Action Verbs
It’s like—I could stress out in my early twenties, and get work done and get that assignment in and write down what the professor says, but for what? To go work with my dad in this crazy market? (Enlighten). That does not sound like fun to me! (Urge). So—what? What’s left? Option One—Pull a Davis. Stress about what you are told to do and force an early life heart attack on yourself. Not judging, just saying (Criticize). And there’s Option Two: The Cooper way. Four years? Hell no. Five. Six. Six and a half (Challenge).
I know people. And this way, I end up saving time. (Assert) Why? Because people who opted for Option One work towards retirement, but the high blood pressure and anxiety and the extra bullshit stress decrease the chance of that 401K seeing the light of day (Validate). So us Option Two guys—we’ll cry at your funeral and mutter something about you being too young to die, but those extra three years I took in college, they turn into twenty or forty extra years added to my vacation time called “life.” (Motivate/Persuade). You want a beer? (Ease).
Character Personality
Cooper is most likely a super college senior. He comes from a wealthy family (his father is a CEO). Since he has a place to work for sure once he graduates, he is not worry about school. He doesn't date and doesn't plan to. He’s super laid back kind of person. He likes to take the time to enjoy the things he does. He’s more about being stress-free than being successful. He cares about his relationship with his roommate Davis. He is a smart-ass, doesn't mind an elaborate game of social chess.