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Reamer Reading: Ethical Analysis

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working relationship with personal from other areas of the facility. With regards to patients, Marty admits, “We don’t really need to do much for clients, we accept people from the surrounding neighborhoods, and they are already diverse.” With these diverse peoples, the facility
Ethical Analysis based on Reamer Reading
Client Rights
During the initial assessment interview, clients are provided with a resident’s rights packet. This three page document, outlines information about money management rights, right to request contract services statements (outlines all services and their cost), the right to apply for Medicaid,/Medicare, the right to stay in the facility (regardless of ability to pay), and reviews the rights as a citizen of the United …show more content…
One of the greatest concerns is the storage of documents with sensitive client information. Instead of safely storing patient files, do not resuscitate (DNR) forms, medical records, or other sensitive information in a locked file cabinet or room, there are piles of such documentation is plain sight to anyone who walks into the social service office. In addition to the documentation, many staff discuss sensitive information within the presence of a roommates, in hallways, and on speaker phone with others in earshot of the entirety of the conversation. While this is complicated by the immobility of some patients, closing room doors, in private instead of public areas, or returning to meet when unfamiliar individuals are not present could protect the privacy of many clients. While documentation must be shared between agencies via fax or email, social service staff do well to carefully transmit information by using protected symphony email accounts and/or shredding the documents after they have been faxed. When listening to voicemails, social service workers record messages in a notebook that it put away after it is used, in this way, the information written is not accessible to …show more content…
After their meetings have concluded, social workers move to charting the information gathered into point click care. Charting is a process by which social working comprehensively and carefully interpret all of the information collected to help understand the patient’s circumstance and their needs. To expand on their work, point click care asks about subjective and objective observances relating to the clients affect or behavior at the time of the interview. After this information is imputed to point click care and all accompanying documents are signed and submitted for review, it become available to other managers to access when considering individualized treatment interventions.
Risk Category: No Risk. The facility does well to ensure on necessary document are on file and filled out thoroughly to assist other professional’s make informed decisions regarding client care.

Defamation of

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