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Attending College

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In today’s society having the opportunity to attend any college of your choice is a highly significant factor when considering one’s future. Whether that's a community college, a four year university, or a trade school, the choices are abundant for those who want to continue their education after high school. Above all else, being able to expand upon educational opportunities and participate in programs benefit individuals who have a desire to better their lives at any age. College gives people a plethora of options for guiding students in the right direction toward potential career options based on a person's chosen major. Even if you remain undecided along the way, people have the chance to explore careers and take classes that will help …show more content…
Obtaining a degree from a particular college is a step towards achieving the desired occupation someone may want to pursue in the near future. For the most part, many higher quality jobs require people to have at the bare minimum a bachelor's degree. Not to mention that possessing a bachelor's degree can play a factor for someone having a higher salary than someone who did not attend college at all. The U.S. job market is exceedingly competitive, especially when you consider the applicants who apply for certain jobs. Earning a degree can potentially help someone’s chances of securing an entry-level job. The immediate effects result in a greater chance of earning a particular job opening. With a degree employers assume you are qualified for the job and have the specific skills necessary to perform your job to the best of your ability. Having a degree makes an excellent impression on your employer and can factor in on their decision to hire you potentially. While in the process of earning your degree, your major might require you to take courses that will help you improve upon certain skills needed for a type of occupation. People who posses a degree, are really preparing themselves for their career by learning their duties and skills necessary in order to perform their job efficiently. Having a degree opens the door for you to choose a particular job related to that field of study. A person may have …show more content…
For me, being able to socialize and interact with people while on campus can help my experience while I attend college. Having a close social circle can help you have a more enjoyable experience while you attend. Most college campuses are diverse and include people from many nationalities and backgrounds. Exposure to new cultures can help you learn and know people on a better level. Social interaction in particular for me helps me gain greater self confidence in myself. By interacting with new people I can increase my knowledge and learn from other people's experiences, it helps me become a better individual. It can also be a stress reliever for some people who feel that having conversations with friends can improve their performance on school

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