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Clinical Reflection

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This has been a good experience for me and I learned a lot since this is my first time having this situation. It is really hard since I could not trust could also not ignore the patients subjective concerns. I learned that in times like these vital signs is the key to detect if the patient is having real pain (Bendall et al., 2011). I need to expand my knowledge by researching about this topic and also by observing the nurses and how they deal with this kind of problem helped me. The only concern that I have is that since the patient is known for his “drug seeking behavior” and his drug seeking problem is that it would be harder to assess and to know if he really is having real pain/chest pain that is why checking his vitals and observing …show more content…
Every time I would check on him he is ether sleeping or with his wife and I do not want to disturb my patient. I could have improved my care and nurturing the well-being of my patient by using the time before or after doing the assessment by initiating conversation and getting to know him beyond his diagnostic, by building trust and letting my patient know that he is not going through it alone. Letting the patient know that he can trust us, he might open up more and we might uncover the underlying cause of his drug seeking behavior so that we can help him get better. His “drug seeking behavior” is not verified yet; I did not get an opportunity to know if they verified it or not. Since it is not verified yet, I viewed him as I would my other patient by responding his calls and making sure to report any symptoms such as chest pain to the assigned nurse. This experience open my eyes that all patient has different culture, perspective in life, different history and in this case my patient might have a drug seeking behavior that is not verified yet; but whatever it is I should put all my assumptions or what the other nurses assumption aside. My priority is about my patients care and to treat them with the same respect and the best quality of care that I would expect if I were in their

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