturbing You,” we meet one of those who are not as lucky as some of us are. The short story, “Sorry for Disturbing”, is written by Richard Knight. He is bringing men’s generally incompetence of showing their feelings and how we are handling these people and communication into focus. The composition is mainly chronological. It starts in medias res as Ian reflects over his meeting with Michael Phelps. This is the only place where there is a breach of the chronologically time line. The story spans over a couple of hours, from the moment Ian opens the door to when he returns home to his wife and daughter, Karen and Corinne. It is told by a third person limited narrator as we only get an insight view on Ian thoughts. This means that there is no outer description of Ian, but the reader is able to follow his inner life. It also means that the portrait of Michael is made based upon Ian’s perception of him and how he appears in the dialogue. Michael Phelps, the other narrator, suddenly shows up really drunk and confused at Ian’s doorstep – claiming to know the previous owners of the house, Edie and George Higham. Ian, the other main character of the story, finds this bothersome and wonders why Michael seeks for help when he could...
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...leading the downfall of AIG in 2008. In this paper, I will analyze the cause, the transactions and finally effects of the scandal. The Accounting Scandal The Players The CEO of AIG was Maurice “Hank” Greenberg. Greenberg joined AIG in 1962 and led AIG for thirty eight years until his retirement in March 2005. Greenberg was not only the CEO, but also the chairman of the board of AIG. AIG also have several subsidiaries, which include National Union Fire Insurance Company of Pittsburgh (NUFIC) and Hartford Steam Boiler Inspection (HSB). Their financial information are consolidated in AIG’s financial statements. The scandal also involves another corporation General Re Corporation. General Re is a subsidiary of Berkshire Hathaway, Inc., an investment group run by the billionaire Warren Buffet. General Re also has subsidiaries all over the world and together and it is one of the biggest reinsurance companies in the World. Reinsurance companies are entities that insure the insurance companies. They help insurance companies share risk by selling reinsurance plans that would help pay off a share of a claim from the insurance...
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...Sorry for the Loss “Sorry for the Loss” is a short story, written by English writer Bridget Keehan in 2008. It is written in third person, from the main character’s point of view. The main character is Evie, who works at a prison as a Catholic chaplain. The story starts in media res, with the sentence “Evie has to tell Victor his Nan is dead.” We get no background info about Evie or the prison; we just go straight into the story. As the title indicates, there is a loss in this story. The loss is an inmate’s (named Victor) Nan, who is dead. Victor is a young and good looking boy, and when Evie goes to his cell to tell him about his Nan, she immediately feels sorry for him. Compared to Evie, who is very religious, and likes to say prayers, whenever she has some spear time, Victor isn’t that into religion. Sure, he is a Catholic, but he is also interested in learning about other religions as well. The atmosphere in the prison intimidates Evie, and she doesn’t like to be there because of all the loud noises. She is a bit scared of the inmates, because she doesn’t understand how they can do such a thing, which has led them into prison. She has her religious morals, but they don’t. When Victor gets the news about his Nan’s death, he doesn’t seem to care. Instead he is looking at the pigeons flying around outside his window. They are politely making small talk, until Evie leaves. She doesn’t understand why he didn’t showed any emotions, when she told him about his Nan...
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...LSTD 207 Final Exam Answers Follow Below Link to Download Tutorial https://homeworklance.com/downloads/lstd-207-final-exam-answers/ For More Information Visit Our Website ( https://homeworklance.com/ ) Email us At: Support@homeworklance.com or lancehomework@gmail.com LSTD 207 Final Exam Part 1 of 1 – 100.0 Points Question 1 of 30 2.5 Points A defendant should always raise any objections to personal jurisdiction in the first response to the plaintiff’s complaint or the issue is waived and may not be reconsidered. True False Feedback: See pages 118, 120-121. A defendant must raise objections to venue, personal jurisdiction, and form and method of service of process in their first response to the complaint (pre-answer or answer) or the issue is waived and may not be reconsidered at a later time. Question 2 of 30 2.5 Points A defendant can remove a case from state court to federal court even if the federal court could not have heard the case initially. True False Feedback: See page 27- “FAQ”. Removal jurisdiction is available to defendants only in cases that the plaintiff could have commenced in federal court. Question 3 of 30 2.5 Points Is it possible for a defendant to file a motion to dismiss for personal jurisdiction and a motion for summary judgment simultaneously? A.Yes B.No Feedback: A motion to dismiss is asserted prior to the answer (as an alternative to an answer) or in...
