...Can social media influence people’s thoughts and ideas? People use media every day we such as watching TV, Surfing the internet, Social media sites, and play video games. Media plays an important role in our everyday activities. However, these every day activities influence our actions. There are many pros and cons that visual media has affected children and the American culture. Media influences our thoughts and plays a major role in our lives. We use media every day on a regular basis for many different things. Whether it is to surf the internet for information, or watching movies and television online. I think it has influenced the way we look at others and base it how we should be. An example, would be young girls see super models a reality stars on magazines and in reality it is not really them. The models are photo shopped or have been airbrushed. Therefore, it is setting a bad example of what girls should look like. Another example, advertising has affected the way we purchase items. These ads make it seem that you have to have purchase their product in order to fit in. There are many pros and cons of visual media on how it affects our behavior. Some of the pros of visual media are how it influenced education. There is so much information on the internet we have access to. There are so many television programs that are education such as the history channel. Children are able to learn from watching these educational programs. Visual media is positive but, it...
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...are positive benefits to product placement, so that a contract between the two parties can be signed. 3. MMI must prove the results of how using product placement can increase product exposure and awareness. With the growth of product placement in the film and television industry MMI has a greater chance of succeeding. That is proactive product placement is becoming more popular. In order to satisfy Greyhound Canada the following five alternatives were presented: 1. Promote the Greyhound brand within the reality-based TV Serial “Making the Cut”. 2. Promote the Greyhound brand within an established TV show such as Corner Gas. 3. Promote the Greyhound brand within another reality TV serial such as “Canadian Idol” 4. Move away from the TV industry and focus on promoting the Greyhound brand within the film industry in various movies. 5. Status Quo-No need to convince Greyhound to get on board. After analyzing all the pros and cons of each alternative, the optimal recommendation providing the greatest benefit...
Words: 6246 - Pages: 25
...Persuasive Essay: Social networking Sharrieff L. Martin University of Phoenix COMM/215 Professor Haines September 30th, 2014 | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | |Introduction ...
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...Greg Fleming PSYC 508 3/14/14 Position Paper #1 When most individuals think of television in the courtroom, they think of Judge Judy, Judge Mathis, or even Judge Lopez. Although these TV shows do exist, the reality of it is actually becoming more common among every day trials. There are several pros and cons to having television present in the courtroom. The pros and cons could be the dynamic affect it has on the actual trial process. Having camera’s present, can actually enhance or degrade the trial process. Some individuals argue whether it is fair to the defendant or does it violate the defendants right to due process. Whether or not defendants agree to the thought of having a camera present during trial, it is not entirely up to them. Some individuals would argue that camera’s in the courtroom are beneficial to a case. There are many pros and cons with having camera’s in the courtroom. When cameras were first present in the courtroom, some audiences began to feel that it might interfere with the sincerity of the case. During the OJ Simpson trial was a prime example of this. Some individuals were unsure whether the attorneys were acting for the cameras or if they were simply elaborating so that the jury could receive and retain important components of the case. Others may argue that having a televised trial may actually encourage the credibility of the witnesses to be truthful. Research has shown that camera’s offer insight...
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...Plain Old Telephone Service Christopher G Bernier Student at ITT Technical Institute Author Note Any questions can be sent to cbernier111@itt-tech.edu Abstract Our building is a Plain Old Telephone Service or POTS. Since this is the oldest form of networks I will do some research on POTS and its different components. Keywords: POTS, Local loop, Central office, Local exchanges, POP, Long distance system, Fixed line, Cellular phones, Telephone network topology, Cable TV, Telecommunications Service, Cloud Computing Plain Old Telephone Service Plain old telephone service, or POTS is the original and oldest means of transferring data available today. POTS is made up of 6 components, Local Loop, the Central Office, the Local Exchange, POP, Long Distance Systems, and Fixed Line. Our system is a POTS and in this report I will explain these components. I will also define and describe the different Telecommunication network components in their relationship to POTS system. Local Loop. The local loop is the two copper wires that connect the telephone to the central office and back to the telephone. Since it makes a complete loop from beginning to end it is referred to as the local loop. The two copper wires are twisted together and are referred to as a twisted pair. Central Office. The central office services a group of people in a given area. With the possibility of servicing up to 10,000 customers at a time. Like zip codes...
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...Diana Aldana Eng. 1301 Sanchez-Hatch 2/12/14 Beauty is Pain John Ramsey and his family made the top on national prominence in 1996, when Ramsey's 6-year-old daughter JonBenet, a frequent child pageant contestant, was found murdered. John now regret putting his child in pageants and says they are bad for young girls. Beauty pageants are beautiful but they can cause pain in different ways. Children beauty pageants are bad because they are sexualize young girls, wear high heels, cause cognitive and emotional problems. French lawmakers want an all-out ban on child pageants. They are accusing the media and reality TV of promoting stereotypes that transform young girls into sexual morsels. Look at the growing number of schoolgirls as young as 8 who wear padded bras, high heels, or makeup, and strike suggestive poses. What is that telling the children about how they present themselves to society? In the other hand, children in pageants can carry over into a multitude of other activities, like dance, drama, music recitals, and future public speaking. A pageant girl usually learns to be comfortable in front of strangers, giving her self-confidence a big boost When little pageant contestants wear heels it unnecessarily pushes their weight forward, causing lower back pain and hindering proper development of the feet. In some cases, these girls are forced to continue wearing heels outside of pageants because their feet have grown in a way that makes wearing other kinds of shoes...
