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Reasons Why People Attend College


Submitted By jdawg0896
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Pages 3
Reasons why people attend college
Reasons for attending college vary from person to person. In “Articles and Advice”, Jeff McGuire points out that three of the most important reasons are more career opportunities, growth and development, and the opportunity to gain valuable career resources during a person’s time attending college. In recent years the state of the economy has been down, which is leading to job losses and the high increase of unemployment in our country. Making the choice to attend college can give one the opportunity to fulfill his or her dreams and benefit from learning skills one will need in their desired field of study.
The first reason to attend college is for more career opportunities. Attending college and receiving your degree will open doors that may have never been opened if not enrolled. Better careers can also lead to higher wages. If one has a family, this can be important. One may also have all the appropriate skills and knowledge for jobs but may get overlooked without having a college degree. “The U.S. has been transformed from a manufacturing-based economy to an economy based on the knowledge, and the importance of a college education today can be compared to that of a high school education forty years ago,” writes Jeff McGuire.
The second reason people attend college is for growth and development. Interacting with classmates, reading, and writing are all ways to help one grow his or her mind and to develop different techniques to be useful in whatever career path one takes. One may consider themselves average or below average with their school work, but a person that works hard and dedicates themselves in his or her studies will help strengthen their mind.
The third reason for attending college is to gain valuable career resources. Networking in college will help when starting one’s job search for his or her chosen career path. Career fairs and workshops happen periodically throughout communities and once connected with the appropriate people at school one can be notified of such events. Mercer University has an office of career management which does such things. The office is staffed with people that will assist in numerous areas of job searching and preparation. Always keep in mind that the faculty and staff are there to support one’s journey and to make sure one is successful in every aspect of the college experience.
College is definitely a choice one should consider. Career opportunities, promotions, and higher wages are a few important outcomes that can happen with a college degree. “It might help to think of college as a sort of health club-a health club for the mind,” writes Andrew P. Mills in What’s So Good About A College Education? If one had the choice of going to college for a few years and knowing at the end he or she would be rewarded with a degree which can lead to greater things, would they go? College can be thought of as a stepping stone to bigger and better things.

McGuire, Jeff. Articles & Advice. ND. Retrieved from
Mills, P. Andrew. What’s So Good about a College Education? ND. Retrieved from

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