...role was a housewife and mother, and women were not entering the workforce, however, the role of women has drastically changed. Until modern time, legal and cultural practices, combined with longstanding religious and educational conventions restricted women’s entry and participation in the workforce. In today’s society, women populate approximately 47 percent of the United States labor force. While women in the workforce is a modern phenomenon, it would not be possible without the pioneers of the Women’s Rights Movement; however there are still challenges women face, such as gender discrimination. Gender discrimination is treating individuals differently in their employment specifically because the individual is a woman or a man. Currently the federal law, Title VII of the Civil Rights Act of 1964, protects individuals from discrimination based upon sex or gender. This law makes it illegal for an employer to discriminate against individuals because of their gender in the following actions: hiring, firing, and other terms and conditions of employments, such as promotions, raises, and other job opportunities. Title VII covers all private employers, state and local government, and educational institutions that employ more than 15 individuals. Even though gender discrimination is illegal for companies to discriminate against, it seems to still be an issue in the 21st century. The focus of this research paper is on gender discrimination in the technology industry in Silicon...
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...ABSTRACT This paper will look into the reasons of socio-economic inequality of individuals throughout society. The expansive framework of this theme is our class discussion on Stratification. Countless people think of socio-economic inequality specifically as social class. Although this is a part of it, there are many other factors such as gender and racism that contribute to this matter. Furthermore, the overall thesis for this paper is that the causes of socio-economic inequality are caused by more than solely economic factors. The arguments that will support this thesis will be: 1) Gender inequality in the workplace; 2) Discrimination towards age and race 3) Unequal access to education and power; and 4) How the social behaviors of members of society, through forms of discrimination, affect the attitudes of others. This topic has a social relevance, being that countless people around the world are affected by socio-economic inequality. I INTRODUCTION A study done on national income distribution shows that families in the top twenty percent are making 47.2 percent of the nation’s income, while the bottom twenty percent are making only 4.3 percent of it. Correspondingly, ten percent of households in the United States own 68 percent of the nation’s wealth. This proves that there is a problem of uneven distribution of income, and the reasons behind it are due to the social problems society has been facing for centuries. Discrimination against varieties of people has gained so much...
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...problem that is the age discrimination between women and men. In 1939 to 1979 white women made less than 60 % as much as white men. The 40% gape difference decreased these days, but there is still a wage gap between men and women. There are many claims behind the reason of wage discrimination. George F. Will (2000)” Lies, Damned lies and …..” claims that the main cause of wage gap is omen’s decision to establish a family, so that force them to make comprise for raising their children and that leads them to work in flexible jobs with flexible ours that permit them to enter the fast track.. Another article by Allen Goodman (1999) “A New Campaign for Pay Equity” argues that the main reason behind low wages for women is sex discrimination. She supports her point of view by saying that the gender gap between male and female accountants is 201$ a week and bartenders is 48$. Finally, Lester C. Thurow “1981” claims that the system of promotion is the main reason behind the wage discrimination. Thurow says if men discriminate against women they are lowering their own income so there is no sex discrimination. Thurow conclude that the decade between 25 and 35 is when the person succeed in his/her life is the same decade when women think of establishing a family and leave the labor force or become a part – time worker. The system of promotion and skill acquisition extaract an enormous life time price during the decade of 25 to 35. The lack of experience of women and the system of promotion...
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...Running Head: EEOC Sues Extended Stay Hotels for Pay Discrimination Based on Sex Equal Employment Opportunity Commission EEOC Sues Extended Stay Hotels for Pay Discrimination Based on Sex Blair Morse Sociology/315 July 15, 2013 Professor Ms. Anne Tindall EEOC Sues Extended Stay Hotels for Pay Discrimination Based on Sex Abstract In the paper it will discuss why EEOC Sues Extended Stay Hotels for Pay Discrimination Based on Sex. The paper will include the following: A description of the compliance issue that led to the lawsuit and its ramifications for the organization, a brief summary of the functions of the EEOC in one paragraph, the EEOC’s role in this lawsuit, whether or not this lawsuit promotes social change; justify your reasoning, a comparison of the EEOC press release to the news item. What accounts for the differences, and strategies you would implement, if you were a senior manager of this company, to ensure future compliance and inclusion in the multicultural workplace. The lawsuit that I have chosen is about a company paying lower wages because of their gender. According to the EEOC, female guest services representatives at Extended Stay Hotels received lower salaries than male guest services representatives, which, if true, is a violation of the Equal Pay Act of 1963 (EPA) and Title VII of the Civil Rights Act of 1964. The Equal Pay Act requires that men and women in the same workplace be given equal pay for equal work. The jobs...