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...Tenacity==>idea is not changing, so in future i) Always been that way true ii) People do not consider the possibility that come of their beliefs might be wrong even if there is conflicting information. iii) Problem: Even when proved wrong, such beliefs are hard to overcome 2. Authority i) We know many things because somebody we trust has given us that information ii) Problem: issue of the credibility the source 3. Intuition i) Self-evident ii) People think something is true because they believe they are insightful(successful from prior experience) iii) Problem * Risks in cost and effort * May be reasonable in thought but not in reality 4. Science (Characteristics of scientific research) i) Public ii) Objective: * has explicit rule and procedure * based on fact, no opinion and interpretation iii) Empirical * Something can be through observation and experience * Can be measured iv) Systematic and accumulative v) Predictive Research procedure: 1) Selection of problem 2) Review of existing research and theory 3) Statement of hypothesis or research question 4) Determination of methodology and design 5) Data collection 6) Analysis and interpretation of data 7) Present the result in an appropriate form 8) Replicate the study Theory:...
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...The Pros of Advertising Food on Television There are several advantages to advertising on television. One of the main ones and the most obvious is visual. You cannot do this on the radio. You can advertise anything on television simply by having an ad run continuously even on just one station. With visuals, people can actually see what they are buying which is one of the main keys to selling your product. You can add audio if you choose too or play audio from the product if that is the type of product you are advertising. It is much easier to get your point across in television add than a radio add. Within the first few seconds of a commercial, you already know if you want to buy the product or not because they will throw everything they have at you within the first 10 seconds. The rest of the commercial is just icing on the cake. Depending on what you are advertising, you have many channels at your disposal. If you are advertising something sports related, you may want to run ads on ESPN, Fox Sports, NBA TV, NFL Network and so on and so forth. If you are advertising something music related, you may want to run ads on BET, MTV, VH1, and channels like those. If you are advertising something to do with cooking, you have a myriad of cooking channels to choose from. The list goes on and on. There is probably a station or two that specializes in whatever you are advertising. If for some reason you cannot get your ad onto one of those major networks, you can go the local...
Words: 1976 - Pages: 8
...Classical Conditioning 4. Impact of Reality Programs on Various Industries i. Food Industry ii. Home Improvement Industry iii. Entertainment Industry iv. Health Industry 5. Involvement Level and Interactivity that affect Viewers Perception v. High Involvement Level vi. Low Involvement Level 6. Conclusion 7. Appendices 8. Reference List 1. Executive Summary This report discusses about the impact of Reality TV shows on viewers. Firstly, the theories that apply to the way in which viewers form their perceptions are discussed. Three different types of theories namely selective perception, consumer learning and classical conditioning will be examined and how they relate to the forming of a viewer’s perception of a Reality TV Show. Secondly, the report also discusses how these programs impact the viewer’s purchasing decisions. Information from four industries was used to evaluate and explained the impact of Reality TV on consumer purchases. Lastly, involvement theory was used to evaluate the impact of involvement to the perception of the consumers/viewers. High-level and low-level involvement consumers/viewers are used in deriving to the answers. 1 2. Introduction Reality TV Show has impacted consumer lives in a huge way. Fashion trends, eating habits, purchasing preferences and lifestyles of viewers have all been influenced by Reality TV Shows. Reality TV Shows also affect viewers’ understanding...
Words: 1863 - Pages: 8
...Print Media Vs Electronic Media We are living in a rapidly developing and modernized era where technology is taking charge in every walks of our life. This technology may come with many advantages and disadvantages as well. Every development is due to rapid modernization, improvement of old administration methods and the use of new technology to make things even better. However with the growing modernization human demand for knowledge is also increasing. Media serves an important role in keeping people informed about the events and innovations around the globe. This information may reach us in two forms, either through print media which is the oldest method, or the other one can be electronic media. With the improvement of electronic media during past few years and daily reports on achievements, electronic media has dominated over print media during past few years. Print media is the oldest form of Mass Media, and still not outdated. Daily about 70% of people start their day by reading newspaper, which is the oldest media around the world. Newspaper gives us information about whole world within few minutes of reading session, with a choice to skip the topics that we are not really interested about. Print Media still forms an important part of Media Industry which has been given a competition by electronic media and a new technology called e-newspaper applications. But still newspaper holds its value even today and is competing strongly with technology backed media. Basically...
