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Real Estate Project


Submitted By kk62953
Words 3574
Pages 15
Table of Contents

Objective 3 Introduction 4 The Real Estate Sector in India 4 A Brief about DLF: 5 Demand and Supply Scenario 6 Reasons for growth in Real Estate Sector: 9 Demand Side: 10 Supply Side: 11 Production and Cost Structure 12 Market Structure and Player’s Strategy 14 STRATEGY FOLLOWED (Player Considered: DLF): 15 Observations and Analysis 18 References 20

* Objective

The sector chosen for our project is Real Estate Industry. The objective of our project is to deeply analyze the Real Estate Industry in India. Our Analysis includes Demand and Supply in the real estate market, Production and Cost analysis, Consumer behavior effect on demand and costs. We have further analyzed the Market structure of Real Estate Industry and the different strategies about by different players.
During our Analysis we have taken DLF infrastructure as an illustration to reflect some concepts, facts and figures about Real Estate Industry.


* * Introduction

* The Real Estate Sector in India

The real estate sector in India is flourishing rapidly with a growth rate of 30 percent each year. About 80 percent of the real estate development in India has been in the field of residential housing. The remaining 20 percent of the real estate includes office, shopping malls, entertainment centers, hotels, multiplexes and hospitals. India’s booming outsourcing business industry and consumption-led growth are contributing significantly to its real estate growth. The outsourcing business houses including call centers, technical consultancy services, and medical transcription units and programming houses constituted around 10 million square feet of real estate growth in India till 2003. In last couple of years the share of commercial sector in the overall real estate growth has been more prominent. Considering the advantages

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