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Interpersonal Skills Assessment Paper

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1. Think about your DISC profile, your interpersonal skills assessment, the Big Five Personality test, and the Hartzell assessment. Do you feel like these are an accurate representation of your skills and nature? Why or why not?
I can honestly say that taking all of these assessments were pretty spot on to who I am as a person because I do view myself as a caring person and do care about how others view who I am. I try putting people’s feeling in front of my own and tend to not open up about how I truly feel about something to not hurt someone else’s feelings.
2. Considering your self-assessment, the DISC profile, the interpersonal skills assessment, the Big Five Personality test, and the Hartzell assessment, what strengths would you bring to an instructional collaboration? …show more content…
3. Considering your self-assessment, the DISC profile, the interpersonal skills assessment, the Big Five Personality test, and the Hartzell assessment, what are some areas might you need to work on strengthening and how will you work on strengthening them?
I feel that some areas that I personally may need to work on is to not take things so personally and to be able to express my feelings without feeling that others are judging me negatively.
4. Based on the reading (Haycock, 2010), which of the five main points of power are you most likely to be able to exert at this time? Which will you need to work on the most to improve?
I feel that I am able to exert Relationship Power due to me being able to take others feeling into consideration and can quickly develop friendships pretty quickly. I know I can get better Task Power by having the confidence within myself to be able to learn new things and be able to teach others those new things that I have

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