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...Edwards 1 Courtney Edwards Research Paper November 13, 2011 Pros and Cons of Sex Education in Schools Sex education in public school has been a controversial issue in the United States for quite a while now. I feel like it really needs to be into schools with so many teen pregnancies, HIV and STD’s cases sex education is needed. Most of the American public believes that sex education should be taught at home by the children’s parents. They feel this way because the sex education programs in schools do not emphasize on abstinence instead they encourage the children to have sex instead. American culture is very sexually oriented. When you turn on your TV or listen to music sex is all you can hear. The pros of sex education in school are countless. Sex education in school gives the kids opportunities to express themselves with their sexuality. It also prevents them from becoming parents at an early age. Each year, U.S. teens experience as many as 850,000 pregnancies, and youth under age 25 experience about 9.1 million sexually transmitted infections (STIs). By age 18, 70 percent of U.S. females and 62 percent of U.S. males have initiated vaginal sex. When expressing comprehensive sex education is effective at assisting young people to make healthy decisions about sex and to obtain healthy sexual behaviors. No abstinence-only-until-marriage program has been shown to help teens delay the initiation of sex or to protect themselves when they do initiate sex. The U.S. government...
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...12 Bibliography 12 Executive Summary MMI Product Placement Inc., established in 1985, is the pioneer in the business of product placement in Canada. MMI leveraged its relationship with the Canadian entertainment industry to incorporate its clients’ brands into films and TV shows. Greyhound, the country’s largest provider of intercity bus transportation, recruited MMI services to provide cost-effective ways to communicate its marketing message to consumers. Philip Hart, president of MMI, was preparing to make a final pitch to sign up Greyhound as client. For Greyhound, the major competitors include VIA Rail, owned automobile, and airline transportation companies. The consumer segmentation can be divided into three groups including college and university students, newer professionals and established professionals. The target market will be age 18 to 24 college and university young professionals. Philip Hart needs to decide which promotional vehicle would be best for Greyhound’s product placement. The alternative choices include to stick with traditional advertising, or product placement on TV series shows like “Corner Gas” or “Canadian Idol”. We would recommend that MMI present Greyhound in the TV series called “Making the Cut”. Problem Statement Philip Hart, president of Toronto based MM1 Product Placement (MM1) is close to signing Greyhound Canada as a client. The main issue is to find the best promotional vehicle, a new show called “Making the Cut” or an already...
Words: 2713 - Pages: 11
...Influence of Visual Media Paper What would this world be without the influence of visual media? People want to see what is going on in the world around them. In the United States people want to watch TV and it has a great influence on culture experiences. People want to keep up with the latest celebrity gossip, and political pros and cons. In today’s society visual media is used in new ways, at one time people were only able to watch TV in their homes, now it’s available on digital televisions, DVD, smartphones, tablets, and computers. At one time there were only three major broadcasting networks available (ABC, NBC, and CBS) for viewing primetime movies and shows in America. These networks would appeal to a general family audience. (Lule, 2012) Visual media is an important aspect in many people lives; it provides entertainment for many people. The entertainment media has shaped the American culture and its values in many different ways. Today the young as well as the old try to mimic what they see celebrities do. If Miley Cyrus Twerked on a YouTube video, and her fans went insane over the video, now the young people who are her fans wants to do the Twerk dance in spite of how ridiculous some may view it as being. Parent have to preview the content their children are watching on TV whether it be in movies, videos, or music. After viewing the video on YouTube it is easy to see why so many young people think it’s cool to perform in such a way that depicts moralism. Today our culture...
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...has been a controversial issue in the United States for quite a while now. I feel like it really needs to be into schools with so many teen pregnancies, HIV and STD’s cases sex education is needed. Most of the American public believes that sex education should be taught at home by the children’s parents. They feel this way because the sex education programs in schools do not emphasize on abstinence instead they encourage the children to have sex instead. American culture is very sexually oriented. When you turn on your TV or listen to music sex is all you can hear. Charles Krauthammer stated. ““Sex oozes from every pore of the culture and there’s not a kid in the world who can avoid it”. After a child is being faced with sex on a daily basis, the child or teen of today will make up their own mind rather or not they want to have sex. I feel that it is so important to make sure that they know all of the pros and cons about sex. Reality-based sexuality education gives...
Words: 412 - Pages: 2
...Diminishing Values of Reality Television Karen Christy ENG122: English Composition II Sara Esquivia May 5th, 2012 Reality television has set low standards for ourselves and our youth in society today, such as glorifying being sixteen and pregnant, how real housewives in the "city" act, and having toddlers look too grown up for their ages. There are still some good values in some programs but there seem to be more diminishing values in reality television shows. Reality television has distorted reality for our children in this society. The show Jersey Shore has little positive values in its episodes. The positive values that are portrayed for teens and young adults to pick up on are loyalty and family importance. Then we have the diminishing values of Jersey Shore. In the show you have a group of young adults who show no regard for caring about what they do to the insides of their bodies. Jersey Shore shows the group binge drinking, which leads to making out with complete strangers and then bringing random people back to the home. Jersey Shore has no talks on the show about using condoms, the different types of birth control out there, or the risks of catching a sexual transmitted disease. The girls run around on the show wearing almost next to nothing and calling it clothing, and the whole group portray sexual activity is no big deal. When teenagers and young adults see this they believe this as being okay for them to repeat. This is not the message we...
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