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Rear Area Operations Research Paper

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Maintaining the balance between the force protection operations in regard of the implementation of warfghting functions into the rear area operations actions will be affected due to the changes of political decisions and evolving nature of the operational environment.

It may sounds easy and executable on first sight and leaves such an impression, but rear area operations have as big burden and value as the close and deep area operations. Rear area operations provide security for personnel, material, facilities and their basic purpose is establishing uninterrupted support and freedom of action of the forces as a whole especially to those forces involved in deep and close area operations extending the operational reach. The working climate, …show more content…
Because of today's asymmetrical environment and irregular threats what type of measures will be taken to safeguard US forces depends on commanders risk management process specifically on its elements the criticality assessment, threat assessment and vulnerability assessment. They can be defensive or offensive in nature but will demand commanders to be more imaginative in their planning in order to keep the adversaries off balance. Defensive measures are considered establishing clear fields of fire and implementing physical security measures such as checkpoints on vehicle and pedestrian routes leading onto the base, concrete barriers, fences, watch towers, ground movement sensors, conducting counterintelligence random searches and controls and active use of available intelligence reconnaissance and surveillance assets. Regarding the defensive measures commanders need to understand that force protection is not based on hiding behind concertina wire but ability to shape their battlespace and understand how the enemy is operating. Force protection is not only about

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