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...social problem that is a point of my study is Discrimination. Discrimination is the differing characteristics of one not being able to be fair to a group of people or an individual. It is an appalling social issue, which leads to prejudice and poor treatment to a group. Discrimination can cut across gender, social classes, and even races (Aganbegian 2012). However, my research is based on sex discrimination in workplaces and sports. On the other hand, Gender discrimination is the biased treatment of a group or an individual based on their sex and the values in them as fixed by the different cultures in the society. It is worth pointing out that every society has values and norms affixed to each gender in the society. It is all based on the gender stereotype, especially on the female sex. When we refer to sex discrimination against women, we mean that the male gender is deemed more powerful and f greater value than the female gender. At least, a big percentage of society has their standard of evaluating both gender and female sexuality is always disregarded (Todozidevic and Zsolt 2003). The female gender is said to be weak, emotional, and psychologically sensitive. The biases aspect of discrimination makes it a social problem. The factors that make gender discrimination are the fact that women are a group that is vulnerable to most of the social set up. Socially, a woman is taken to be both physically and psychologically weak. In fact, women can never physically assault men because...
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...all about facts and incidents about the harsh truths that lie behind the discrimination and harassment against women in the workplace. Males have predominately rules the workplace on Wall Street and had the perception of having no women take their glory. For years women were filling suits with the EEOC (Equal Employment Opportunity Commission) about the way men were treating them. Women were getting mistreated, demoted, harassed or even fired in some incidents for reasons beyond their control. Robert Thomann is a good example of the mistreatment that was being laid on the female brokers. Thomann was out on 8 weeks maternity leave and when she came back, her branch manager which was known as the tyrant demoted her. Cueno, her branch manager, said that any sexual harassment charges would be deliberated in the Boom, Boom Room which was located in the basement of the firms building. It was a room decorated like a fraternity with a toilet seat hanging on the ceiling. After I read that, I could not believe it. The way the men were acting and treating women is unbelievable. Something needs to change at Thomann and other women keep filling suits against these male dominated managers that were not scared of any repercussions of the way they were acting. They did not think that they were doing anything wrong because their mindsets were all about the males in that industry were better suited. For the women who have been with the same company for over 10 years and have...
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...essential purpose. Our group believes Affirmative Action is fair and we still need it to eliminate discrimination and establish inequality to make our country is a better place. The continued use of affirmative action is still needed to address our existing discrimination and to break down all the barriers to make sure each individual have an equal opportunity so that they can prove themselves in the society as per their talents and abilities. Compare to other countries United States have made significant progress in recent years in creating equal access to opportunity, but we still need to accomplish more. Affirmative action worked as a proven solution that had been addressing existing discrimination and promoting equal opportunity. Ending affirmative action would end the dreams of opportunity for many. “The fundamental purpose of affirmative action is to further equal opportunity and counter or prevent current discrimination. Importantly, affirmative action programs have a positive impact not only on women and people of color, but all members of our society”. This program ensures equality and provides opportunity to many women, people of color, disabled, and veterans. It is a path where they can compete and be evaluated fairly for jobs and education opportunities. The opposition group often argues “Affirmative action leads to reverse discrimination. It is designed to end discrimination and unfair treatment of employees and students based on color, but it in effect does the opposite...
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...There are advantages and disadvantages to offering asylum to women from countries which have legislation that discriminates against women. Perhaps the most important reason to offer asylum to these women is because it is the right and just thing to do for them individually. Everyone has a right to be treated equally no matter the cost. As a democracy and the most powerful country in the world, it is our responsibility and duty to be a leader in women's issues. If we lead, other countries will follow. The most effective way to help these women is to act and by offering asylum to them we are acting. This isn't about politics, it's about peoples' lives. Another benefit to allowing asylum to these women is that it is good for America. Strong economies rely on constant growth. As countries grow richer and more educated, their population growth tends to slow and therefore they rely on immigration to make up for this loss. Having a program that is systematic in bringing in immigrants, while also targeting those that need it the most, fills our duties to lead in human rights and also strengthens our economy. While these are compelling reasons to offer asylum to these disadvantaged women, there are also drawbacks. One important consideration is the cost of such a program. Even with...
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...Appendix C Part I Define the following terms: |Term |Definition | |Discrimination |The denial of opportunities and equal rights to individuals and groups because of prejudice | | |or for other arbitrary reasons. | |Institutional discrimination |A denial of opportunities and equal rights to individuals or groups, resulting from the | | |normal operations of a society. | |Political correctness |Avoidance of expressions or actions that can be perceived to exclude or marginalize or | | |insult people who are socially disadvantaged or discriminated against. | Part II Write a 150- to 250-word response to each of the following questions: 1. How is discrimination different from prejudice and stereotyping? Discrimination is different from prejudice and stereotyping because it denies opportunities and equal rights to an individual or a group. An example of discrimination is that in the early years blacks were not allowed to use the same swimming pool as the whites or restrooms. Prejudice does basically not like someone because of their race, gender, or religion...
