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Why Am I Attending College Research Paper

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In our every day routine, we are destined to hear the word College, college, and college. The main drive and goal of many students including myself at this age is getting into a top-notch college virtually guaranteeing future success. However for me, college is a whole new ball game and is not only important for future success, but a broader and bigger bubble. My background actually plays a huge role on why college is important to attend. I come from an immigrant family who has worked day and night to earn money. My mother is both educated and have associate’s degree from India. My dad is educated, but has not gone college. I will be the first one to go to college in America, the country of opportunity. My family’s dearth of education yields that my family background plays an important role in the reason for me to attend college. Attending college is important for me because my parents lacked a phenomenal education, which comes down for me to carry my family pride and attend a rigorous college. …show more content…
I am passionately engrossed in the science, and specifically, the body part that runs our body the way it does, the brain. I have a deep interest in neurological research and have dreamed of becoming a neurosurgeon. This learnéd interest is an easy to thing to say, but arduous task to overcome. This interest of mine requires an education that is more than just hard, but actually rigorous. Ultimately, this bring me to the point of going to college and the importance of achieving such a goal demands me to go to college, but also medical school, residency and passing the MCAT. All these future goals start with the smallest and dimmest star, college to achieve the biggest star, Alpha Centauri or the final edition, a

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