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...Case Question 1 In his 2002 letter to shareholders, Warren Buffett referred to financial derivatives as the "financial weapons of mass destruction" and a ticking "time bomb" waiting to explode. His perspective may well be derived from his own experience with some derivative positions his company, Berkshire Hathaway Inc, inherited from the $22 billion purchase of General Reinsurance Corporation in 1998 (Berkshire Hathaway Inc, 2002). Unable to find an agreeable counterparty to buy the General Reinsurance Securities, a subsidiary of General Reinsurance Corporation that deals with derivatives, Buffett decided to close it which required him to unwind the subsidiary's derivative positions. The complexity of the derivatives positions took him years to complete the unwinding and at a pretax loss of $173 million for General Reinsurance Corp in 2002 (Berkshire Hathaway Inc, 2002) and $409 million in cumulative pretax loss as of 2008 (Berkshire Hathaway Inc, 2009). He likens the unwinding process to entering hell, stating that derivatives positions were "easy to enter and almost impossible to get exit" (Berkshire Hathaway Inc, 2004). In 2002, trades in derivatives were growing rapidly in recent years and they pose a "mega-catastrophic risk" that could harm not only their sellers and buyers, but the whole economic system for the following reasons: 1. Mark-to-market accounting (Investopedia 2011) is a legal form of accounting for a venture involved in buying and selling securities...
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...As stated, Hemingway illustrates a man, the Doctor’s, role in a family thus giving a portrait of and an insecure man, neither masculine nor able to stand up for himself and be comfortable in his own skin. The story is chronological and starts in medias res: “Dick Boulton came from the Indian camp to cut up logs for Nick’s father” (p. 11, l. 1-2). It can be divided into three different sections: the doctor´s argument with the Indians, the experience with his wife and in the end the experience with Nick. Firstly, we are introduced to Dick Boulton, his son Eddy, and Billy Tabeshaw who arrive on Nick's father's property to cut up logs for him. This section’s primary focus is on the parallels between the whites and the Indians. The logs Nick’s father wants to use were lost on the way to a mill years ago. The doctor assumes they are no longer needed for the mill, so he seems innocent in hiring Indians to make them into firewood. Dick makes a point about ownership's duration, showing that the wood still has an owner, but the doctor insists that he is not stealing. The Indian shows the doctor a White and McNally brand on the logs. Dick's accusation that he is stealing makes the doctor angry, because to him the logs should count as abandoned. His anger is clearly portrayed in his physically appearance and he also threatens Dick when he says: “if you call me Doc once again, I’ll knock your eye teeth down your throat” (p. 13, l. 8-9). Dick is a big man, and “he liked to get into fights”...
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...In some areas, Easter egg hunts are a popular way for local businesses to promote themselves or may even be organized by churches. Easter Sunday is not a federal holiday but a number of stores are closed in many parts of the US and if they are open, they may have limited trading hours. In some cities, public transit systems usually run their regular Sunday schedule, but it is best to check with the local transport authorities if any changes will be implemented during Easter Sunday. Background In Pagan times, many groups of people organized spring festivals. Many of these celebrated the re-birth of nature, the return the land to fertility and the birth of many young animals. These are the origins of the Easter eggs that we still hunt for and eat. In Christian times, the spring began to be associated with Jesus Christ's crucifixion and resurrection. The crucifixion is remembered on Good Friday and the resurrection is...
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