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...According to AAUW (American Association of University Women) , an organization promoting the quality and education for women and girls, “While more education is an effective tool for increasing earnings, it is not an effective tool against the gender pay gap.” (AAUW). Women around the world have been facing the Gender Discrimination for many decades. . It has been in the last 100 years of human history , that the women across the world gained the basic civil and political right to vote (Woman all Around the World are Allowed to Vote). In the USA, the process of amending the Constitution, which allowed women a legal right to vote, took a century (America's Historical Documents). Many papers have been written and studies conducted to analyze the reasons behind the gender discrimination. No answer seems to be logical or reasonable but it seems to be the cause of the gender wage gap, affecting women...
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...common term where as gender discrimination is meant only for women, because females are the only victims of gender discrimination. Females are nearly 50 percent of the total population but their representation in public life is very low. Recognizing women’s right and believing their ability are essential for women’s empowerment and development. This study deals with gender discrimination in India, its various forms and its causes. Importance of women in development, legislation for women and solution for gender discrimination are also discussed in this paper. Key Words: gender discrimination, women’s development, legislation for women, education, employment, economic independence, empowerment, decision making and self confidence. GENDER DISCRIMINATION AND WOMEN’S DEVELOPMENT IN INDIA Introduction Gender is a common term where as gender discrimination is meant only for women, because females are the only victims of gender discrimination. Gender discrimination is not biologically determined but it is determined by socially and the discrimination can be changed by the proper and perpetuate efforts. Denial of equality, rights and opportunity and suppresment in any form on the basis of gender is gender discrimination. Half of the world’s population is females. They are doing two-third of work of the total work in the world but received only one-tenth of the world’s total income. Nearly two-third of the women is illiterates and they...
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...Gender Or Are There Other Reasons? Introduction: Are men and women different in terms of workplace behavior, job performance, leadership style, or commitment? Are the differences significant? It’s generally accepted that from the moment of birth , boys and girls are treated differently. Some people still believe that there are creativity, reasoning, and learning ability differences between the sexes. Research has shown that “men and women are generally similar in terms of learning ability, memory, reasoning ability, creativity, and intelligence“. In a study of the preferred leadership style of male and female leaders in 27 countries, it was reported that female managers prefer participative, team oriented, and charismatic leadership dimensions more than males. (2) When society emphasized the difference between the sexes and treated them differently, there were some differences in social behavior. But as society places more emphasis on equal opportunity and treatment, many differences are likely to disappear. Men and women are becoming more alike in terms of workplace behavior. Discrimination against women manifests itself in various forms, including, job segregation, wage gap, denial of career development opportunities, and lack of promotion opportunities. There are some questions that both sides of the debate attempt to answer: whether gender is the main factor in pay differences? or women are not paid lower than men due to gender? If women are to achieve salary equity...
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...Nearly every group of people has been discriminated against at some point in human history. Some of the most common forces driving this relentless continuum are racism, xenophobia, and sexism. In my opinion, sexism has been one of the least resisted and most common forms of discrimination. However, relatively recent movements have begun attempting to create equality for men and women, and have begun shifting the societal views that put women at such great disadvantages. Feminism is the belief in political, economic, and societal equality between the sexes. The name “feminism” can be extremely misleading, as the prefix “fem” implies that the movement is advocating superiority of women. As a result, the main reason resisting feminism is ignorance,...
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...Equality and Women Empowerment in Pakistan Dated: 6-12-2013 SYNDICATE MEMBERS: 1. Dharmoon Bhawani (Leader) 2. Amna Rafique 3. Kamal Khan 4. Nergis Shazia Chaudhary TABLE OF CONTENTS 1. Title………………………………………………………………………………………1 2. Syndicate Members………………………………………………………………………2 3. Table of Contents………………………………………………………………………...3 4. Theme…………………………………………………………………………………….4 5. Preface……………………………………………………………………………………7 6. Thesis Statement…………………………………………………………………………8 7. Executive statement………………………………………………………………………9 8. Abbreviations………………………………………………………………………...….11 9. Introduction……………………………………………………………………………..12 10. Statement of Problems………………………………………………………………….13 11. Methodology……………………………………………………………………………14 12. Scope of Study………………………………………………………………………….14 13. Review of Literature…………………………………………………………………….15 SECTION 1: GENDER EQUALITY AND WOMEN EMPOWERMENT 1.1. Introduction …………………………………………………………………….17 1.2. Definition of Gender Equality and Women Empowerment…………………….17 1.3. Current state of Gender Equality and Women Empowerment in Pakistan……..18 1.4. Biswas’s Indicator of Women Empowerment ………………………………….19 1.5. Violence against Women………………………………………………………..19 1.6. Women Empowerment in Legislation and Judiciary…………………………...20 1.7. The Role of Rural Support Programme Network……………………………….21 1.8. Universal Standard Of Gender Equality And Women Empowerment…………...
Words: 10299 - Pages: 42